Cacao Nibs: Even Better For You Than Dark Chocolate

cacao vs cocoa nibs

cacao vs cocoa nibs - win

Misc. questions--loose-leaf, tea blending, infusers, etc.

Hey, all! I'm fairly new to all this (also FYI fairly new to using Reddit, even though I've had an account for months, haha, so if I do something wrong, let me know :) ), and have some questions. (Please note that I did look through the wiki and assorted resources, and I don't think I missed anything...hopefully not, anyway, haha.)
Also note that my questions are all going to apply to tisanes only (we're talking completely caffeine-free, unless I put chocolate in or something (see the cocoa/cacao nibs question)), as I don't do actual tea for religious reasons.
So, questions, in no particular order (or not much of one; I've tried to go from more general to more specific, but that may be a matter of opinion, haha):
  1. Loose-leaf--from everything I've read, it does actually make better tea, but is this true of tisanes, too? And what exactly is the difference in flavors? (I think I understand why there's a difference; it's just what exactly the difference is that I'm not following.) Specifically/especially, I want to confirm that I've understood right as far as the strength goes--does using loose-leaf and giving it room to expand make an herbal tea stronger? (Because if so, that's for sure something I need to try. I've only ever actually enjoyed strong and fruit-flavored tisanes, because otherwise I just taste hot water.)
  2. Is there any kind of benefit/difference with using fresh herbs/spices/fruit/whatever vs. dry? I did see something somewhere (idek where at this point; I've been doing so much reading that it's all started to blur together, haha) that said using dry fruits was better--and do you guys think that's the case, too?--but what about the other types of ingredients?
  3. (I'm still looking through the vendor resources here, so I apologize if there are some obvious answers to this question in those, but I figured I might as well toss it out there since I was posting anyway.) I'm really wanting to try creating my own blends, but one difficulty I'm running into is ingredients. I don't want to grow my own (besides the time it'd take, I have...idk if it's a black thumb, but it's certainly not green, haha), but I'm having a lot of trouble finding web sites where I can get ingredients in small amounts for testing. Like, I see a lot of places where you can buy in bulk, but at the moment I don't need, y'know, a pound of rose hips or whatever, haha. I'm not totally sure of the exact amounts I want, but I'd assume it would be maybe a couple of ounces or something, depending on the ingredient--just enough so I can experiment with it a little. (Also, the vendor list here does seem to be focused on actual tea, which makes total sense but makes it a bit more difficult to use for my purposes.) So if anyone is able to point me towards sites where I can get smaller amounts of this type of stuff (I did look at Adagio Teas' pantry section, and there are some things there, but I'd love to find others, since they don't have everything)--or tell me which ingredients would likely just be at a run-of-the-mill grocery store--that'd be great :) (I'll keep looking at the list of vendors in the meantime, but if someone is willing to speed up the process, it would be a big help, haha.)
  4. Are there more resources like this for what things taste like? I'd especially love some kind of comparison chart; I've been sort of trying to form one in my head as I read the pages on that site--for example, I know a lot of the herbal teas I've liked seem to have hibiscus, so I looked at the page about hibiscus, noted the key words used to describe the flavor, and am trying to be on the watch for similar descriptors--but it'd be great to have more descriptions.
  5. If I want to try creating a certain blend, would it be worth it to use Adagio Teas' "Create a Blend" feature as a starting point, and then add other flavors as necessary at home, or is it better to just start from scratch? (For example, I was wondering about using sage in a tea, but they don't seem to have that as an option with herbal teas. So, what might be pros and cons to either starting with a custom blend of the other teas I want, ordering it from Adagio, then mixing sage in at home, vs. just forgetting the Adagio "middle man" and getting the stuff I need to blend it all myself?)
  6. Cocoa/cacao nibs (idek which is the correct way to say it, or if they're both correct? Haha)--I was looking into having them in a blend, but I know that normal chocolate--like in a candy bar or whatever--does have very minor amounts of caffeine. I'm not against the amounts in that, but--again for religious reasons--I don't want anything that's more caffeinated than that. I don't know if there's more in the nibs than in the finished chocolate or something, and if so, how much would end up in a tea made with them... So basically, would having cocoa/cacao nibs in a tisane introduce more caffeine into it than is in, say, chocolate candy or hot chocolate or whatever?
  7. So when reading the wiki, I saw the part about not using ball infusers, and that surprised me, as I'd been planning to buy one of those. I guess at the moment I'm looking for a balance between price and quality, since I still don't know if I'm even going to like this whole loose-leaf tea thing enough to do it consistently. So, given that, would something like the larger size of this work (since if I understand correctly, the issue is a lot to do with the size)? Or maybe this or this type of thing? And if not, what do I want in the way of an infuser (and/or what should I make sure I don't end up buying), and where do I get it? Note: With tea bags, I've found I honestly prefer to steep for a fair while, so I guess that's the main concern I have with the infusers that fit over the top of the cup--like, the leaves barely have a second to touch the water, right? Or do those infusers extend mostly into the cup and so it's still steeping as it sits? Idk, I'm just confused... (And, to be fair, I was also looking forward to adding a little charm to the end of a hook-and-chain infuser ball, so I kinda hate to give that up, haha.)
  8. So one of the reasons I haven't drunk tisanes that much in the past is that I'm so often doing something else, and like...I'll take a sip or two, set it down so I can use my hands, and then 20 minutes later I remember it exists and oh, look, it's cold. (XD I'm very distractable...) So I found a thing on Amazon that looks like it might help, but on considering further, it's occurred to me that there might be a cheaper solution. So--we're talking a single mug of tea, here, not a pot. Would a tea cozy still be any good with an open-topped mug, or would it not help? I could also look into those things you put on top of a cup, but tbh I feel like they might be a pain to use? Idk. Thoughts/suggestions?, that turned out hugely long; sorry about that! I've tried to bold the important bits, but I do stink majorly at summarizing, so I may have to see whether that ends up actually helping or not, haha.
Also, any other advice on any of this is welcome--including where else I might ask, if this isn't the right place or people might know bettein more detail elsewhere or something.
Thanks much for any help!
submitted by Amy_de_l-ABC to tea [link] [comments]

What are you drinking? This week in ATLbeer. (03/09-03/15)


A bit of a change to our events list. When I started This Week in ATLbeer there were a dozen or so events every week. This week, there are 99 events on the calendar. Going forward I’ll list a handful of featured events throughout the week, with an effort to show a diverse mix of events across the state. A list of 100 events would be overkill. If you disagree, let me know. You can still find a full list of events and a link to the calendar in the sidebar.
Friday | March 9th
Saturday | March 10th
Sunday | March 11th
Monday | March 12th
Tuesday | March 13th
Next Weekend…
It’s all about St. Patrick’s Day with over 40 events across the state, Monday Night releases Mischief Managed, Midtown hosts Brunchfest, and Steinbeck’s throw down some Smoke & Glory.


Beers marked with a * are from breweries owned by AB Inbev, MillerCoors, or other “Big Beer” corporations.
Georgia Craft Beer
Future/Planned Releases
Non-Local Craft Beer Releases
submitted by itsme_timd to atlbeer [link] [comments]

Best cost-effective way to add chocolate flavor to coffee?

Not talking about notes, but additives. Things like syrups (Torani, Da Vinci, Monin), thick syrups (Hershey's, Ghiradelli, Torani), chocolate drink mixes (Ghiradelli), chocolate chips, and cocoa/cacao powdenibs/butter.
I guess what I'm really looking for is what gives the strongest cocao favor, minimal sugar (so probably not ghardelli mix, it's ~70% sugar) because I'd like to control sugar myself, least amount required to give flavor, and a good price to performance ratio (relatively, if I pay twice as much, it better require less than half as much stuff to flavor coffee).
I'm currently leaning towards Anthony's cocoa powder: Also thinking about just using chocolate chips from Sam's club, 10$ for 4 pounds of semi-sweet chips. Not the best option but really cheap. 2.5$ per pound vs Anthony's 7.5$ per pound.
What do you guys use or suggest? I live in the US if that matters. I mainly drink espresso and lattes, so dissolving the cocoa shouldn't be a problem.
submitted by ShadowSlayer007 to Coffee [link] [comments]

What do you guys do to satisfy the late night sweet tooth? And if you could suggest one product as a snack, what would it be?

So I'm just a couple days into full keto mode for the first time (70/25/5) and it actually hasn't been that bad. Now to be fair I'm a very good eater and have eaten extremely clean the past year with a diet probably around 40/40/20 with no simple sugars outside of fruit, so I haven't felt too bad, in fact I feel like I get to eat super rich! I'm kinda loving it so far...
Anyways, I've been an avid chocolate person (In moderation) in the evenings around 9 pm and two hundred calories of 72% dark chocolate usually is the last thing I eat before i sleep at 1130 or 12. Unfortunately it has too much sugar now even at 84% cacao, even a small portion is about 1/3 to 1/2 the carbs I have planned for the entire day... And 90% chocolate is just not that satisfying... What do you all do to satisfy that urge? I can't be alone lol.
Also, I've always been a big proponent for doing everything yourself prep wise, and cooking wise to save money and eating healthier vs eating prepackaged or restaurant food... That being said, i can totally see it becoming hard when I'm short for time or sick of preparing or cooking to eat something that's "keto" while either on the road or in between meals ... I saw keto butter for sale today which was a rip off but looked really good it was peanut butter with Whey, xylitol, and cocoa nibs with other flavors to be cookies and cream flavored.. It looked delicious but was 12$ at this healthfood store for a jar smaller than a normal peanut butter, which is a rip off even if it is 60/30/10 ... What product do you all love to eat in between meals when you are either on the road or need to snack hut don't have your stuff with you that isn't extremely overpriced and you eat often without becoming sick of its? Half of me wants to develop my own stuff because I'm struggling to find something like what I'm looking for... But it should exist
submitted by DankAudio to keto [link] [comments]

[Table] IAmA Nutrition student who has spent the last few years learning everything about what to eat to be healthy, and has determined the majority of "common knowledge" about nutrition is incorrect. AMA

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Date: 2012-08-12
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Questions Answers
What are the "common knowledge" about nutrition you refer to? examples? The biggest ones are...
(1) Fat leads to weight gain and an increase in the risk of metabolic syndroms/cardiovascular related diseases and we should have a diet low in total fat, saturated fats.
(2) Reducing food down to components (i.e. protein powder is just as good as food with protein in it, vitamin C supplements are as good as oranges, ect.)
I have a hard time believing that the 1st point isn't true. Do you mind elaborating on that a bit? Thanks. I'd recommend you check out "Why we get fat and what to do about it" by Gary Taubes.
Edited for clarification. I don't want to answer a question like this without really backing up my argument, and with all the questions it's getting really time consuming, so I apologize for that, but that book should answer your question.
Why should we listen to you as opposed to someone who already has a degree and possibly actual experience? Great question. I think you should take what I say, check out my sources, evaluate them and compare them with some others through your own independent research, and come to an educated conclusion as to what I have said is true/believable or a bunch of crap.
Do you think Americans need to take vitamins? Nobody "needs" to take vitamins in America. We have plenty of nutritious food available to get all our vitamins. However, some people may benefit from a vitamin if they have a diet lacking in vitamins they won't fix.
Even vitamin d? My family doctor told me it's hard to find in most foods. This is true, fish and eggs aren't bad for Vit. D though. The thing about Vitamin D is that we can produce plenty of it just by getting out in the sun and soaking up some UV rays.
I only eat junk food, and I do not exercise, how am I not overweight? Genetics and hormonal regulation. I'm guessing it will catch up to you at some point and you'll start gaining weight.
What do you mean by hormonal regulation exactly? Primarily, insulin. Insulin drives fat storage by allowing glucose to enter cells, as well as other enzymatic activity relative to fat storage/fat loss. Glucagon is the opposite of insulin, it releases glucose from the cells into the bloodstream to be used for energy.
Other hormones include leptin (makes you feel full) and ghrelin (makes you hungry).
The interactions/prevalence of these hormones will play a significant role in determining how energy is partitioned (what happens to the fat or carbs you eat) and weight gain.
How does one have more insulin or glucagon in their system than someone else? Genetics? Specific diet? As far as insulin and glucagon go, they are indeed based on both of these things, but are likely dictated more by the specific diet. Insulin is released when glucose is released into the blood from food (carbohydrate mostly) that you eat. The amount of insulin released is proportional to the level of glucose you released, so drinking a soda wil release a lot more than a sweet potato since the sugar in soda is digested faster, while the fiber in the sweet potato will slow the release. Genetics likely plays some role in how much insulin you'll secrete too, as everything functions back to the DNA level, and what is DNA but genetics. In addition, over your life your body adapts (or maladapts) to insulin. If you're constantly drinking soda and eating simple carbohydrates, you will eventually resist the insulin, needing more and more for it to have the same effect (this is how type 2 diabetes happens).
Glucagon is released when blood sugar levels are very low, it functions by releasing glucose from cells into the bloodstream, where it can then can be used for energy. When you're sleeping, or if you're fasting (if you're into that) glucagon levels will be higher than insulin levels, generally speaking.
I have a diet that consists mostly of deep fried potatos, frozen processed chicken, chocolate bars and potato chips. What's going to happen to my health? Metabolic syndrome most likely. Blood pressure and serum cholesterol levels will go up. Obesity and hypertension are not unlikely, as well as type 2 diabetes, and eventually a heart attack at the extreme side of things.
What should we be eating then old wise one? Natural foods, generally speaking, that evolution has deemed safe to eat. No artificial/synthetic ingredients, processed foods, added sugars, chemical ingredients/stabilizers ect.
The history of the human race shows we can survive, and thrive, of many types of diets, from extremely high fat (the inuit) to a vegan diet. All of these diets, however, are free from simple sugars and refined grains, two of the biggest problems.
Actually, history doesn't show us much. We're living longer than any time in history. Not that this proves added sugars are great, it just points out the history argument is a silly one. We need actual science, please. Well we have these things called hospitals now that weren't around 2 million years ago.
What's a simple sugar as opposed to other sugar? A simple sugar is a sugar that can't be broken down into other sugars, such as glucose. Complex sugars, any non-simple sugar, are made up of multiple sugars, and can be broken down into there simple counterparts. Lactose (milk sugar) is a complex sugar comprised of the simple sugars glucose and galactose.
You needed to go to school to learn that? School didn't teach me this, it was mostly common sense and some well supported research of my own.
Seriously redditors? OP has some education and has read some books...perhaps you ought to consider seeking your nutritional information elsewhere. Not that I disagree per se, after all, I've read the same books. I've also read the ones that conflict. Still wouldn't be giving out 'expert' advice. Is there anything I've said you have a problem with, or is it just the fact that I'm a young student?
EDIT: I still have lots to learn, but I can say with reasonable certainty I have learned enough to give some basic advice on nutrition, to turn a horrible diet into a good one.
Sorry, I'm not claiming to know everything, I'm merely claiming I think I have a good idea about the right way to think about the foods we eat, and have seen some of the ways we go wrong. If you look at the state of the health of the Western world, it's pretty grim, so it only follows that there must be some fundamental flaws with the popular nutrition advice we've been receiving. Being young I am yes, less experienced and less knowledgable than many others, but I am also open to looking at things in a different light, not sticking by old theories. I'm really just trying to help some people out, and I like talking about nutrition.
Are humans meant to be vegetarians? I'm thinking about going on a vegetarian diet for a while. I've tried a similar diet before and I felt great and energized on it. I have to say absolutely not. We evolved eating meat, it made our brains bigger and made new amino acids available to our bodies. While it is completely possible to survive and thrive on a vegetarian diet, we aren't made for it, we're simply capable of either.
I thought it was impossible to thrive because of lack of vitamin b12. or maybe thats vegan. That is vegan, you can get b12 from eggs and milk.
Paleo. Yay or nay? Yay for sure.
Don't eat processed foods including refined sugar and processed grain This is something common knowledge has right, I'm more referring to things like fat is unhealthy and we should be eating lots of grains.
1) Independently neither of these are complete proteins, but their amino acid profiles complement each other. Combining the amino acids of rice and beans gives you all 9 essential amino acids.
2) It is just sugar, and unhealthy. It is better than kool-aid though, since it's less processed and won't have the artificial colors, and at least fruit juice comes with some vitamins.
3) Hmmmm, canola really is not that great, but I guess in terms of picking only the cheap oils I will reluctantly say canola. Olive, coconut, grapeseed, and avocado, I'll say are healthy (but unfortunately not cheap)
4) V8 follows the same reasoning as fruit juice, really just a bunch of sugar with a bonus of vitamins.
Can you make the case that animal protein is 'better' in that it is more easily assimilated and probably a good idea for people with physically active jobs / lifestyles? As far as simply the protein content, the only real case I can make is the density of it, the real argument I see in favor of meat is the whole package, the vitamins/minerals/fat content that come along with it, as well as what it doesn't have-carbohydrates that will evoke an insulin response. In this sense, it will cause you to burn fat (long sustained energy) over carbs (slow, limited energy) which is good for those people which physically active jobs lifestyles seeking sustained energy throughout the day.
Are you telling me to drink two drinks every day? If so I nominate you for the Nobel Prize. Haha I'm saying there is evidence to support moderate alcohol consumption promotes general health. For example, red wine contains a potent antioxidant called resvaratrol, a polyphenol found in the skins of grapes (and therefore wine) that protects against cancer and I believe promotes weight loss.
And I'll gladly take the Nobel Prize, thanks haha!
So skim milk is bad?! Yes, skim milk contains powdered milk to give it back the consistency it lost with the fat. Powdered milk contains oxidized cholesterol, not a good thing. A general rule of thumb, the more you process food the more nutrients you lose, and the more unhealthy side effects (like the oxidizing of cholesterol) occurs.
A glass of wine or beer may be beneficial to a person's health, but there are studies that really prove it one way or another. Same thing goes for antioxidants. True, I guess one of the problems is that you can find a study to prove pretty much anything you want. From what I know about the behavior of antioxidants in the body and the studies about them, I choose to believe they are a good thing.
What misconceptions about nutrition do you think are false and why? (1) fat, generally speaking, is unhealthy and we should limit it: limited scientific data/weak evidence, strong evidence supporting fat being healthy, in large amounts, including saturated fats.
(2) we can redue food down to individual components: we like to see the beneficial effects of something in food, like Vitamin C, and throw it into a pill. Food works synergistically, with different compounds helping others out. Reducing our food to the sum of its parts does not add up.
(3) Weight loss is governed primarily, and really only, by calories: fat gain/weight gain/weight loss is a well controlled and regulated processes, involving multiple hormones. The type of food we eat, rather than the caloric amounts, is more important in terms of these things.
I felt better losing on healthy foods though I'm guessing as part of your calorie restriction you cut out things like soda and refined grains?
So that stuff about "good fat" is bull shit? Olive oil, avocados, etc. Not true? Please expand. It's not really bull shit in the sense that it's wrong, it's bull shit in the sense that we precede fat with "good" for these things, implying that fat is generally bad. I think of fat as being generally good, with certain types of fat, generally those produced through industrial agriculture and intense food processing, to be bad. With this line of reasoning things like corn fed beef and soybean oil would contain bad fat, while pastured beef and coconut oil would contain fat, which is defaulted as good.
What's your take on LCHF? If you do it right, I think it's the way to go. Using fat for energy makes a lot more sense than using carbs for energy. The majority of my calories come from fat, as I think they should for anyone.
Why do multiple books come out every year claiming to have the secret to losing weight!? Exercise and eat less, amiright? There is a lot of money to be made from fad diets, so people make books about them. they often have those common themes, and are normally fundamentally flawed.
Also, what is marketers blowing smoke and what type of genuine advertisements should we take into account when purchasing such products The main things you should take into account when buying food (For health's sake) are (1) The ingredients label: the most important of food packaging. If the ingredients are healthy, the food is likely healthy. (2) The nutrition facts label: added sugars are the #1 thing to be avoided. Don't go by health claims on labels, but do consider information on how the food was produced (i.e. first cold pressing of olive oil is a good thing, grass fed beef is a good thing, vegetarian fed chickens is code for "we give them corn and soy" which is not so great)
and has determined the majority of "common knowledge" about nutrition is incorrect. Elaborate please? See reply to buttsexanalysis.
Could u recomend any literature that does have accurate facts about nutrition? "In defense of food" and "The omnivore's dilemma" by Michael Pollan.
"Why we get fat and what to do about it" by Gary Taubes.
"The documented health risks of genetically modified foods" by Jeffrey Smith. is my favorite health blog, and he has written about all sorts of things.
Wait, you're against GMO? You're a fucking quack and a fucking moron. Yes, I am. Why does this make me a fucking quack and fucking moron?
Gee I dunno... because most of the opposition is based on scare and contentious studies that have not been proven to (necessarily) apply to humans. Again, read "The documented health risks of genetically modified foods" by Jeffrey Smith for plenty of science.
Your argument is more applicable to the pro-GMO arguments which are based on poorly conducted science studies conducted with Biotechnology money as well as governmental ties to biotechnology. People have died due to genetically modified foods, food security in developing nations is being threatened. For more information read the section on GMO's in "The world according to monsanto"
Yeah, and modern medicine is a scam thanks to "Big Pharma," right. Right. Take one book as gospel and ignore the rest of the science based on some vague ad hominem attack. Sounds lime the anti-global warming faggots. I recommended one book, that's not my only source of information on GMO's, and "Big Pharma" is irrelevant to my point, as I did not mention it.
Is granola with milk healthy? if not, what do you recommend as substitute? thanks ! Eeesh granola - glorified children's cereal. Milk is good as long as it's pasture raised with all the fat.
A favorite of mine is pasture raised whole milk yogurt (plain) with any of the following: berries/fruit, flax seeds, chia seeds, unsweetened cocoa powder, applesauce/jelly/honey/maple syrup/stevia (gotta sweeten it up a little bit)
Hour or so later.. Tuna sandwich 300 cal, 20g prot. If your tuna sandwich has mayo make sure it is made with olive oil and NOT soybean/canola oil.
Thanks for the reply! Yeah i really just like waffles haha, but they definitely aren't healthy. For the tuna sandwich, do you mean mix it with mayo and olive oil, or just olive oil? Chicken breast, black beans, broccoli, potatoes (baked in olive oil and spiced with turmeric, garlic powder, pepper), and big helpings of plain yogurt. Any recommendations for good hearty meals that are not too complicated but are also healthy? For the tuna sandwich I mean use made with olive oil. Look at the ingredients, and you'll probably need to go a natural food store, or natural food section of a grocery store to find it (but watch it for something like this Link to that advertises it as olive oil, but adds soybean and canola as well, so again, look at the ingredients and make sure its just olive oil in there). If you can get some high quality eggs (omega 3 enhanced at the least, pasture raised at best) make some eggs and veggies. Most of my hearty meals revolve around pastured meat and wild fish, the former might be getting into the side of too complicated while the latter might be something of what your looking for (hopefully). A really hearty snack I like is mixing up a big bowl of berries which a bunch of flaxseed and natural nut butter, or I'll add it to a meal to make it reach the super hearty level.
You're a fucking quack if you think telling people to drink coconut milk is a good beverage. Why do you say this, and what evidence do you have to support it?
Wait, so you were completely aware of the difference when you said to drink coconut MILK? I've never heard of anyone doing THAT. I just thought you were flubbing the difference like everyone else does which a nutritionist should know is wrong. Please explain. Yes I am aware.
Coconut milk is mostly saturated fat, that saturated fat is comprised of mostly medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs). While fatty acids often are used for constructive purposes in cell membranes or other physiological needs, MCFAs are not used for most of these. As a result, the fat is mobilized for energy, putting the body into a fat burning state (provided there are not excess carbs), which is ideal, and can help people who are trying to switch from a carb loaded diet that causes energy production primarily through glycolysis to a diet that burns energy through beta oxidation.
I was recommending coconut water as a post workout/athletic drink to the high electrolyte and sugar, to aid in neuronal ion channel flow and muscle rebuilding and synthesis.
Is a healthy diet just a matter of numbers (calories in vs. calories out, number of proteins/vitamins/etc.) or is there more to it? Absolutely not. A healthy diet is really quite simple, eat foods that are healthy, the hard part is figuring out what foods are actually healthy now that we're in the age of food science. The numbers do matter at some point, but if you are eating the right foods your body will generally guide you into how much to eat (hungecravings is finely regulated, but again in the age of food science these cues from our body get misguided).
I'm interested in the nutrition field, is it true the internships are hellish? also, what do you feel about the keto diet? Probably depends on the internship. Are you taking about the diatetic internship? I'm not trying to be a dietician so I haven't done that, but I've heard mix reviews. I did some volunteer work with low income families, helping them find good food, and it was rewarding yet frustrating in the sense that my superiors had the same misconceptions about health the rest of world seems to have, and I couldn't do much about it. I guess if you find a place you like and have superiors that have similar views to you it'll be good, otherwise good luck.
I do know the keto diet is a LCHF diet, which I generally support. I'm not too familiar with the specifics, like how many carbs they allow, and if veggies are ok. Ketosis, generally speaking, is not a bad thing, and is often a good thing (who wouldn't want to be burning up your fat stores?). The only thing with LCHF in general I question is those that exclude things like leafy-green vegetables.
Keto generally allows 20-40 grams of (net) carbs per day, and they have to come from vegetables. Dietary fiber carbs don't count, obviously. Also lots of water. Sounds good to me, albeit a little more restricted than I would like personally, but it should do the trick for weight loss and health maintenance.
I like to eat "granola bars" regularly, they're an easy snack to throw in my lunch. Most of them are of the peanut variety... how bad are those things for you really? The other thing I think I need to change is my breakfast of Eggo waffles/other similar products. I don't add syrup, just eat them dry... but I doubt they're very good for me, any thoughts? Granola bars are probably mostly sugar, check the ingredients and you'll almost undoubtedly see a sugar ingredient within the first 3 ingredients. Eggo waffles are crap, they are a refined grain that is processed similarly to sugar. Since the grain is refined, much of the fiber is lost, and is a result the carbohydrates (of what it is mostly) is broken down very quickly into glucose (hyperglycemia), which releases lots of insulin which stores the sugar (now hypoglycemia) and stores it as fat and makes you huuuungry again.
I eat 2 to 3 eggs with butter as breakfast for 10+ years now, almost without exception. Sometimes they are boiled but mostly scrambled. Hmmm, according to the "current version of nutrition science" it would be worse because of the excess fat, saturated fat, and dietary cholesterol, and low amounts of vitamins and minerals, but as I said in the post, I think much of nutritional science is flawed.
According to current version of nutritional science, is that better or worse than standard cereal with milk or ham sandwhiches? I say this is better than cereal with milk (even if it's whole grain and skim milk). I'm guessing you get conventional eggs and butter, if you got these pasture raised I could definitely say there is nothing wrong with this breakfast, save maybe some veggies, but with the industrial version I really can't say how much better it is, only that eggs and butter is better than grains.
I just read you like, so I take it that you also like the whole 'devil grain' idea?:) Haha, well ya kinda. I eat very few grains, and I feel better this way. The evidence against grains is also convincing, but I'm hesitant to say too many negative about whole grains, especially things like brown rice and oats, which have positive health effects to consider.
Have you heard of the blood type diet? What is your take on that? I have not, what is it?
Link to Wow that's really interesting. I'm a believer in that we should eat based on our general human evolution, but I've never seen anything go back to individual blood types. Like anything, there could be something there. This seems to be something that is scientifically over my head at his point in my life.
What's your opinion on the Paleo diet? Some people I know in the fitness world swear by it. Really sound principles, I'm a fan. The version I'm familiar with says to get pasture raised animal products (I think they all do), and if this is the case with the one you're referring to, I'm a really big fan.
Eating naturally, and eating according to how we evolved are sound principles for a good diet.
What are the best foods to build muscle mass? Meat can't be beat for building muscles. Also, simple carbohydrates (like potatoes) after a workout will promote muscle growth.
What do you think of eating right before going to bed. Such as eggs, fish, meat. If you're really hungry before bed, I say eat. Listening to your body is, I believe, a key piece of regulating your diet in a healthy way. In the same way, if you're not hungry when you wake up skip breakfast.
Thoughts on carbs before bed? Carbs before bed: Not the biggest carb fan in general, depends if your talking vegetables or a pb and j. I would say it's reasonable to assume eating carbs before bed will promote fat storage.
Is there different types of protein and do they actually make any difference? e.g. protein from beans and protein from red meat, aside from the density of it in the food does it actually make a difference? Yes. Protein is made up of amino acids, and the protein from different foods will have different amino acids. 9 of these are essential, because our body cannot make them, others we can make in our body.
Meat will be a complete protein (have all 9 essential amino acids) and beans are an incomplete protein (don't have all 9), so if you had to get protein from only one of those two places, meat would be better.
All i eat are 2 pieces of grilled chicken with baby spinach for lunch and dinner every day...why am i not seeing a ton of fat loss, and is this a legitimate diet? i'll always snack on almonds/protein shakes as well. You're depriving your body of food and nutrients, and in response, it is holding onto it's fat for dear life.
If you eat more, especially more fat, you'll see fat loss. I would recommend reading "Why we get fat and what to do about it" by Gary Taubes to get some insight on this. My general advice to "eat more, especially fat" can be deleterious if carried out with the wrong foods.
What should I make for dinner tonight? I had spice rubbed wild alaskan salmon cooked in pasture raised ghee (clarified butter) with a side of avocado kale salad. It was bomb, so I suggest that.
One more question: what is your take on so-called "superfoods" and expensive drinks like Limu? The term "superfood" is more of a marketing claim. "superfoods" are generally very healthy, but the term "superfood" is a little misleading in the sense that this one food can solve all of your health needs or do some amazing effect on health. "Superfoods" are generally great additions to a healthy diet (I used have raw cacao nibs pretty frequently) but they are not the answer to all your health problems.
Haven't heard of Limu, what is it?
What is your take on Honey? Honey: added sugar (which is most of what honey is ) never really is a good thing, but in moderation it won't kill you. Raw honey is best, and is certainly better than sugar given that it has more in it than simply sugar, and do these other things (amino acids, vitamins, mineral) it could be beneficial in small doses, or in times when the body could use simple carbohydrates (like after a workout). This quote, from has some info, I've included links to the studies he referenced.
What is your take on Apple Cider Vinegar? Apple cider vinegar: Traditionally fermented raw apple cider vinegar (with the mother) is probiotic, so it's reasonable to believe it is good for gut health. This study (Link to shows apple cider vinegar increasing insulin sensitivity in insulin resistant people/type 2 diabetics (this is a good thing, becoming resistant to insulin is how you get type 2 diabetes).
(and finally) What is your take on Soy Milk as a replacement for cow's milk? Replacing soy milk with honey: Soy scares me because last time I checked the USDA data sets (earlier this year) 95% of it is genetically modified. Assuming you get non GMO soy milk, there is the issue of added sugar, which normally comes with soy milk. I would probably pick whole pasture raised milk, even over non GM soy milk with no sugar added, but this is more my opinion and I don't have much evidence to support it.
Which is more beneficial to your overall health? Chia seeds or hemp hearts. I'm an endurance athlete and have been told hemp hearts are good anti-inflamitories. Is this true? What other foods help with muscle inflammation? I'd rather not keep taking ibuprofen. Oh geesh, here's the thing, scrutinizing individual foods so much is often more trouble than it's worth, and in the case of chia seeds vs. hemp hearts, each of these are healthy and have different nutritional benefits. Chia seeds have more fiber, but more carbs, but more lower net carbs (see where this goes). If I had to pick, I would say Chia seeds, and the only real reason is that there is more information on them so I'm more confident in the data about them.
As far as inflammation goes, omega 3 fats are anti-inflammatory and omega 6's are pro-inflammatory, so balancing these out will help. also: Link to
Quick question awesome nutritional man. Eggs and coffee, good or bad? Regular eggs and coffee = not so bad -- decaf/flavored coffe = worse.
Pastured eggs and organic coffee = super duper.
I have eaten one meal a day my entire life. Is it unhealthy? Not necessarily. This reminds me of "the warrior diet" (I forgot who made it, a google search would do the trick) which would probably be interesting for you to check out.
Proof that your a nutritionist? Not a nutritionist, a nutrition student (sorry if that was unclear). I go to UMASS Amherst, lived in southwest, recently took Nutrition 130H - Nutrition for a Healthy Lifestyle, taught by Richard Wood. Does that suffice?
This is key. Your are a first year student excited about studying nutrition and are giving people actual health advise. This is completely inappropriate and I hope the mods take this down soon. You really lack the training and knowledge to help people make practical dietary decisions. I have a lot more knowledge beyond my experience, which I think is shown through many of my answers, and regardless people shouldn't blindly follow what I say, especially given my age and lack of experience. I've learned a lot more about nutrition outside of school, because as this post says, most of the "common knowledge" about nutrition is fundamentally flawed, and this caries over into a university setting. And like I've said to others, if you have a problem with some of the specifics I've been saying, why not raise these issues and make me support them, rather than condemning my simply on my age and perceived level of knowledge and experience, because even though I'm young I'm more partitioning out the advice/knowledge of many oldemore experienced people I've read up on, and it just might be right.
So your freshman or haven't taken many courses in nutrition.(100 level courses)..... See response to Impassive Advisor.
Yes, I admit it.
Last updated: 2012-08-17 09:38 UTC
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cacao vs cocoa nibs video

Chocolate from cocoa nibs - YouTube I Made A Machine To Separate Cocoa Beans into Nibs and ... Cacao Vs Cocoa, Top 6 Differences and Similarities - YouTube I Ground Cocoa Nibs into Chocolate Liquor for 24hrs - YouTube how to roast raw cacao beans, cacao nibs - YouTube The Facts: Cacao Nibs - YouTube Cacao Nibs - Superpowers Of Cocoa Powder and Beans that ... Diferencias entre el cacao y la cocoa: ¿sabías que no son ... STEP-7- HOW TO SEPARATE SHELLS FROM NIBS by Ghislain ... How to Use Cacao Nibs: My Favorite Chocolate Cocoa Nibs ...

Maybe you’ve even seen raw cacao powder or cacao nibs in health food stores, leading you to wonder how they differ from standard cocoa powder and chocolate chips. In some cases, there are What happens next determines whether the beans become cacao or cocoa. They start from the same place, but the processing makes all the difference. If you’re a chocolate hound, you probably already know that cocoa and cacao are available in many forms: nibs, chips, butter, powder, and chocolate bars, just to name a few. Cacao powder can be swapped for cocoa powder in all sorts of recipes. As it’s already been ground, it’s easy to blend this handy powder into your favourite smoothies, hot chocolate recipes and healthy bakes. You can even add a teaspoon to hearty stews for extra richness. Cacao nibs. Cacao nibs, on the other hand, offer far more crunch. Cacao nibs are a highly nutritious chocolate product made from crushed cocoa beans. This article reviews cacao nibs, including their nutrition, benefits, and how to add them to your diet. Cacao powder, or nibs, are more healthy than cocoa powder as all the natural nutrients of the cacao bean are retained. Cacao powder or nibs have naturally high levels of flavanols, fibre and protein. Cacao is said to be one of the highest sources of antioxidants of all foods. Essentially unprocessed chocolate, cacao or cocoa nibs are the part of the cocoa bean that are ground up and then sweetened and made into chocolate bars. On their own, they’re crunchy and have the flavor of unsweetened chocolate — extra-bitter and fruity. Since we’re used to eating sweetened chocolate — even the darkest dark chocolate But what about the claims that products like cacao nibs are better for you? Not to worry! It’s easy to demystify the baking aisle once you understand the difference between cacao and cocoa. Cacao vs. Cocoa: Here’s the Breakdown. Each has a unique flavor, texture and set of health benefits. There are more differences between cacao and cocoa than just the spelling, at least in how we use the words. The beans come from the Theobroma cacao tree, and the word cacao comes from the Olmec Cacao nibs vs. cocoa nibs. Technically, the difference between them is that cocoa should be made with roasted beans, while cacao is either raw or made with very low temperatures. However when it comes to nibs, both are usually in reference to the same thing. Cacao Nibs vs. Cocoa . The words cacao and cocoa can be thought of interchangeably. The cacao bean (actually a seed pod) comes from the Theobroma tree, which is also known as the cacao or cocoa tree. People in Mesoamerica were enjoying the culinary benefits of the cacao tree as far back as 1400 to 1500 BC.

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Chocolate from cocoa nibs - YouTube

My immeasurable gratitude and appreciation for All who post permaculture lifestyle videos, not only, but especially John Kaisner Permaculture who’s teachings... I tried to grind Cocoa Nibs into Liquid Chocolate using an usual but quite effective appliance... Get My cookbook here : Videos sobre tratamientos naturales, enfermedades, adelgazamiento, fitness, vida sana y bienestar.RECUERDA: Siempre busque a un médico o especialista para un... In this video Aviva Goldfarb shows you how to use cacao nibs also called cocoa nibs. Perfect if you love chocolate but not added sugar. In this video I sha... This is a brand new technique that I INVENTED the 18 Th of October 2018, I am still perfecting it, and this video shows you how I do it, and maybe you can fi... "Cacao Nibs" - TASTIEST SUPERFOOD EVER!Click the link to get SPECIAL DISCOUNT on Maca Cocoa Superfood Blend - THE TASTIEST SUPERFOOD EVER! Commonly known as as the "Food of the Gods", 100 % Pure, Organic Unsweetened Cacao Nibs are the most recent... Cocoa beans have to be separated into nibs and husks before actually making chocolate. Go to and use code FRENCHGUY to get 75% ... Full recipe and instructions: emulsifiers and other unwanted ingredients and control t... SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE!: wondered what exactly the difference IS between cacao vs cocoa? Learn more about the Theobroma cacao species ...

cacao vs cocoa nibs

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