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Boblin, Maybold and The Ride

Boblin is a goblin smarter than most whose's ideals, similar to those who once adopted him, are to make an unified state of all the goblinoids. He is dexterous, cunning; some would say implacable. Once on its first adventures, he'd seize a bandit hideout, freeing all of the goblins inside, using an assortment of caltrops, gunpowder, oil, flour, torches and his signature weapons, a dagger and a shortsword. Once the goblins, under his instructions, fled to "his land", he found a locked up Dire Wolf, which he would feed until it was tame, saddle up, and name it "The Ride".
The Ride has definitely seen better days, but despite it's non-prime age, it is still a fast and more than anything strong wolf. Fed many times by Boblin (and trying to eat him and failing a couple times), it understood that his food giver was a powerful asset for the hunt. It no longer needs a rope around it snout, and it will attempt to brutally murder whoever touches Boblin.
On another adventure, Boblin needed money to fund many items for his new state, so he did the unthinkable, raid an actual dragon's hideout, with The Ride. The cave was swarmed by kobolds, both regular and winged. One of the winged kobolds was tired of just watching the cave and gathering food for his master, and when she saw this goblin, she was fascinated. The implacableness, the dexterity of this goblin, risking everything for his goal, and giving its all to succeed. On his way out and with a bag of gems, platinum coins, and a pair of new weapons, whilst fleeing from a red dragon, he was surrounded by kobolds.
The ride could escape, pushing his way through the kobolds, but Boblin could die in the process. Maybold recklessly decided she was in love and went to the rescue, she needed to escape this slavery, flying in right before the red dragon burned them to a crisp, and carried Boblin to the exit, dodging spears, stones and spews of fire while The Ride ran below them. With her now tired wings she slept on Boblin's money bag on The Ride, on the ride home.
From thereonafter, Boblin, Maybold and The Ride have become inseparable, and a symbol of freedom for both his races, and a respectable asset for the hunt of the wolves.
Main Weapons:
Chain Melter (Dagger), when piercing a target, this dagger bursts in flames. This flame burst will kill any human without immediate medical attention, the weapon uses a charge, can store 5, recharges 2 daily. Otherwise, if the attunned creature swings it, it will sear whatever it touches, and if pressed against metal for a minute, it will melt it (up to thorium).
Freedom (Short Sword), while wielding this sword, the attuned creature's agility is increased, and allows him to jump and dash (from 10ft to 30 ft) with bursts of flaming wind. The creature can use it as many times as its body can handle the heat (which for Boblin is about 5 times in succcesion before needing to cool down). He can also create a small wall of fire that will burn wooden projectiles, melt ice ones, and heat those that cannot be disintegrated; this wall lasts 6 seconds, and can be used every 18. Otherwise, this sword is just hot to the touch.
As magic weapons, these are immune to non-magical wear while attuned to.
Deceit (Robes), while the user is in darkness, it gains darkvision (30ft), and its robes creates 2 illusions of his movements, making him harder to hit and easier for him to hit. In dim light, the user can use this once every 24 seconds, and the illusion lasts for 6. After leaving dim light, the user can use this once before needing to recharge. The robes are resistant to fire.
Goblin Inventions:
"Fireworks!" consists of a bag filled with a mixture of flour, funpowder and oil. Once hit with fire, the bomb will explode with fire, burning the air and leaving small trails of burning oil for 6 seconds afterwards. Boblin usually has 3 of those, extra secured from fire below his robes. Boblin and Maybold have practiced exploding these in mid-air.
"Spicy Legos" (Caltrops) Just metallic caltrops coated in oil and flour, not there to poison, but to be easier to light up, making a flaming spot for a second or two.
The Ride:
Main Weapon:
Jaws of a Wolf: This guy bites, very hard, can and will tear a regular human's arm off, if needed.
Fangs of a Dragon: This good boi has some custom dentures. Its snout is immune to fire and, depending on the wolf's intentions, they heat up to steel melting point, able of burning easily flammable things, and melting thorium.
Unicorn Helmet: The Ride hates, detests, absolutely despises this embarrassing piece of Omega wolf armor. He refuses to wear it. But when he does, and gets a running start, he can break non-magical boulders as big as double his size.
Main Weapon:
A Fucking Gun (Slingshot), named by Boblin to intimidate humans and stuck with it. On command, things thrown from this slingshot will be lit ablaze 5 feet from departure, and will curve up to 30 degrees to follow its target (only when the blaze command is given).
Icefang Bow (Or as Maybold likes to call it, Cupid's Bow) (Longbow), this bow can be used like a bladed weapon up close. Piercing something with its blade will unleash a tiny blizzard, with the force to push a regular human 30 feet away. Hitting anything with the bow (be it with an arrow or the blade) will frostbite the target. Finally, the weapon has 5 charges, reganing 2 each day. Expending a charge unleashes a frost dragon's breath either in a 30 degree, 20 foot long cone or a 45 ft long line, freezing its targets solid were they to die from the cold.
Quick Material Description, Mithral:
A mythical metal, slightly stronger than Steel, as light as Aluminum. It is vaguely blue, but definitely gray in color.
Mithral padded leather armor: This armor is surprisingly light, and it's durable enough so that Maybold can use her wings as a fireproof shield. The mithral sections cover her wings (mithral sheets), her chest (mitharl plate), and her extremities (armbraces, clawed gloves, "boots?"). All these are interconnected by special leather (not quite fire resistant or immune, but it won't catch fire easily)
Dragon's Reach (Clawshot): This artifact launches a metal claw with a chain to where it is pointed, locking the claws closed on impact or upon reaching the maximum chain length (45 feet). The chain then retracts. The chain must be heated up until it is fire red before launching. The heating process takes 6 seconds of spinning, and it maintains its heat unless it is not launched for 18. For the purpose of the artifact in itself, the chain is weightless, it cannot be broken by nonmagical means. Freezing the extended chain renders the artifact unusable (and the chain unretractable) until it is unfrozen.

Whole Team Inventory:
Bag Of Holding, an extradimensional storage bag, usually carried by The Ride.
4 Potions, a medkit, a camping set, and a scroll of his state.
submitted by Kiroto50 to BossfightUniverse [link] [comments]

SG students' diary 20210119 Sana

SG students' diary 20210119 Sana
Title: My ideal house!
Hello. It’s middle school 3rd grade talk chairperson Shiratori Sana.
How has everyone been spending their time lately?? Has there been anything interesting or fun? I’ve been watching old Sakura Gakuin videos lately and laughing at them. There’s a video that I’m particularly interested in. That is the episode of Freash[sic] Monday where you show your ideal house. I’ve alllllways wanted to do that!! So I’m going to show off my ideal house this time💗💗💗💗💗💗
What do you think?? This is my ideal house! It’s a house where I put in all of my hobbies and things I love!! What kind of house would you guys want?💗 Of course, I like the house I just showed off but in the end I love the house I’m currently living in the most! The house that my family has gotten used to living in is the best!! I feel safe when I come home and it feels warm. When I was small and I was scared of going to the toilet, my mom said “Mama protects this house so it’ll be fine”【I think this part was written in Kumamoto dialect?】 to me. After that I was able to go by myself. The house is filled with memories so I feel relaxed when I get home💜 When I become an adult, I want to create a warm house like my mom.
submitted by KaigaiFukei to SakuraGakuin [link] [comments]

5 rules to deliver an unforgettable “I love you”

This morning I woke up #excited by the #anniversary that falls today: #valentine2021! Whether you want it or not, Valentine’s Day stirs the #hearts and colors all cities red and fills them with hearts. You feel united by the #power of love and even if you live it daily, the feeling is amplified by celebrating it all together.
Read more about The 5 rules to deliver an unforgettable “I love you”
submitted by InbornVoice to inbornvoice [link] [comments]

Mod Announcement: Coming this Sunday, an AMA with Erik Anders Lang of "Adventures in Golf" and Random Golf Club!

Hey everyone, Erik Anders Lang reached out to us and asked if he could do an AMA this weekend in preparation for the upcoming 5th season of "Adventures in Golf" on Skratch TV's YouTube channel! The plan now is for for Erik to answer questions on Sunday October 25th from 11am to Noon Central time (Noon-1pm EDT). The AMA may go up a day or so ahead of time to start collecting questions, but he should be responding live during that time period. We're excited to have him so start thinking up some good questions!
Link to Adventures in Golf YouTube
Link to Random Golf Club YouTube channel
Link to EAL on Instagram
NOTE: THIS IS NOT THE AMA THREAD. This is just an announcement and the actual AMA thread will be posted by Erik (u/erikanderslang) later this week. Any questions posted in here won't be posted in the actual thread so keep an eye out to post later on this week or come back live on Sunday at 11 Central!
submitted by GreenWaveGolfer to golf [link] [comments]

1307th Just Used 5 Minutes of Your Day

"John used to live with his father, but now he’s bought a house."

The Tlingit Decessive and ‘Discontinuous Past’: The Curious Implicatures of Optional Past Tense
Remember to try to comment on other people's langs!
submitted by mareck_ to conlangs [link] [comments]

Nugu Roundup #48 - On Again Off Again - 200719 + Album Giveaway

Hello and welcome to the latest Nugu Roundup!
What is this?: This is a weekly feature designed to highlight the unknown/underappreciated groups and soloists working hard in the Kpop world that often fall under the radar. Please share your own information, favorite performance videos, fanmeet stories, or anything else relevant below!
Last week we got to know the socially conscious idol group Flor_us. This week let's check out a boy group who was recently on MNet's Road to Kingdom, let's spend some time with ONF!
Look at the first comment below for the winner of the third Nugu Roundup Album Giveaway, plus details on this week's album up for grabs!
What is Nugu?: While in Korean it literally means 'Who' in the broader Kpop context it refers to groups that are generally unknown amongst the greater public. It doesn't have to mean they're extremely new, though it can, and there are of course varying degrees of 'unknown' which some groups having very strong niche fandoms and others being almost invisible. I take a fairly broad view and will include groups that may be known to some, but who don't have widespread name recognition.
Let's get on with the show...
Who are they?: ONF is a six member boy group under WM Entertainment. Their name means 'On N Off' meaning they want to show different sides of themselves as if they were turning on and off. The group is subdivided into two three-member lines, the vocal-centric 'On' line, and the dance/performance-centric 'Off' line. Their fandom name is Fuse, which they say is a combination of 'ONF' and 'Muse' meaning their fans are their inspiration, plus a Fuse protects and electrical circuit and in the same way they protect each other.
Company: WM Entertainment is most well known for the girl group Oh My Girl and the long-running boy group B1A4. The company was founded by singer Lee Won-min, previously known as Kim Jung-soo, who was a singer himself and former manager of 1st-gen girl group Papaya.
Group Interviews
Debut: August 1st, 2017 with On/Off (MV) Live Stage (link) Dance Practice (link)
Most Recent Comeback: October 7th, 2019 with Why (MV) Special (choreo) MV (MV) Live Stage (link) Dance Practice (link)
Other MVs and Releases
YouTube Channel: ONF Official
Random Stuff
Trivia: The group came in 2nd place overall in the recent MNet competition show Road to Kingdom, losing out to The Boyz who will be moving to the full Kingdom competition show. The group's first stage appearance was as backup dancers for B1A4 in the 2016 Dream Concert. The group has toured around the world including Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, France, Switzerland, Russia, and Bulgaria. They had plans to do a Latin America tour, but it was canceled due to COVID-19. Other candidates for the group's name before debut were MeToo and Zero. The group has had large gaps between comebacks due to various issues but has recently been gaining attention due to their appearance in Road to Kingdom.
Soloist of the Week
Who is she?: A Japanese female soloist under Estimate Entertainment. She has had a varied career in Japan before moving to Korea to further pursue music in the Korean Market. Her Korean solo releases have been in the City Pop genre.
Company: Estimate Entertainment represents Yukika as well as Soloist Sungtae. They also represent composers ESTi (known primarily for writing game music, but has also written for Yukika, the IDOLMASTER Project Kdrama, and most recently Dreamcatcher's game-CF song R.o.S.E BLUE), Seibin (also known primarily for writing music for games), and Benicx (no info found). In addition the represent voice actress Gyeyun Lee and voice actor Kim Hyesung.
Real Name: Teramoto Yukika
Age: 27 (IA)
Solo Debut: February 22nd, 2019 with Neon (MV) Live Stage (Link)
Most Recent Comeback: July 9th, 2020 with Yesterday (MV)
Other Releaes
YouTube Channel: Yukika Official
Random Stuff
Trivia: Yukika first entered the entertainment as a teen model for Japanese magazine Nicola, a fashion magazine targeted at teen girls. She appeared in the live-adaptation of the Shojo Ramen ChocoMimi alongside AKB48 member Masuyama Kayano and then worked as voice actress for a variety of anime projects. After finishing school she came to Korea and took part in The [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]), a drama that resulted in the project group Real Girls Project which she also took part in. She competed in MixNine, leaving in the 2nd round. She says she has the food tastes of an old man and has had good luck going to restaurants where she sees a lot of old men eating. She is fond of gopchang and makchang (grilled intestines), sundae (blood sausage), chicken feet, bone soups, grilled pork belly, and liver dishes. She is a fan of the Swedish cartoon character Moomin. She taught herself Korean after joining The IDOLM@STER show and fuller immersed herself to learn quickly, refusing to speak in Japanese to her family and friends in Japan. She is a fan of the game League of Legends and in an interview with noteworthy streamer of the game he mentioned that her ability to trash talk while playing makes her almost Korean.
Who were they?: A four member girl group under IN Entertainment and Narda Entertainment. They were plagued by a rapid succession of member changes during their short run, having 9 members come through the group during three years.
Active Between: April 2015 - Sometime in 2019
Reasons for Disbanding: While no official statement was given, the rapid-fire membership changes and reliance on collaborations with other groups along with switching companies seems to indicate a lack of financial stability for the group.
Trivia: Member Dohee, who has also gone by Blue Berry and Solhee, has been involved in other groups including ICIA, Scarlet, and Pocket Girls. She is now a soloist and recently released Rain Drop (audio). Member Amin, who has also been a member of Honey Girls, HeyMiss, and Fantastie, was recently announced as a new member of HeyGirls using the stage name Jein following the departure of original member Jandi and member Siyeon. ___________________________________________________
That's it for today, let's get the discussion on!
As always, if you have any suggestions for groups, content, or things you'd like to see, please let me know in the comments below.
Also as always, a big shout-out to u/not-named-in-credits for founding nugutown and u/sharnaranwan for continuing the work over there.
submitted by tutetibiimperes to kpop [link] [comments]

Watch the Live Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: Cinematic World Premiere Trailer

Ubisoft will unveil its newest addition to the Assassin’s Creed franchise.
Live link :
It starts at 16:45 UTC+2 (14:45 UTC) but the trailer will be shown 15 min later
Since Ubisoft is really supportive of Stadia, there is very little doubt that this game will released on Stadia
submitted by howling92 to Stadia [link] [comments]

The Boston Shinkendo Scandals

The Boston Shinkendo Scandals
The first post we do related to the Boston Martial Arts scene will be focused on the infamous Boston Shinkendo Shoshinkan dojo located in the Chinatown district.
Boston Shinkendo exploits have recently come to light after a series of postings were published on the very well respected website: here are links to those articles
Boston Shinkendo Toxic Sensei
Boston Shinkendo Horror at Honbu Dojo
Boston Shinkendo Boot Licker
These article are definitely recommended reading if you are doing research into the Boston Shinkendo dojo.
This school isn't thought of highly by most martial arts practitioners, and when you interview current or former students you get the same feedback... DRAMA! NOTHING BUT DRAMA!
The Sensei whom many have nicknamed "Little Shafty" is rumored to be a serious megalomaniac who only cares about appealing to the Soke of the International Shinkendo Federation (Yukishiro Obata) and not a lot of focus on producing quality martial artists.
The drama is so bad at Boston Shinkendo there are reports of the Sensei meddling in peoples personal lives, asking for LinkedIN business references and even recently a scandal on the YELP website around fake reviews and censorship.
The style of Shinkendo is basically a rip off of Toyama Ryu and while the ISF doesn't claim to be a Koryu or "traditional old school" art, the Boston Shinkendo Sensei tries to play it off to prospective students as if it is a "TRADITIONAL JAPANESE DOJO" which it most certainly IS NOT.
There are even online meetings and monthly get together of students who want nothing to do with the Sensei and train together, and or discuss how horrible their experiences were at Boston Shinkendo.
Here is a list of resources you may wish to look into should you want more information about Boston Shinkendo Dojo
Shinkendo USA
Unhappy Boston Shinkendo Student Meetup
Boston Shinkendo Exposed
There are plenty more, but these give you the basic set of details for you individual research.
Overall our assessment of this Dojo is its not recommended.
No need for DRAMA in your martial arts training!
submitted by MartialArtsReview to u/MartialArtsReview [link] [comments]

Type me please! INFP vs INTP (with Youtube vids)

Hi everyone!
Long post I know, I've tried to format it to make it digestible! I used the recommended questions in the pined post.

I've been hesitating for a long time between those two types. I believed I was an INFP, but after some people suggested INTP, and after digging more into it, I think I'm more of an INTP. I could use your opinions!
I've taken a whole lot of tests, it's oscillating between INTP and INFP, but I think I'm biased. I've also researched a lot the cognitive functions. Fi and Ti especially.
Here is my youtube channel to help you see me talking, moving, etc. And yes it's mostly about INFP content ahah.. So I need to make up my mind before going on!

It can be boring to read everything, but if you want more information about myself, you can check the following sections:
• How old are you? What's your gender? Give us a general description of yourself.
I'm 29yo, male. See my channel for more.

• Describe your upbringing. Did it have any kind of religious or structured influence? How did you respond to it?
I did not have any religious upbringing, and I never believed in any gods, at least not a god who would be watching us from above. It didn't make sense for me, and I always have a more scientific view. Lately though, I'm well into spirituality, after reading books such as "the power of now". I do believe there is a greater intelligence, force.

• What do you do as a job or as a career (if you have one)? Do you like it? Why or why not?
Okay, this is where it's a bumpy road lol.
I was very good at school, good grades, loved maths, physics, sciences. I was good in languages, not so much in philosophy, essays and all. I was average in those, because they didn't interest me that much.
After high school I did a prep school and then an engineer school, and I became a mechanical engineer. Again, I did very well in engineering school, not so much in prep school because the level was very high.
I worked for 3 years as a mechanical engineer, but soon I was so tired and bored. Main reasons being working for a boss who treated people like shit, working for an oil & gas company, so for something that I despised. So I was not feeling useful, I had no meaning. I had a good salary, but I was miserable.
I decided then to quit my job, and went travelling in New Zealand for a year. It was awesome. I really enjoy the freedom, the nature, and helping people with simple tasks, simple life. While I was over there, I started to learn code again (I already started when I was in high school, really enjoyed it), and started to consider switching career and work in computer science. I've always been very good with computers and most of the time people ask me when they have issues.
When the travel year was over, I had to return to my home country (France) and decide what to do. I didn't want to go back in a corporate world. The last experience was too much.
So I tried to build my own online business, with affiliate marketing, to help people change their lives for the better, live a more meaningful life etc..
It was not for me. But I realized I liked personal development, and helping people by sharing what I discovered. I found a hypnotherapy training online, with Marisa Peer, and I enrolled.
I really loved learning about it. But, 5 months later, after several practice sessions, something kicked in : I realized I didn't like that much helping people one on one. Most of the time, hearing about people's problems would bore me, make me uncomfortable. Even on one session where I helped the other person a lot, I didn't feel that much satisfaction.
So I questioned myself a lot, and today, I'm ready to go back to work as an engineer, but with computers. I want to be a software engineer. I realized I needed the logic/analytic part AND the people/help part. The way I see it, I'll be able to work on meaningful projects, while satisfying my thirst for tech and reflection. And yes I really like coding, computers and tech.

• If you had to spend an entire weekend by yourself, how would you feel? Would you feel lonely or refreshed?
I really don't mind being alone, I even tend to lose track of time, getting immersed in new ideas to explore. Sometimes when I find a good book about the current subject I'm studying, I can read it in 2 days and forget everything else. But after a while, I feel the need to reconnect with my friends.

What about people?
I enjoy being around people, but not for too long. I need time alone. I don't like small talk, I usually don't make the first step to people I don't know. I'm an introvert but when I decide, I can really seem like an extrovert, being at the center of the attention, quite witty and outgoing.

• What kinds of activities do you prefer? Do you like, and are you good at sports? Do you enjoy any other outdoor or indoor activities?
My main activities are TV shows, video games, reading personal development books, fiction books. I also enjoy outdoor activities but I have to push myself to do them. I really enjoy adrenaline based activities and also nature so: motorcycling, hiking, walking, climbing. I also do a bit of fitness to stay fit.

• How curious are you? Do you have more ideas then you can execute? What are your curiosities about? What are your ideas about - is it environmental or conceptual, and can you please elaborate?
I'm pretty curious, I tend to have lots of ideas, but sometimes I can see myself as not very creative. For example, when I was working as a mechanical engineer, I struggled with coming up with realistic solutions. But now I feel it was more because of a lack of confidence, and a belief that I was not in the field that mattered to me.
I usually start projects enthusiastically, but I struggle to finish them. I was seeking a lot "the perfect path", just to be disappointed when interest started to fade away. I'm more aware now that it's normal and that anything valuable will come with efforts at a certain point.

• Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be?
I don't think so. Being assertive and managing people is not natural to me. If I was a leader, I would let people a lot of freedom, I like to make people feel good and I like to have a peaceful atmosphere. I struggle as soon as I have to deal with conflict, that's not my strength.

• Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some form? Describe your activity?
I feel pretty much coordinated. I enjoy working with my hands. I help my father in doing manual labors such as painting, fixing houses, gardening and all. I enjoy it because it focuses me on the present, and I'm often in the future, in my head.
I like it because I believe these are useful skills to have, but I find it not challenging enough, not stimulating enough. I feel like I would waste my potential if I were to do this as a career for example.
I also do the maintenance of my motorcycle and car myself, and quite enjoy it. Because I can say I have the skills and it makes me feel proud. But it's more simply practical for me. I will not do manual tasks in my freetime, for fun for example.

• Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particular artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer.
I'm somewhat artistic. I liked to draw when I was a kid and was decent at it. I still like it but I don't practice.
I'm sensible to art in heavy CGI films, I find it fascinating and amazing what they can do. For example, this trailer left me like "WOOOOW" :
I'm also sensitive to art in video games, movies, and landscapes. But that's more about the emotions that are conveyed. I really enjoy video games for the experience and atmosphere they can bring. Life is strange or Bioshock Infinite are good examples.
I also like music, I play Guitar, I started 6 months ago.

• What's your opinion about the past, present, and future? How do you deal with them?
Past: I don't really dwell on it. I try to extract the lesson from it and move on. I like to recall good memories with friends though. I'm quite nostalgic sometimes.
Present: I'm not very aware of it. Always in my head. Starting meditation helped me a little.
Future: Kind of obsessed with it... Constantly thinking about the next goal, about what to do with my life, about the right path...

• How do you act when others request your help to do something (anything)? If you would decide to help them, why would you do so?
In general, I think about different ways to solve the "problem"

• Do you need logical consistency in your life?
I struggle to define "logic", that's why I'm confused between INTP and INFP I guess, but after thinking about it yes I believe logical consistency is important for me. I'm trying to make sense of everything, I see the events of my life as pieces of a puzzle, and I try to make them fit all together.

• How important is efficiency and productivity to you?
I'm kind of a big procrastinator. So being productive for the sake of it doesn't really interest me.
But when I'm at it and when I decide to be productive, I feel like a machine, unstoppable.

• Do you control others, even if indirectly? How and why do you do that?
Not at all. It's really important that people let me be independent, I hate when they try to control me, I want to make up my own mind. So I try to do the same for others. I respect their ways and let them be.
The only times where I try to control people is when they're stepping over my boundaries and prevent me from doing something. But even then, most of the time I won't say anything and keep it inside.

• What are your hobbies? Why do you like them?
Video games: escape, dreams, good moments with friends
Reading: learning, discovering, escape
Motorcycle: feel alive, present moment, escape (again ahah)
Coding: thinking, creating, exploring, infinite possibilities
Youtube channel: creating, sharing my experiences, helping people, community

• How good are you at strategizing? Do you easily break up projects into manageable tasks? Or do you have a tendency to wing projects and improvise as you go?
I prefer to go with the flow, no planning. Thinking about a planning is painful and is not my default mode. But I know that it's important sometimes, and when I decide to create a strategy, I think I'm pretty good at it.
For example: I can spend hours creating the perfect morning routine, stick with it for 1 week, and then going back to freestyle ahah

• What are your aspirations in life, professionally and personally?
Professionally: I want a career where I can have an impact, use creativity, work for something greater and bigger than me. I like it when I work with a team and that we're all on the same page, working towards a greater goal. I find it exhilarating. Ideally, I'd like to be my own boss one day, but having to organize myself, discipline myself is a downside as I don't know if I'll be able to do it.
Personally: I want to always be learning and growing, I just want to be able to enjoy life and be happy. Being able to travel from time to time would be the dream. Regarding a romantic partner, finding a girl who shares the same interests, curious, easy-going, open-minded, smart is my goal.

• What are your fears? What makes you uncomfortable? What do you hate? Why?
Usually, I suffer from social anxiety, but it's gotten better lastly. I'm not very comfortable with new groups of people, and even with trusted friends, after a long time without seeing them, I might be awkward at first.
I think I'm afraid of being judged, seen as lazy or lost.
I think my biggest fear is feeling lost until the end of my life. Even though most of the time I feel hopeful, there are some dark times where I just want it to end.
I really struggle with dealing with emotions. I feel deeply but at the same time sometimes I'm not able to show empathy. For example the other day I've seen my mother crying and I didn't know what to say. I felt clumsy.
• What do the "highs" in your life look like?
Easy going, fun, clear mind. Most of the time coming from a sense of self-worth, being on the right path. Feeling like anything is possible. Balanced life between social, personal and professional.

• What do the "lows" in your life look like?
Being lost, being alone, don't know what to do, feeling misunderstood, feeling alone even surrounded by people. Can even lead to suicidal thoughts for a microsecond.

• How attached are you to reality? Do you daydream often, or do you pay attention to what's around you? If you do daydream, are you aware of your surroundings while you do so?
I daydream a lot, but I'm not working full time at the moment, so I have a lot of free time. But usually, I'm not very aware of my surroundings. I have to make a conscious effort to be aware of my surroundings.

• Imagine you are alone in a blank, empty room. There is nothing for you to do and no one to talk to. What do you think about?
I think I might meditate, and then reflect on what I can do in this situation. Why am I here? Is there a reason? Will a be able to get out?

• How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it?
It's taking me quite a long time. And I change my mind a A LOT before going for it.

• How long do you take to process your emotions? How important are emotions in your life?
As I said I struggle with emotions, they make me uncomfortable. For example, several of my previous girlfriends told me that I was like a robot because I didn't felt the same thing they did.
But on the other hand, sometimes I can get very emotional and cry in front of a movie or even commercial... ahah
I believed I was an INFP because I feel deeply sometimes, and I'm constantly checking how I feel, or at least I'm constantly aware when something is off. But I'm not really sure this means being Fi dominant.
Also, I can recall several times in my life where my feelings were so strong that I felt like following them was obvious (my first girlfriend, followed my feelings even though it was not the right thing to do. Last girlfriend, same: strong feelings but it ended 2 months later, and finally, the hypnotherapy training, where I was very excited at the beginning, "felt" it was the right thing, but it wasn't)

• Do you ever catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why?
Yes, sometimes. Especially when it's someone I don't know. I need to understand the other person first , before knowing how to react. For example if I think there is very little chance that the person will understand my point of view or that it can lead to a healthy debate, I won't even bother to disagree.

• Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged, or that they know better? If you do break rules, why?
I sometimes break rules when I believe they're absurd, or when these rules are trying to control me or tell me what to do, but they make no senses or are even stupid.

That's it! Thanks a lot really if you read until there! I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this! Is there clear signs of what type I am?

submitted by TheGreatMikou to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

The websites I use to earn noney.

I want to start of by saying a huge thank you to everyone in this sub, for helping me out. I will have referral and non referral links below, so feel free to pick which one.
Swagbucks: It’s a GPT website, that also has surveys. It’s got ok pay, but what makes it shine are the extra things like swagstakes and swago. Pays out by PayPal or visa or gift cards, minimum payout is £5
Ref (Once you earn 300sb, we both get 300sb (around £3) extra)
Ysense: Definitely one of my favourites for surveys. A bit better pay than swagbucks, however you occasionally get DQed (only at the beginning). If you do 2 surveys for the day you get a good percent of your earning from the day added on to your total. Minimum payment is £3, pays gift cards and PayPal.
InstaGC: Another GPT website, good pay and quite a bit of options to pick from. A nice feature is you get a small percent your earnings as a bonus every week. They have a wide range of things you can do and the minimum payment is £1.
GG2U: Another GPT website, one of the best pays for surveys and offers. Minimum payment is $7.
Ref A lot of good offers, you need to earn a certain amount before you can unlock surveys. It also has one of the best paying offers, that often pay less on other survey websites. They pay via Bitcoin, which can be transferred to paypal or a bank account.
Ref (extra $1)
Qmee: One of the best survey websites, they constantly have surveys available. Not the best pay, but there is no minimum payment for PayPal, also offers gift cards. If you add their extension, you also get payed to search certain things.
Ref (we both get 50p each, when you first cash out on PayPal)
Prolific: Hands down the best paying survey site. They offer a minimum of £5 per hour (often higher) and pay via PayPal. One downside is due to how good the pay is, survey spots are often filled within seconds or minutes of coming out.
PopulusLive: One of the better paying sites. They send an email for an invite and they pay £1 per 5mins. Minimum payment is quite high though, at £50, they send via BACS or Cheque.
Panelbase: Not a lot of people know this website. It has really good pay (often between £1-10 per survey). Minimum payment is £10 and pays to a bank account.
Viewsbank: A decent site for surveys. They also have minipolls, which some pay 10p for one click. Minimum payment is £12 and they send via BACS.
Opinium survey: Really good site. They send emails for survey invitations and pay 25p per minute. However minimum payment is quite high at £25.
I-say: Decent pay and pays via a range of gift cards. It also has an app available. Minimum payment is £5.
Lifepointspanel: Another good survey website that allow you to cash out at £5 and have a range of gift cards.
Neevo: They pay you to do micro tasks and pay decently. $0.05 per task and they often take less than 10 seconds. They pay via PayPal and payment usually takes a month.
Streetbees: This one is an app, and pays really well. They don’t have much surveys, but when they do they are like £1 per 6mins. They pay via PayPal after 2 days of completing the survey.
Serpclix: This is an extension, which you click on specific websites and wait for a minute or two. You get paid 0.05 or 0.10 per click and it’s really low effort. They send money to your PayPal at the start of every month, if you have accumulated at least $5.
Noodle Campus: This is a testing website, where you can test out products, and get paid to do so. At first you don’t have much options, but after a task or two, you unlock a lot more options. You also get to keep the product that you have tested or you can sell it to make more money.
Gener8ads: This is a passive income extension to your browser. I highly recommend it as I have earnt 150 token (50 tokens = £5 gift card) for doing almost nothing. I cannot cash out until I have referred 2 people, so feel free to use my referral link, which will get you an extra 10tokens. Also feel free to link your referral links in the comments.
Thank you everyone!
submitted by Ryan_Reddit07 to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

WoW Classic: Class Guides & Resources

Welcome to the Updated WoW Classic: Class Guides & Resources List!
The Google Doc is much more comprehensive.
If you have a link I should include, please let me know!
(last updated: 5/30/19)
submitted by Khosmology to classicwow [link] [comments]

My review of "The Satanic Bible" by Anton Szandor LaVey

First, let me open up my review with the fact that I have spent a great deal of my life learning and studying many religions.
I have studied and participated in Mormonism (my original faith), Catholicism, Pentacostal and Evangelical Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Skihism, and Buddhism. I have read not only the Mormon scripture, but many accompanied books, their commentaries, including non-Mormon Bible commentaries (Adam Clark's and Matthew Henry's). I have read the Holy Qur'an cover-to-cover three times, and have a gorgeous copy on my bookshelf. I have participated in fasting during the Islamic month of Ramadan, attended a local mosque, and participated in their ceremonies, including the opening feast of Eid al-Fitr. I have a copy of the Bhagavad Gita. Although I have not read it, I have attended Hindu ceremonies and rituals. I have also prayed and ate in a Sikh temple.
Every year my wife and I celebrate a different culture or religion for our wedding anniversaries. As of August 2019, we have been married 20 years. Some of the cultures or religions have have celebrated are Irish, Italian, Chinese, Mexican, Japanese, Jewish, Canadian, French, Mormon, Muslim, Hindu, British, Tibet, Native American, Russian, multi-African, and German. These anniversaries include purchasing "souvenirs", making traditional food, attending monuments, sites, or festivals. We'll watch documentaries, and even attempt incorporating some of the culture's practice into the day, whatever it may be.
I state this not to brag, but rather that when I learn a new culture or religion, I jump in head-first. So, when I began researching Satanism, it started by reading The Satanic Bible by LaVey. I read this, because I want to be educated about Satanism, not because I'm interested in becoming a Satanist, or deconverting anyone away from their faith. As with almost everything religious I read, it's purely an intellectual pursuit, not a devotional one.
Going into it, I was warned about the hypocrisy of Anton LaVey, plagiarism, and even flat out lying and deception by LaVey. Without going into a biography, as this is a book review, suffice it to say that LaVey is not at all what he wanted to portray to his followers, there are portions of The Satanic Bible that are plagiarized, and it is not surprising to learn that LaVey did not always practice what he preached, despite devoting many pages to calling out hypocrisy to Christianity.
From a philosophical perspective, The Church of Satan that LaVey started and The Satanic Bible are ego-focused. The most important god is man himself. The Satanic Golden Rule isn't "do unto others as they would to you", but rather "do under others as they do to you". One of the 9 Satanic Statements by LaVey is actually "Satan represents vengeance instead of turning the other cheek!". If someone smites you on the cheek, smash his cheek in return!
Further, a lot of the philosophies outlined in this book question the foundational tenets of Christianity, such as the 7 deadly sins. For example, lust isn't a sin, but something that should be encouraged. In fact, Satan only exists in Christianity for preachers and ministers to use as a guilt motivator. Don't masturbate, or you'll go to Hell! Whereas LaVey argues sex should be actively pursued within the moral and legal ethics of society. If one can't find a partner, and feels sexual urges, they should masturbate fully and freely. Lust isn't a sin.
Much of The Satanic Bible is in this vein- you are here to seek pleasure, as this is the only life you have, so live it up fully and freely. It's not anarchist, and it's mindful of causing harm to others, so ethics do exist in its teaching. But it's also very carnal. In fact, a major focus of the book is carnal pleasure- sex, nudity, lust, and pleasure.
This doesn't come without its problems though. Women in this book are treated as objects of man's desires. While in rituals, men are to wear black hooded cloaks, women are to dress as provocatively as possible, if dressed at all, to arouse men's sexual desires, to further enhance the emotions of the ritual. Altars should be naked females, and never male. This screams of extreme male chauvinism, sexism, and degradation.
The worst however, is the insistence in magic and the mystical or supernatural. Most LaVeyan Satanists are atheist, even though most of The Church of Satan is steeped deeply in supernatural magic, such as spells, curses, hexes, demonic invocations, and so forth. As a rational secular thinker, I can't help but think that this is contradictory. On the one hand, you don't believe in Satan as a literal 3rd party person, yet in the same breath, you invoke his name to cast spells.
While the first half of the book pages are devoted to the philosophy of LaVeyan Satanism, the last half of the book pages are devoted to the rituals of LaVeyan Satanism. However, in terms of word count, once you get to the 19 Enochian Keys, half of the pages are blank, the rest are sparsely filled out, and one page is dedicated to the actual Enochian language itself, while another page is dedicated to its translation. Which means about 80% of the book's actual content (word count) is philosophy, and the last 20% is ritual.
So it's no surprise then that when looking at the back of the book, it's filed under "Fantasy". Personally, I wish that would be the case for every religious book that requires the supernatural as part of the foundational tenets of its faith. So at least that is a silver lining to this cloud of irrational occult "magick" nonsense.
As a whole, I give it 3 stars, because I appreciate the ego-centered and rational secular philosophies it outlines before getting into the ritual. While I don't agree with everything in those philosophies, it's refreshing to see a counter argument to the world religions of faith, and how they manipulate people with guilt and labels. On the other hand, the whole philosophy is a bit too carnal, too sensual. It's almost too theatrical, as though it's something you would expect to see in an adult carnival. In fact, if you study LaVey's life, you understand why the whole philosophy feels almost like you're watching a carnal theatrical play. It's barely practical in daily life.
That's how this book reads- theatrical and almost obnoxious.
submitted by atoponce to books [link] [comments]

Find Our Newest Short Video About Pain Management on YouTube!
Pain Management
We have all experienced pain at some point in our lives. This pain can stem from various causes such as stubbing your toe on a table to tearing a muscle during a workout.
Therefore, becoming familiar with pain management techniques can be very useful. Firstly, however, how do we define pain exactly? What are some of the best ways to manage pain?
Our CareClinic advisor, Nat Rave, discusses the science behind pain and some pain management techniques.
CareClinic's all in one health management app can help track, manage and improve health outcomes for patients dealing with either acute or chronic pain. The easy to use functionality allows for patients to track pain daily. Learn more at
submitted by OddIndustry8888 to CareClinic [link] [comments]

The websites I use.

Swagbucks: It’s a GPT website, that also has surveys. It’s got ok pay, but what makes it shine are the extra things like swagstakes and swago. Pays out by PayPal or visa or gift cards, minimum payout is £5
Ref (Once you earn 300sb, we both get 300sb (around £3) extra)
Ysense: Definitely one of my favourites for surveys. A bit better pay than swagbucks, however you occasionally get DQed (only at the beginning). If you do 2 surveys for the day you get a good percent of your earning from the day added on to your total. Minimum payment is £3, pays gift cards and PayPal.
InstaGC: Another GPT website, good pay and quite a bit of options to pick from. A nice feature is you get a small percent your earnings as a bonus every week. They have a wide range of things you can do and the minimum payment is £1.
GG2U: Another GPT website, one of the best pays for surveys and offers. Minimum payment is $7.
Ref A lot of good offers, you need to earn a certain amount before you can unlock surveys. It also has one of the best paying offers, that often pay less on other survey websites. They pay via Bitcoin, which can be transferred to paypal or a bank account.
Ref (extra $1)
Qmee: One of the best survey websites, they constantly have surveys available. Not the best pay, but there is no minimum payment for PayPal, also offers gift cards. If you add their extension, you also get payed to search certain things.
Ref (we both get 50p each, when you first cash out on PayPal)
Prolific: Hands down the best paying survey site. They offer a minimum of £5 per hour (often higher) and pay via PayPal. One downside is due to how good the pay is, survey spots are often filled within seconds or minutes of coming out.
PopulusLive: One of the better paying sites. They send an email for an invite and they pay £1 per 5mins. Minimum payment is quite high though, at £50, they send via BACS or Cheque.
Panelbase: Not a lot of people know this website. It has really good pay (often between £1-10 per survey). Minimum payment is £10 and pays to a bank account.
Viewsbank: A decent site for surveys. They also have minipolls, which some pay 10p for one click. Minimum payment is £12 and they send via BACS.
Opinium survey: Really good site. They send emails for survey invitations and pay 25p per minute. However minimum payment is quite high at £25.
I-say: Decent pay and pays via a range of gift cards. It also has an app available. Minimum payment is £5.
Lifepointspanel: Another good survey website that allow you to cash out at £5 and have a range of gift cards.
Neevo: They pay you to do micro tasks and pay decently. $0.05 per task and they often take less than 10 seconds. They pay via PayPal and payment usually takes a month.
Streetbees: This one is an app, and pays really well. They don’t have much surveys, but when they do they are like £1 per 6mins. They pay via PayPal after 2 days of completing the survey.
Serpclix: This is an extension, which you click on specific websites and wait for a minute or two. You get paid 0.05 or 0.10 per click and it’s really low effort. They send money to your PayPal at the start of every month, if you have accumulated at least $5.
Noodle Campus: This is a testing website, where you can test out products, and get paid to do so. At first you don’t have much options, but after a task or two, you unlock a lot more options. You also get to keep the product that you have tested or you can sell it to make more money.
submitted by Ryan_Reddit07 to beermoneyglobal [link] [comments]

New Music Suggestions

As the title says I’m looking for new khh and kr&b suggestions. I like music with a heavier emphasis on production. I’m open to any artist and song suggestion you might have!
I currently listen to the following:
EDIT: I have a Spotify playlist that I made collaborative if anyone wants to add some songs!
submitted by hurricanekkatrina to khiphop [link] [comments]

Weekly Q&A and Progress Update — 10/1/2019

Happy Tuesday everyone, and thank you all for your patience between updates. I know these "weekly" updates were more "monthly" for September, but with the wedding complete, the normal schedule will now resume.
My sincerest thanks for all of the well wishes on the wedding - Liz and I are very grateful for the support. The wedding itself was incredible, and I think Liz & I both agree that it was the best night of our lives. :) We also had a wonderful mini-honeymoon in Hawaii.
Here are some pictures, for anyone interested:

What I'm working on

Jira is live
I'm pleased to announce that we've finally set up an instance of Jira to help manage the project (and by "we", I mean "Liz", to whom we owe tremendous thanks.)
For those not familiar with Jira, it's a project management tool that helps software teams organize and manage tasks, project resources, and the like. I'm extremely excited for this, as Jira provides many tools to improve work efficacy & it became far too cumbersome to manage the project through our previous means (read: Discord channels & Google Sheets :P).
4.0.6 Hotfix 2
With Jira up and running & with the wedding complete, my focus now shifts to 4.0.6 Hotfix 2. This should be the final version in the 4.0.x series, and its goal is to fix any outstanding bugs in order to provide a stable platform for users who prefer to remain behind on 4.0.x while development progresses to 4.1.0.
As always, thank you for reading & for your interest in the project, and feel free to leave any comments & questions below. I'll get to whatever I can, as soon as I can.
Love, BB
submitted by belmont_boy to ultimateskyrim [link] [comments]

Aks v dim-- (longer excerpt)

t ojnl tx s “Aks v dim-s” (a esa b Russell Conwell). Some view this essay as inspirational or motivational but others see it as materialistic and elitist. Either way, it’s one of the few longish texts that Dearborn converted into 1930 Speedwriting.
I’ve broken up a lot of the difficult shorthand phrases into single words or pairs of words; this makes it much easier to read.
isa ta uot tgt rc a ts u dt, tgt rc. mn, s pw a uot tb rsnb mbx tv t. uot ks ukdo mo g wt n ukd ww t. 
I say that you ought to get rich, and it is your duty to get rich. Money is power, and you ought to be reasonably ambitious to have it. You ought because you can do more good with it than you could without it.
b t mo- a ygm- or wm gts momn, n eorZ asgro to b pak xpc/ ta mo- eas gt a krs. ts no hp toa ygm- orwm tnht mn,. 
But the moment a young man or woman gets more money than he or she has grown to by practical experience, that moment he has gotten a curse. It is no help to a young man or woman to inherit money.
ts no hp to ucil tle tm mn, b ifu le tm a wd Cl v frs ifu le tm a Onb ba ts fa B n ta ty Zdv mn,. tdb ws ftm ws ft nj ta ty Zdv n, mn, atl. 
It is no help to your children to leave them money, but if you leave them a wide circle of friends, if you leave them an honorable name it is far better than that they should have money. It would be worse for them, worse for the nation, that they should have any money at all.
o ygm- ifuv nht mn, do- rg/ t asa hp. tl krs u tu uys a dpv u vtvb, tgs v hmn lf. trs no kl' vpp tb p; somc ast nxpc/ sns a Das vt rc vr Jnj. ip; t rc m-- sn. ek nvno tb, tgs nlf. 
Oh, young man, if you have inherited money, don’t regard it as a help. It will curse you through your years and deprive you of the very best things of human life. There is no class of people to be pitied so much as the inexperienced sons and daughters of the rich of our generation. I pity the rich man’s son. He can never know the best things in life.
onv tb, tgs nr lf swn a ygm- as e- sonlvg awn ebks ngj toso lvl ygwn a mksp smi- tv a ho vs on. tn wta sa lv ks lso ta dvn nspj t/ Btgs ae bgs tsav mn,. 
One of the best things in our life is when a young man has earned his own living and makes up his mind to have a home of his own. Then with that same love comes also that divine inspiration toward better things, and he begins to save money.
ebgs tle of sbd hbts ap mn, nt bq. wn eas afu Hds egs ou nt t sbs tlo fa ho. egs tot savgs bq pps fhf vt vlu atn gs fs wf awn etks sbri Vt trZl vta do ft f,ti ess n w// v lqc/ mivy knv tc “iv e- th ho mis/. tsl mi ai dvi w te.” ta st gr-, mo- ahmn h/ ma ev no. 
He begins to leave off his bad habits and put money in the bank. When he has a few hundred dollars he goes out into the suburbs to look for a home. He goes to the savings-bank, perhaps, for half of the value, and then goes for his wife, and when he takes his bride over the threshold of that door for the first time, he says in words of eloquence my voice can never touch, “I have earned this home myself. It is all mine, and I divide with thee.” That is the grandest moment a human heart may ever know.
trz a pom- ouv wk lv n hghm mass. e lwj rw t hw ut ond swf tom tgt ou a wk. ew- ou a stdw ot Zo vt ba a wtl a sok Zgl nt a wdn cn. 
There was a poor man out of work living in Hingham, Massachusetts. He lounged around the house until one day his wife told him to get out and work. He went out and sat down on the shore of the bay, and whittled a soaked shingle into a wooden chain.
scil ta eve ql Vt ae wtl a 2d on tkp pc. wl ez wtlg t2d on a Nb kn a sd "y don-u wtl tys a sltm? ukd mk mn, atta." esd: "id n no wa tmk." "y do-u sk uon cil rihe nuon hw wa tmk?" 
His children that evening quarreled over it, and he whittled a second one to keep peace. While he was whittling the second one, a neighbor came in and said: “Why don’t you whittle toys and sell them? You could make money at that.”
He said, “I would not know what to make.”
“Why don’t you ask your own children right here in your own house what to make?”
"was t us v tri ta?" sd t Kp-. "mi cil r df fm O pps cil." b e ak pn t h- a tnx mng wn my kdw tstas esk "wa dou w- fa ty?" 
“What is the use of trying that?” said the carpenter. “My children are different from other people's children.”
But he acted upon the hint, and the next morning when Mary came down the stairs he asked, “What do you want for a toy?”
Zbg ttl m Zd lk a dls bd a dls wZst- a dls kyj a w- o wa l, vtgs ta d tkm a lfti tspi. so ksltg son cil nson hw etk t frwd f eh no mn, tb Lmb a wtl tos S upa- hghm tys taw f somys no lV two. 
She began to tell him she would like a doll’s bed, a doll’s washstand, a doll’s carriage, and went on with a list of things that would take him a lifetime to supply. So, consulting his own children, in his own house, he took the firewood, for he had no money to buy lumber, and whittled those strong, unpainted Hingham toys that were for so many years known all over the world.
…[edited here]…
ivrd nt nzP taawm nv nv- n,g. l ta nzP ot tbg ag. vks idon rf to gsp i rf to mZs aif idd imi B ncd tmn. ta nzP kd nv ap ifwmn hn nv- sg. frs tq. ye wmn tq. 
I have read in the newspaper that a woman never invented anything. Well, that newspaper ought to begin again. Of course, I do not refer to gossip— I refer to machines— and if I did, I might better include the men. That newspaper could never appear if women had not invented something. Friends, think. Ye women, think!
usa ukn mk a f/n ks ur nso L-, or or rn a somZ or wak bf so lm ayt ukb a Mar iful b fo th lmo nflb drkj. 
You say you cannot make a fortune because you are in some laundry or running a sewing machine or walking before some loom and yet you can be a millionaire if you will but follow this almost infallible direction.
wn usa awm ds- nv- n,g isk ho nv- tjk/ lm ta wv ev stc uwa? mrs jk/. tPr-- Rl tpr-p' w nv- b Fms wvs. ho nv- tktn jn vt S ta nrc r K so mzgl? mrs Jnl grn. 
When you say a woman doesn't invent anything, I ask, who invented the Jaquard loom that wove every stitch you wear? Mrs Jaquard. The printer's roller, the printing press, were invented by farmers' wives. Who invented the cotton gin of the South that enriched our country so amazingly? Mrs General Green.
ho nv- t somZ? elias hw zwme nt svl wr aiof h/ m sa ta ewk 14y tgt p ta somZ. b s wf ma p hmi- ond ta tyd Sv to dth if tr z- sg orO nv- p; sn aso n 2r Z nv- t somZ. vks e tkou t pt- ns na. mn lw dota. 
Who invented the sewing machine? Elias Howe was with me in the Civil War and I often heard him say that he worked 14 years to get up that sewing machine. But his wife made up her mind one day that they would starve to death if there wasn’t something or other invented pretty soon and so in two hours she invented the sewing machine. Of course, he took out the patent in his name. Men always do that.
hozt ta nv- t Mo a t Rep? ak/ to M mccomks kfdx knkj so rs-l pb tza WVa wm ho af sFa ae h fl ltog nmk a Rep agat p tk altv Zes a nl tm tog otej va b/ won Zf vec pa ls atn wi tm sota wn Zpu t wi onwa tklz tm awn Zpu t wi tO wa top tm atr Zh tpin vt momZ. 
Who was it that invented the mower and the reaper? According to Mr. McCormick's confidential communication, so recently published, it was a West Virginia woman who, after his father and he failed altogether in making a reaper and gave it up, took a lot of shears and nailed them together on the edge of a board with one shaft of each pair loose, and then wired them so that when she pulled the wire one way it closed them and when she pulled the wire the other way it opened them, and there she had the principle of the mowing machine.

to be continued
submitted by journalizing to Classic_Speedwriting [link] [comments]

Today, doctors from all over Karnataka are assembling at Freedom Park, Bengaluru at 4 pm for a silent protest against KPMEA 2017 by Government of Karnataka

Edit: November 18, 2017

Govt blinks, drops jail term from medical bill; doctors back to work

Edit: Update at 19:00 hours, November 17

Update from a doctor

"Everything has fallen into place. It’s going to be a good bill for both patients and doctors. All doctors will resume their duties from tomorrow. Thanx for your support. In fact, it has helped to better the existing Act. Official word is yet to be out."

Edit: Update at 20:00 hours November 16

Representatives of doctors are meeting the CM of Karnataka and Health Minister of Karnataka at 11:00 hours tomorrow, i.e. November 17

Change of plans at 0900 hours

Venue for silent protest: IMA House, Bengaluru

All doctors from Bengaluru will be participating in this silent protest

Address: AV Road, Chamrajpet, Near Bangalore Medical College, Nagondanahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560018

Google Map: Click here

Today, doctors from all over Bengaluru are assembling at IMA House, Bengaluru at 4 pm for a silent protest against Karnataka Private Medical Establishment (Amendment) Bill 2017 by Government of Karnataka

Karnataka Private Medical Establishment (Amendment) Bill 2017

A common man's appeal against government - Rajeeva Gowda

News Article in Bangalore Mirror:


Why are private doctors opposing the KPMEA Amendment 2017 Act?

This could happen

To private medical establishments and doctors

To the public (patients)

Doctor-patient relationship

Why price capping is illogical?

If a similar act is applied to all other professions

Why not district redressal committee in its present form?

Performance of Karnataka State Government in public health care

Why do we demand inclusion of government hospitals in the act?

FINALLY: The government knows that it does not stand in the court of law even for 15 minutes. But why is it planning to implement? Because it believes that the act brings more votes.

SAY NO To Karnataka Private Medical Establishment Act Amendment 2017 SUPPORT PRIVATE DOCTORS TO BE SUPPORTED
Please forward this to all media contacts and non Medico groups
submitted by in3po to india [link] [comments]

Post Pull Depression - Lara Croft and the Temple of iOSiris.

Lara Croft and the Temple of iOSiris is the sequel to the critically-acclaimed Lara Croft and the Guardian of the 20 hr Maintenance. Featuring stunning visuals and a brand-new error message, iOS players must work together to explore the downtime temple, defeat hordes of speculation from the Reddit underworld, make snarky comments, and avoid deadly boredom. All the while, Android players will play for treasure, powerful artifacts, and ultimate raid rank.
Hello and welcome to Post Pull Depression, the only thread that’s probably actually seen Womb Raider!
Our voices have been heard! No one started FFBE for the Final Fantasy characters. We all started playing because FF is owned by Square Enix which also picked up all the Eidos properties. No longer do we have to suffer with crappy Cloud, bad Bartz and terrible Terra. The era of great Eidos IPs are upon us: Deus Ex, Hitman and of course Tomb Raider. Woooo! Mediocre late 90’s franchises here we come! During the last 30 glorious years these series have produced at least 5 decent games, and 0 good movies! That’s pretty impressive in its own way!
Along with Lara we are getting a full banner of Tomb Raider characters! Wait, isn’t that just Abel, Soleil and Aileen? Why didn’t they go and pull from the rich roster of storied Tomb Raider characters? There’s… holy fuck. I can’t think of a second Tomb Raider character… at all. I’ve played a good handful of TRs, some old and some new, but even looking at a list of them I’m drawing a blank. So good call reskinning FFBE characters! Let’s take a look!

Oh My God Abel

God: Yes
Are you a god?
Job: God
Yes! Good job, Ray! You finally learned! Wait! It’s Pharaoh Abel. Not God Abel. Did the ancient Egyptians worship Pharaohs as gods? Maybe I’ll just google this quick…
Were Pharaohs…
Goddammit google… I’ll take the second autosuggestion please.
Were Pharaohs…
Yes. That one.
Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs were the ancient kings of Egypt. Pharaohs were considered one of the more important of all the Egyptian gods. While a pharaoh was ruling, he took on the "incarnation" of the god Horus and the son of Re. Once the pharaoh died, he was identified with the god Osiris, the god of the underworld.
Right… but were they black?
Power of the Sands - Increase ATK and SPR (15%), Decrease chance of being targeted
Come back when it can rewind time and then I’ll be excited about it.


To the Skies - Physical damage (3.5x) with jump delay (2 turns) to one enemy
Yes, to the skies Pharoah! And don’t bother coming back! All 31 of you I pulled can fuck right off!


Soleil: ===D
I keep reading about D Soleil, did my wish come true did they finally give her a...
Divine Soleil
Oh... nevermind.
Lila: Lite
Dance of Grievance - Magic damage (3x) using SPR scaling to one enemy Increase SPR (200%) for 2 turns to caster
Woah! SPR scaling! Wasn’t there some awesome unit in JP that was way OP with SPR scaling? Lira, Rila, Rira, Lila? Soleil must be just as good right?
LaLiLuLeLo’s Move - 1000% ST 14 Hit Magic (Phys) Attack w/ 100% of SPR as MAG
Oh… yeah Soleil can’t do that...
Re: Raise
Ankh - Auto-revive (80% HP) for 3 turns to one ally
Finally, a source of re-raise for all you without Ayaka! Or Rem… or Meliadoul… or Vanille… or WWF… or CG Fina next week… or see below DS’s TMR...
Ankh of Goddess - DEF+3, HP +15%, SPR +15% Auto-Revive 30% HP for 2 turns
A really good source of re-raise for tanks etc… if you’re a terrorist.
An amulet based on the symbol of a goddess. In a faraway land, the goddess Isis
Pull for D.Soleil and farm her TMR if you want to support ISIS. You piece of shit, you.

Regret: MEDIUM

At first I was a little upset that her mit skill was split between separate phys/mag moves. But this way it stacks much easier with the more common full mit skills. You should definitely pick one up just in case! A perfect time to use all those 4* tickets you got in the raid summon! Everyone got at least 5-6 of them right?

Explorer One Legged Woman

Bio: Lazy
A machine engineer from Dilmagia who specializes in weaponry. Aileen develops weapons of a smaller, more personal scale than those mounted on the airships constructed in her hometown. Currently, she travels across the world polishing her skills in combat and claims that there is a weapon for everyone.
Well first of all, I don’t think there is a weapon for everyone. I am against arming toddlers, they are dangerous enough as is. But isn’t that exactly the same as normal Aileen’s bio? I’ll save you the trouble of looking it up; it is. All the collab characters have the same bio. Same with the Halloween ones! Apparently only Valentine’s Day units got different bios! SAD!
Anal: ysis
Analysis - Increase ATK (30%) Increase physical damage against mechanical and stone monsters (50%)
ANALysis hee hee hee.
TNT: Dynamite!
TNT - Fire physical damage (2x) to all enemies Increase LB gauge (6-12)
Memelord already did this joke, but fuck it! Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi!
For those of you with bad taste in music, here’s Come on Eileen.
Tomb Raider: 20% HP, 50% TDH, 25% Counter, 25% Accuracy, 2 LB, and 1 Partridge in a Pear Tree
Hmm… I am not impressed. Is this all? It doesn’t let me quad-wield or give me eternal re-raise? If BS:EL and FFT could do it then I don’t know why this TMR can’t. Well I guess since I still have no TDH I suppose I’ll farm it… if I actually pull her…


E.Aileen (not eAileen) is a tough recommendation. She can chain with eAileen and E.Aileen but we know nothing about eE.Aileen. I’m a sucker for single 5* banners though, and since I’m Ayaka-privileged I don’t need CG Fina, so I’m going for her!
Update: 70 tickets, 25k lapis and 6 off banner rainbows… no Ex Aileen… but still 6 good rainbows!

Lara Croft

Writing: Elementary
Shit guys. I need some help here. I accidentally mixed up the in game bio for Lara Croft and a homework assignment I did in 2nd grade when I wrote about one of my heroes. Can you help me determine which is which?
Lara is English, a Countess, and driven by a need to uncover ancient items that feed her desire for knowledge. Her wealthy background and numerous successful adventures give her endless financial resources. Lara's use of her dual pistols whilst performing acrobatic moves is a key part of her identity. She is a trained sharp shooter.
Lara is super strong and shoots guns and jumps around and that is why I like her. She goes on adventures to find treasure and shoot bad guys. She has lots of money and is really cool. She is good with guns and very heroic.
Shit. I still can’t tell… Are those even different?
Mass: Murderer
Apex Predator - Increase physical damage against beasts, birds, humans, and insects (25%)
Only 25% against humans? Do you know how many people she’s killed? She could fit in just fine in a Musou game. I’m fairly certain only Nathan Drake has her beat, but he doesn’t count since anyone who can kill hundreds of people and then glibly quips every other scene is a fucking psychopath.
One Life to Live - Chance to ignore fatal damage (60%) when HP is above 30% (max 1 time)
Well thank god for continues, between the shitty jumping/climbing of the earlier games and the torture porn QTEs of the latter, one life to live would not get you very far at all...
*TMR: 777
Croft's Intuition - Increase HP/MP/ATK/DEF (10%) Increase resistance to all elements (7%)
I’m sorry, my OCD will not allow me to have elemental resistances that all in end in 7. Do they not know their player base? Can you imagine the shit that would go down if they all gave us 7 lapis? We’d quit the game!

Regret: NONE

She’s free! What’s to regret? If you do want to regret something just play most the Tomb Raider games! They aren’t good! Here’s my list of good Tomb Raider games:
4 out of 18 ain’t bad!

Post Pull Depression

I had originally titled this PPD Lara Croft and the Fountain of Lapis, which actually sounds pretty cool, but due to recent events everyone has pretty much forgotten all about it! I will never forgive you Apple for making me change the title. I hereby vow to never buy an Apple product! You just lost a whole zero sales from me, Apple! I hope you learned your lesson!
Don’t forget to check out ET’s full banner review. And ol Meme’s in-depth ExAileen’s review. I will just go ahead and unsave that last link since I’m not getting ExAileen. And he just posted a D.Soleil one as well! A little later and he could have linked to me instead!
And now I’ll leave you with--
Why defy your fate?
Oh fuck me. Necron? AGAIN!? This isn’t even an FF9 banner. Hell, it isn’t even an FF banner! It’s the Tomb Raider Collab!
Is the will to live that powerful...?
Well not after failing to pull Ex Aileen...
This is not the end. I am eternal... long as there is life and death...
...there will be Post Pull Depression! See ya next banner!
submitted by TomAto314 to FFBraveExvius [link] [comments]

Drakons.IO in Main Ethereum!

Drakons.IO in Main Ethereum! submitted by drakons-io to u/drakons-io [link] [comments]

A question about a certain character in The Clone Wars and Son of Dathomir [Spoilers]

Spoilers ahead for an important twist in the Clone Wars animated series. Consider yourself warned.
So, Darth Maul lives. He survived being cut in half at the waist by Obi-Wan during Episode 1, gets fused to a creepy-ass spider body for over a decade, then acquires a new set of kickass mechanical legs courtesy of his brother and Mother Talzin. With his brother Savage Oppress at his side Maul then proceeds to seek revenge on Obi-Wan, form an alliance with Deathwatch, kill the leadership of the galaxy's most feared crime syndicates, and finally take control of Mandalore (and kill Obi-Wan's girlfriend). The only thing that can stop the rampaging Dathomiris is The Senate himself, Darth Sideous. Palpatine shows up personally on Mandalore to open up a can of whoop-ass on his former apprentice and his unfortunate brother. The Clone Wars ends there, but the story continues in the comic Son of Dathomir, in which we learn that Maul is freed from Sideous' captivity by his Deathwatch allies. Maul proceeds to rejoin Mother Talzin in an attempt to take revenge on his former master, but alas his plans are thwarted, Talzin is killed by the combined power of Palpatine and Dooku, and Maul retreats back to Mandalore where he will eventually be defeated by Ahsoka Tano and part of the 501st at the same time as the events of Episode 3 are going down.
My question is this: in all of those events, why the fuck did Maul continue keeping Palpatine's identity a secret?
One possibility is that Maul wanted to return to Sideous' service, and thus needed to remain loyal. Maul himself stated that this was his intention when Palpy showed up on Mandalore. However, Maul could well have been lying (deception is the Sith way, after all) and in any event Palpatine makes it very clear that he is not willing to accept Maul back. Once Palpy makes it clear that he considers Maul A RIVAL, Maul knows that returning to his former master's side is no longer possible. Indeed, during the events of Son of Dathomir his goal (along with Mother Talzin) is to destroy Sideous. Why then wouldn't he contact the Jedi and tell them that the chancellor is a Sith lord, and let them do the destroying for him? Or for that matter, why wouldn't he at least threaten to reveal Palpatine's true identity, and attempt to use that threat for leverage?
Another possibility is that Maul just hates the Jedi too much to let them have a victory. Maybe he considers his squabble with Sideous to be an internal Dark Side dispute, and he is unwilling to betray the Dark Side to let the Light win. This point of view also receives indirect support from a scene in the Son of Dathomir comic in which Maul and Dooku temporarily put aside their rivalry when the Jedi show up. However, the problem with this theory is that selfless loyalty to the team is precisely the type of behavior that the Dark Side discourages. Sith always betray each other. It's built in to the very structure of the Rule of Two. Furthermore, if Maul and Talzin had been successful in their quest to destroy Dooku and Sideous, that would have indirectly assured the triumph of the Jedi anyway. The destruction of the Jedi in Order 66 required that a Sith Lord be in place as chancellor of the Republic.
The last possibility is that Maul did not know that Chancellor Palpatine and Darth Sideous were the same person. I would rather that not be the case. For one thing, Maul definitely knew that the Clone Wars were part of his master's plan. When Savage and Mother Talzin first bring him back from insanity, Maul comments that he can feel the turmoil in the Force, and Savage replies that it is the Clone Wars. Maul responds, "so it has begun without me then". This comment implies that he knew the Clone Wars were coming, and that Sideous had originally intended for Maul to play Dooku's role as the public antagonist of the Republic. I admit, however, that this is the only concrete piece of evidence I can think of which indicates that Maul knew that Sideous and Palpatine were the same person. It feels like keeping Maul in the dark about this key fact diminishes him as a character, but at the same time, Maul's ignorance seems like the only logical explanation for his failure to at least threaten to reveal Palpatine's secret.
What do you guys think? Why didn't Maul reveal Palpatine's big secret to the Jedi? Did Maul even know Palpy's secret?
submitted by ScroungingMonkey to StarWars [link] [comments]

NA LCS 2017 - Spring Split, Part 2

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Week 6, Day 1 - Friday, March 3rd

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G2 IMT vs TL Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Match Stats
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G4 P1 vs CLG Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Match Stats
G5 P1 vs CLG Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Match Stats
G6 P1 vs CLG Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Match Stats Spoilers!

ADC Matchup: P1 Arrow vs CLG Stixxay

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G4 Arrow vs Stixxay Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start
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G6 Arrow vs Stixxay Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start
  • Patch: 7.4
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Week 6, Day 2 - Saturday, March 4th

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H1 FOX vs C9 Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Match Stats
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H4 FLY vs NV Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Match Stats
H5 FLY vs NV Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Match Stats
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H7 TSM vs CLG Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Match Stats
H8 TSM vs CLG Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Match Stats
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H10 P1 vs DIG Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Match Stats
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H12 P1 vs DIG Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Match Stats Spoilers!
  • Live Discussion Thread: Spoilers!
  • Recommended Games: Strawpoll

Week 6, Day 3 - Sunday, March 5th

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I1 DIG vs TSM Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Match Stats
I2 DIG vs TSM Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Match Stats
I3 DIG vs TSM Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Match Stats Spoilers!
I4 FOX vs TL Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Match Stats
I5 FOX vs TL Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Match Stats
I6 FOX vs TL Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Match Stats Spoilers!
I7 C9 vs FLY Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Match Stats
I8 C9 vs FLY Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Match Stats
I9 C9 vs FLY Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Match Stats Spoilers!
I10 IMT vs NV Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Match Stats
I11 IMT vs NV Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Match Stats
I12 IMT vs NV Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Match Stats Spoilers!

Week 5, Day 1 - Friday, February 17th

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D4 NV vs P1 Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
D5 NV vs P1 Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
D6 NV vs P1 Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers! Spoilers!

Week 5, Day 2 - Saturday, February 18th

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E1 CLG vs IMT Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
E2 CLG vs IMT Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
E3 CLG vs IMT Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers! Spoilers!
E4 TL vs DIG Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
E5 TL vs DIG Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
E6 TL vs DIG Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers! Spoilers!
E7 C9 vs TSM Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
E8 C9 vs TSM Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
E9 C9 vs TSM Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers! Spoilers!
E10 NV vs FOX Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
E11 NV vs FOX Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
E12 NV vs FOX Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers! Spoilers!

Week 5, Day 3 - Sunday, February 19th

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F1 FLY vs TSM Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
F2 FLY vs TSM Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
F3 FLY vs TSM Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers! Spoilers!
F4 IMT vs FOX Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
F5 IMT vs FOX Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
F6 IMT vs FOX Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers! Spoilers!
F7 P1 vs C9 Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
F8 P1 vs C9 Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
F9 P1 vs C9 Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers! Spoilers!
F10 TL vs CLG Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
F11 TL vs CLG Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
F12 TL vs CLG Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers! Spoilers!

Week 4, Day 1 - Friday, February 10th

# Team1 vs. Team2 Twitch YouTube YouTube Highlights Match Stats Discussion
A1 C9 vs TL Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
A2 C9 vs TL Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
A3 C9 vs TL Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers! Spoilers!
A4 IMT vs DIG Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
A5 IMT vs DIG Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
A6 IMT vs DIG Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers! Spoilers!

Week 4, Day 2 - Saturday, February 11th

# Team1 vs. Team2 Twitch YouTube YouTube Highlights Match Stats Discussion
B1 CLG vs FOX Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
B2 CLG vs FOX Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
B3 CLG vs FOX Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers! Spoilers!
B4 P1 vs FLY Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
B5 P1 vs FLY Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
B6 P1 vs FLY Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers! Spoilers!
B7 TSM vs NV Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
B8 TSM vs NV Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
B9 TSM vs NV Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers! Spoilers!
B10 TL vs IMT Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
B11 TL vs IMT Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
B12 TL vs IMT Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers! Spoilers!

Week 4, Day 3 - Sunday, February 12th

# Team1 vs. Team2 Twitch YouTube YouTube Highlights Match Stats Discussion
C1 FOX vs TSM Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
C2 FOX vs TSM Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
C3 FOX vs TSM Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers! Spoilers!
C4 CLG vs P1 Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
C5 CLG vs P1 Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
C6 CLG vs P1 Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers! Spoilers!
C7 DIG vs NV Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
C8 DIG vs NV Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
C9 DIG vs NV Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers! Spoilers!
C10 FLY vs C9 Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
C11 FLY vs C9 Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers!
C12 FLY vs C9 Picks & Bans Picks & Bans Game Start Highlights Spoilers! Spoilers!
Covered by u/Punistick
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