Sex Jokes – Funny Jokes for Adults | Laugh Factory

funny jokes in english for adults

funny jokes in english for adults - win

Lost in translations

The human gazed at the aliens around him and knew, just knew, he was in a LOT of trouble.
They were not much to look at. Small. Furry. Possessing faintly rodent like features. Their powerful hindlegs had them leaping quite large distances. When humans first encountered this species their initial impression was of some kind of hybrid of Kangaroos, harvest mice and Hobbits.
Their gentle and passive nature and their habit of communal sleeping had led humans to call them ‘Dormice’ out of affection.
The human wanted, very much wanted, to go back home and inform his fellow humans that this was a bad idea. A very bad idea.
The Yucani did not appreciate the term. The Yucani did not appreciate a lot of things. Mostly, right now, this group of about 400 of them did not appreciate him.
Their angry chirps and trills grow in intensity as they hopped angrily around him. Younger males would seemingly leap towards him at high speed, before landing close with a furious hissing noise. While the human could speak Yucani, he could barely understand them as they trilled so quickly. He held up his hands in what he hoped was a universal sign of surrender.
The human may not have been an expert on Yucani culture, but he was fairly sure he knew what a lynch mob looked like. The mass of small creatures had cornered him against a wall and continued to gaze at him balefully. Each passing moment they seemed to increase in anger, in their aggression, in their potential for violence.
A stone slammed into the wall besides him.
Three things happened immediately. The human saw the stones arrival seemed to give the Yucani the idea that this was a brilliant innovation.
Oh crap! They are going to stone me!
The largest Yucani in the mob, stood about seven feet away from him, suddenly removed a vicious looking knife, with a long serrated edge.
It’s gonna stab me!
And a roar of a Yucani constabulary patrol ship suddenly was heard, its distinctive sound causing many of the small creatures at the back to turn their heads.
The police! They’re gonna save me!
As the vechicle moved closer, more and more of the mob heard it and the human was very relieved to see that they didn’t start picking up rocks and the one with a knife, his large brown eyes filled with fury and rage, slowly returned the knife back to his clothing.
The craft landed, and six Yucani got out; their green uniforms were armoured, which made them look actually impressive (the human had long ago realised that only the larger members of the race were ever chosen for their constabulary).
They slowly hopped towards the mob, who had now turned and were trilling and squeaking in high pitched tones towards the newly arrived officers.
The human gulped down a breath of air. The sense of relief and gratitude he felt was immense. He was saved. As the officers made their way towards him, the crowd parting, he felt his legs go weak. He wanted to collapse. But he managed to hold it together long enough, to offer a grateful smile as one finally made his way towards him, dividing his fellow Yuanci like the Moses before the Red Sea.
“I am very happy to see you,” says the human, smiling down at the Yucani constabulary officer. It responds by removing a short grey metallic pole and jabbing it into the humans leg.
Pain. SO much pain. A searing, agonising, exploding pain that begins in his leg and races through every single nerve cluster in his body. The human convulses and screams, his bladder empties and he almost instantly drops into unconsciousness from the agony. He falls into a crumpled heap against the wall. The Yucani officer, ignoring the little cheer that had began from his fellow species, gazed down at the human with contempt and spat.
Two months later…
The young human, manacled and bound is thrown into the small conference room the aliens had built for this meeting. His eyes glance up and fall upon the first human face he had seen in many weeks.
“Oh God, thank you. Are you here to save me?”
The other human was in his fifties; his eyes bore the look of a man who had seen many things, perhaps too many. His suit was well made, sensible, if not slightly on the conservative side.
In response to the question he smiles gently and says, “Kid, I’m fairly sure only God can save you. But I am here to try and help with the mess you are in.”
Relief, mixed with wild joy fill the prisoners face. The younger man spots a chair to sit in (the room had the familiar setting of two human shaped chairs and a desk between them), and falls into it in a heap, his manacled hands landing heavily upon the table.
“Oh, thank you! You need to get me off this planet. The conditions I’ve been kept in have been awful. I am totally isolated. A hole in the ground with a large vent in the ceiling. They throw food down to me. The place stinks.”
The older man raises an eyebrow, “That’s good. You getting off lightly.”
“Lightly? The entire thing stinks like a sewer.”
“That’s because it probably IS a sewer,” shrugs the older man, reaching for a briefcase by his side.
“Yucani prisons. They don’t incarcerate anyone but worst offenders on their world. The closest they have to prisons are specially made sewers.”
“Tell me, have random Yucani been coming along and urinating and crapping into your cell as they pass?”
“What? No. That’s horrible.”
As the older man places his briefcase upon the table between them, he smiles a cold, tight smile, “The Yucani word for ‘prisoner’ literally translates into English as ‘Eaters of Our Shit’. I think the fact that they are throwing you human food and not pissing on you qualifies as light treatment.”
The younger man’s jaw just drops. A stunned look of absolute horror crosses his face. The older human uses this as an excuse to open his briefcase, remove a heafty file in a manilla cover out (it lands on the table with a satisfying heavy sound), closes the briefcase and places it on the floor besides him.
“Are you from the Embassy?”
“No. I just arrived in-world an hour ago. Four days at warp. My guts feel mushy.”
“Oh. Are you a lawyer?”
“I afraid not. Formally the excuse the Embassy will give you is there are no humans conversant in the intricacies of Yucani jurisprudence to be able to offer effective advice. Off the record? No lawyer in the entire solar system would touch your case. So, they sent me. I’m a specialist.”
“What in?”
“Apparently being human,” says the older man, who opens the folder and begins scanning the pages underneath. The younger man is too confused to say anything which suits the older one just fine. He glances up into the scared eyes of the prisoner.
“Andrew Montgomery Eversham, born 2118, Britain. British? Should have figured. Father was an engineer on Ares station, mother was… French. Well that explains much.”
“What does my mother have to do with anything?”
The older man gazes him up and down and asks, “Only child huh?”
“Yes. Why?”
“Thought so. Right, Mr Eversham. Do you know what they are charging you with?”
“No one has told me anything at all. I was performing, and the next thing I know I was being chased by a mob of angry Dormice, and then one of their police…”
“Yucani. Not Dormice.”
“What?” Eversham’s eyes widen, and he nods, “Yes, right. I know. I figured that out. But you know its just us here.”
“Saying Dormouse to describe a Yucani is like being home and using the word ‘Kike’. It’s a derogative term. An insult. Maybe not enough to get you punched, but we don’t do that.”
“Alright. Yes. I understand. I will try. Good job you ain’t Jewish eh?”
“Bad news I’m afraid. I am.”
The older man scans through the documents and frowns.
“You are charged with a multitude of offenses. The first of which is Causing Great Disgust of Public Morals; Crude and Offensive Language; Heresy towards the Gods of the Yucani; Causing a Disturbance of the Peace… what were you doing?”
“I was doing my routine.”
“I’m a comedian. Stand up.”
There was a raised eyebrow.
“You are comedian?”
“And you caused this reaction?”
“Gonna say Kid, I’d work on your act.”
Eversham blinks and his face contorts with frustration, “Are you here to help me or not?”
The older man however just gazes at the file before him, “As well as the above you are charged with Inciting a Yucani to Wish to Commit Violence- this is a serious offense by itself, but they have charged you with inciting every individual in the crowd who heard you. So that’s 496 separate charges. And given each one carries a possible death sentence…”
“Death sentence? I could die?”
The older man smiles coldly across the table, “And we haven’t even gotten onto the serious allegations yet. So far, its just been the warm up. Now it says here that you perform under a different name.”
“Yeah. Abe Froman.”
“Abe Froman. You know from that old movie.”
“What old movie?”
“A 20th century classic. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. The character of Abe Froman- the Sausage King of Chicargo? You must have heard of it?”
The older human raises his eyebrows high.
“No ‘Abe’ I haven’t. Neither have the Yucani. Which means they arrested someone called Abe Froman, only then to discover his real name is Andrew Eversham.”
“It’s my stage name.”
“The Yuctani don’t have concepts for ‘stage names’. All they know is a human arrived on planet with one name and then started using another name once here. And THIS is why they have charged you with espionage.”
“Yes. Specifically, because of the two names thing. And THEN because they think you are some kind of human agent, but don’t know what exactly you could have been up to, they assume the worst and charged you with everything they think you COULD have been here to do. That’s what the rest of the folder is.”
Andrew gazes at the thick pages with a look of absolute terror. The older humans eyes begin scanning; “So, from the top, ‘Suspected of Wishing to Assassinate the Emperor of the Yucani; Suspected of wishing to Assassinate the Chancellor of the Emperor of the Yucani…”
He moves forward a few pages.
“Suspected of wishing to put poison in the water supply of the cities of Heshis and Jebin…”
“But I…”
The older man lifts up more pages and smiles, “Suspected of seeking to violate the sacred virginity of the High Priestess of Rho- that’s impressive.”
“Are you serious? This is a joke.”
“Deadly serious,” hisses the old man, who closes the file with a loud thump. He fixes Eversham with a fierce stare.
“I gotta tell you ‘Abe’- you are in so much trouble right now that EarthGov is an inch away from washing their hands of you, throwing you to the Yucani and letting them take dumps on your for the rest of your short life. I am, literally, the only hope in hell you have of surviving and if I’m being honest- it aint much of a hope.”
“But it was just a few jokes,” mews Eversham, his eyes welling up with tears.
“Who thought it would be a good idea to travel to another planet and do stand up comedy?”
“My agent.”
“Your agent? What did you do? Sleep with his wife?”
“No,” comes the panicked reply.
“Didn’t you even do some basic research on what the Yucani considered humour?”
“No. I thought it would be more interesting to just turn up and see how they reacted to human jokes… you know… see the raw reaction.”
The older man is briefly speechless. He takes a breath and says quietly, “Gotta admire your chutzpah Kid. Not smart but that’s a LOT of chutzpah…”
“Why would EarthGov throw me under the bus? I don’t understand. I screwed up sure, but…”
He stops as the older man just holds up a hand. He gazes into his eyes as the first human he has seen in months speaks very quietly.
“Here’s the deal. As far as we can tell, a couple of months ago, this young human leaves Earth and flies to Yucani homeworld. He passes customs, checks into a Yucani version of a hotel and asks if they have versions of ‘clubs’. He discovers that, being social creatures, Yucani do indeed have these places where they gather to be entertained. Brilliant says he. The human goes to one of these. This human, he is not entirely ignorant- he’s learned basic Yucani. Not much, but enough to converse conversationally.”
The older mans stare nails the young man to his chair.
“So he goes there and meets the Yucani in charge. Explains that he is a ‘human entertainer’. Asks if he can perform. The Yucani, like the rest of his species? They get on well with us. We share similar traits. We have had good relations since the Treaty of Commerce and Travel was signed fifteen years ago. Sure, he says. He announces this human. Who gets on stage. But does not sing. Doesn’t dance. He talks. He talks to them. He says some pretty damn insulting things about them. He ignores their obvious growls of displeasure.”
“I thought they were laughing!”
“You thought wrong kid. The crowd sat for about twenty minutes getting madder and then decides enough is enough. They chase him out of the club, across two streets and corner him outside of his hotel. Where he is arrested and not lynched because the club owner rang the constabulary. Have I missed anything out?”
“No,” says Eversham quietly.
“So the EarthGov embassy gets informed of all this and do what they do and move to smooth ruffled fur. It’s just a misunderstanding they say. It’s an easy mistake they say. Their records show he is JUST a comedian. But here’s the thing kid. Yucani don’t have comedians. They don’t get it. So the Ambassador tries to explain it to them. Which in turn leads to a discussion about a very unique trait we humans have that Yucani do NOT have. Know what that is?”
“A sense of humour?” Eversham says, literally unable to help himself. He is surprised at the response.
“Well spotted. They have one but it is nothing like our own. They became fascinated at our sense of humour and then in quick measure, horrified at it. They find the very essence of human humour to be offensive, aggressive, cruel and vicious. Their government is considering tearing up the Treaty between our two races. Literally, your little stunt has caused the MOTHER of all diplomatic incidents.”
“I… I had… no idea,” stammers the Englishman.
“That comes as no surprise to me whatsoever,” comes the hissed reply. The older man sighs and rubs his eyes and continues. “Now the GOOD news is, given the severity of the charges you face, the nature of the issue, and the sheer monumental insanity of this whole thing, the Yucani have decided to not bother with all the minor courts, judges, appleant proceadures. You are going to be tried by the top court on the planet. The Ultimate Court. One trial, one hearing, one.”
Eversham just nods.
“The bad news is, it won’t be you alone on trial. It will be the entire human species. And our sense of humour. Somehow, just somehow, we have to convince these creatures that actually our sense of humour isn’t just an awful trait that they find offensive. And that means somehow, just somehow, I’ve got to defend human comedy in front of a species who has no concept of comedy at all.”
The older man sighs.
“And I thought raising my eldest daughter was tough!”
There is a silence. The full weight of the moment clearly hits the young man. He lowers his head and fights back tears. Eventually, without looking up, he says quietly.
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m sure you are kid.”
“I’ve been a fool.”
“This much EVERYONE can agree upon.”
“I never meant to cause this…”
The older man sighs again, “I know you didn’t kid. Everyone knows you didn’t MEAN it. Doesn’t make it any easier for folks back home.”
Andrew Eversham nods. Displaying the stoicism his nation was famed for, he remains very quiet. Tears drip off his nose but he makes no sound. The older man just looks at him, an iota of sympathy creeping into his sad eyes. Moments pass. Eversham finally speaks.
“It… maybe it would be better if everyone just wrote me off. Said I was insane. Aberrational. Throw me under the bus. Let everyone get on with it?”
A small sad smile crosses the older mans face.
“To be blunt, that is what a LOT wanted to do back in EarthGov. A lot still do. But it’s too late for that. The whole race is in the mix now. Like it or not, we gotta jump on this ride and see it through to the end. And this is why they sent me. Because some fool thinks that if anyone can win this, can somehow get you off, its me.”
“Are you a diplomat?”
“No, no, nothing like that.”
“So why did they send you?”
“Beats me kid. I mean I have a rough idea, but really? I think they sent me because they are desperate.”
“What do you do for a living?”
A smile.
“For my sins? I’m a Rabbi.”
Four Days Later; The Grand Chamber of the Yucani Ultimate Court
Rabbi Johnathan Cohen had to admit- it was impressive. For such a small race, the Yucani could do ‘grand’. As he looked around the chamber of the highest judiciary on their planet, he could imagine it being used for an equally impressive purpose back on Earth. Of course on Earth the décor and colour scheme would be a tad different. More imposing.
Regal even. This?
It reminded him of the garish interior of some Western Bordelo from the 1890’s if he was honest. Still, the gold and purples and reds didn’t distract from the gravitas of the assembly or the importance of the room.
Or the size of the crowd.
EarthGov told him it was going to be a big show. They were not kidding. The five judges (known as a ‘claw’ the standard designation in all Yucani trials apparently) were looking impressive in their yellow robes of office, but they were upstaged by everyone else. The importance of the nature of this trial had demanded that anyone who was anyone would be here.
Rabbi Cohen could see the heir to the Yucani Empire had arrived (representing his father and 83 siblings); the Minister for Relations With The Hairless Ones (the formal designation for the poor Yucani official who dealt with humans) was also there, talking to him in hurried trills.
There were delegations of all the great and the good of this species, including The High Matron of the Sacred Priestesses of Rho, whose arrival caused him to smile inwardly. And it wasn’t just the Yucani who were here.
The unique nature of the diplomatic spat had caused interest from a half dozen other species. He saw the Ambassador of the Tu-Kek sitting within a glass encased sphere; the Emissary of the Golden Hive, which sat unmoving upon a perch, witnessing all that it relayed to the collective hive mind of the crew of the colony/ship that had arrived in orbit a few days before.
There was even a Frosh there, hovering enigmatically in its encounter suit, and the Frosh didn’t seem interested in anything except fractal mathematical equations most of the time. None of the species knew a damn thing about them- highly advanced but utterly abstract.
And there were the other humans. The Ambassador was there looking nervous (he was partly to blame for messing up the aftermath of the event- his job was on the line); the Commodore of Human Forces in the nearest sector was to his right, looking bored (only here because EarthGov was slightly worried this could end in a war). The attractive secretary (who everyone whispered the Ambassdor was sleeping with), sat on the other side of the Commodore, his handsom eyes glancing at the proceedings nervously.
And this ignored the several hundred normal Yucani who had managed to gain attendance to the trial. Rabbi Cohen took a sip of water and muttered to himself, “No pressure then Johnathan…”
He turned to the rather pathetic figure of Andrew Eversham besides him. He wasn’t chained, and he had been issued new clothing, but his eyes were sunken and he looked the very image of a broken man.
“Nothing kid,” he says kindly, “you ready for this?”
“No,” comes the dispondant reply. For some reason Johnathan smiles at this.
“That’s the way. Honesty is always the best policy.”
The beating of a gavel is enough to start the proceedings. Ear pieces to allow fluent translations of all sides words are donned, and Rabbi Cohen takes a deep breath. Yucani trials followed a slightly differing format than humans- but the jist was roughly the same. The ‘prosecution’ he noticed was a grey furred alien, whose somewhat rotund body revealed him to be a corpulent and well fed member of his species. No doubt some great legal mind.
The trial passed quickly enough- the facts were not in dispute and indeed the defence case being as it was (the human in question was ignorant of any harm he could cause and meant no malice) was not even seriously contested by the state. No, in truth the real reckoning lay in the deeper issue of human sense of humour, and how in would colour future Human-Yucani relations.
Eventually, after about an hour, the rotund alien hopped back towards his table and began trilling in low, dark tones. In Cohen’s ear the translation came across clearly.
Which leads us, most supreme claw, to the crux of the issue. The human’s case rests upon a simple defense; he was innocent of any illwill towards our peoples, but sought to ‘entertain’ us with an example of human ‘humour’. This has led to our people investigating this aspect of the aliens personalities, and what we have found is disturbing indeed.
Johnathan watched closely as little creature trilled and squeaked in strong tones, his brown eyes forever gazing around him; while he was no expert on Yucani bodylanguage, Cohen knew showboating when he saw it. The little fat furball was playing to the crowd, playing upon the sensibilities of his race.
We have found humans delight in mockery; in lampooning; in deriding. They claim they do the same to themselves, as if this excuses them, as if it gives them the writ to inflict such things upon the rest of the galaxy. For a human, mockery of their institutions and their leaders is to be expected. But as we all KNOW- such things are anathema to we Yucani; where the familial bonds of love and honour are as natural to us as breathing…
The Rabbi tried hard not to roll his eyes. The prosecution was laying it on thick. Really thick. He watched as the creature hopped and trilled, waving its little arms about, modulating its voice expertly. He could see every Yucani in the room moved by this; their noses twitched, eyes welled up, their tails would go back and forth violently.
Carefully the Rabbi listened as the little creature moved onto the mainstay of his argument.
Is it not said by the Goddess Rho, that ‘all things shall be in its natural place, from star to planet, from ruler to bondman’; does not Rho teach us that there is only joy to be found in ‘careful appreciation of the natural order of all things’? Is it not said within our most sacred texts that ‘The ONLY path towards elevation of a soul, is through acceptance of its time within the body’? These are the foundations of our very society, our very civilisations…
The prosecution begins waxing lyrical about the virtues of the civilisation of the Yucani, but Johnathan was only half listening. There was a religious aspect to this after all?
As he mused on the sacred words of the Rho, part of him wondered if the wiley President of Earth was smarter than he liked to appear. Did the old guy KNOW this was going to be their approach? Is this why he sent him?
His thoughts are broken as the prosecution brings his long and somewhat vaudevillian diatribe to its conclusion…
…which bases itself upon mockery, and lampoon and cruelty towards living things are ideas we Yucani cannot afford to allow infect our civilisation. They gnaw at its roots. They will in time infest our nests. Supreme Claw, I must ask, no implore, no BEG of you, to issue an edict which petitions our Emperor to reconsider allowing these humans access to our world. Lest one night, one terrible night, the scenes we saw, where a single voice defiles the virtues of our culture are repeated… but this time by one of our own children.
Cohen takes a breath and smiles to himself. He glances over at the ambassador who looks back nervously. Besides him the quiet voice of Andrew Eversham says, “I really screwed this all up didn’t I?”
“Yes kid. But look on the bright side?”
“There’s a bright side?”
“It’s not everyday you get to be accused of defiling an entire civilisation. Think about how it will look on your CV?”
Rabbi Cohen stands as his opposing side sits down heavily. He picks up a small card wherein the correct honourifics needed to address the court are clearly printed and runs through the formalities quickly enough. That done he gazes at the five judges for a moment, and shrugs.
“The human sense of humour. Where do I, one of our species, even BEGIN to start describing this complex thing that lies at the heart of who we are, to your most Supreme Claw? There are great minds on Earth who have wondered about this for many centuries and reached no conclusion. And yet it is clear, I must. So let me try and break this down into a way I feel the Yucani can understand and I hope, accept it, for all its imperfections.”
“It is a question often asked by us humans- what makes us laugh? What is the source of our humour? The prosecution would have you believe it is cruelty and mockery. And from the surface it would appear so. But allow me to illustrate that human humour is complicated and made up of many levels.”
He strides out from behind his table, keeping his voice low and his eyes focused on the judges.
“The starting point is incongruity. We humans like you Yucanti had an issue with incongruity. Evolutionary speaking our ancestors, like yours, lived lives fearing predators; both our species in our ancient past? We would gaze, eyes to the horizon, forever searching for danger. We learned well the safety in patterns, the formal, fixed nature of our surroundings. Anything out of place, incongruous, we would be drawn to. It spelt danger, it spelt threat.”
“For my species, long after we had evolved past the need to spot such things, we had this trait inherent still within us. Why do I stress this? When humans spot an incongruity in nature, when it does not threaten us? We laugh. An exclamation of relief. Identical to what Yucani call the ‘musk of fear ending’. For your species it is natural and normal. Same with ours. Yours is scent. Ours is sound. Identical reactions. A thing we have in common yes?”
A few aliens nod at this. A good start.
“However this is not the full basis of our humour. Incongruity cannot be the full extent of our humour. If I was to find a shoe in a dishwasher, or you were to find Gurnix inside a Flubuton, that in itself would not be the cause of humour to us. It would be odd, but not humorous. The key for us humans is that incogurity has to be of a correct kind. For humans it has to involve a shift of perspective. The great human psychologist, Koestler, pointed out that for humans this shift is all important. An example would be…”
He nods to one of the technicians and displayed in the air in both languages are words.
When is a door not a door?
When it is a jar!
“This is an example of that type of humour. Incongruity presenting a perspective shift.”
There is utter silence from the audience and he scans the translation and smiles.
“Of course the joke does not translate at all to your race. The play on contexts and language is entirely lost to you. But notice how my fellow humans did not laugh either. Such things are primitive; plays on words, sudden perspective shifts. Proto-Jokes almost. I raise it to establish the baseline of our humour.”
“We humans have many of these jokes. We call them things like ‘knock-knock jokes’ and ‘lightbulb jokes’. They are not truly appealing to our humour, the highest compliment they can get is to be called clever, for you see they are missing a particular element of humour which the prosecution has done well to highlight.”
“What they miss, is a degree of cruelty.”
The little rotund advocate for the state stands and begins trilling in high pitched tones. Cohen waits for the translation to come through.
So you admit that humans revel in cruelty?
He smiles, “No.”
But you just said that your humour needs cruelty!
“A certain type, yes. But not the type you described.”
Semantics! Your supreme clawness, I urge you end this nonsense…
We will hear the human defence, intones the oldest, long whiskered judge, As we are curious as not how they will justify this.
“I thank the indulgence of the court,” smiles Cohen, and he takes a breath.
“There remains, there always will, an aspect of human behaviour that is mistaken for our humour but is not. This is how we humans use laughter. Laughter is a physical response to things. Mostly to humour yes, but also, and this is where the prosecution made their mistake, it can be a sound of triumph. At such times the sound is indeed dark and unmistakably cruel. Many have observed that for all the love we have of the sound of laughter it is by volume and in ferocity, an aggressive sound. And there exists many examples of our species using laughter when committing acts of cruelty.”
He shrugs, “It was only a few centruies ago that it became unfashionable to visit the places we kept our psychically and mentally disable for the purpose of laughing at them. We thought it good sport to look upon their pain. All of human history contains accounts of how public executions were raucous affairs, we would attend and celebrate the killing of one of our own, often with laughter as the guillotine came down upon them…”
Rabbi Cohen sighs heavily, “When I was younger I once saw a picture. Germany. The 1930’s. A small child, a Jewish boy, was being forced to clean the street on his hands and knees. Around him stood adults and they were laughing. This isn’t human humour, it’s cruelty. There are countless episodes of torturers laughing as they inflict pain. Of laughter being heard from mass shooters, from soldiers in war, at our most darkest moments. These things I do not refute. But point out a similarity of experience between our species.”
“Every species in the galaxy knows Yucani are fastidious in cleaning, how they value healthy and clean fur. No Yucani would ever dose another in urine for example. What then of your treatment of prisoners? Are we to take that as indicative of Yucani finding such things acceptable? Of course not. It is a certain, dark aspect of your society, misunderstood except BY your species. This is the same as using laughter by humans in moments of cruelty. It is separate FROM the debate about humour.”
He takes a breath and a sip of water before continuing.
“No, to say human humour is incognuity mixed with cruelty is too simplistic. It has to be the right type of cruelty…”
What do you mean the right type of cruelty? asks the supreme judge.
Johnathan Cohen thinks for a moment and smiles, “On Earth, a wise man called Mel Brooks once asked the question- what is the difference between tragedy and comedy?”
What was his answer?
“Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall down a manhole cover and die.”
The Ambassadors secretary bursts out laughing, the sound carries across the room, ALL eyes fall upon him. Hurridly he covers his mouth, going red in the process.
“And you see the very nature of it right there. A sudden juxtaposition of incongruity and a certain element of cruelty, producing an involuntary response. Laughter.”
He pauses for a moment and says quietly, “In our distant past, in the year 1991 of our calander, a human writer called David Barry said the following, “The most important humor truth of all is that to really see the humour in a situation, you have to have perspective. ‘Perspective’ is derived from two ancient Greek words: ‘persp’ meaning ‘something bad happens to someone else’ and ‘ective’ meaning ‘ideally someone like Donald Trump’.”
At this all the humans bursts out laughing and Rabbi Cohen holds up his hands, “Again- the involuntary reaction. I won’t bother to explain it your honours, just to say that last statement was a joke designed to highlight something.”
“The core cruelty here is that someone must lose dignity. As we humans say be brought down a peg or two, or be knocked off a pedestal. It can be used by the mob as a weapon, and YES, it does have a subversive power. One of our ancients, a man called Plato, thought humour was destabalsing to the state and should be banned from it, which for us humans? Tell us much about the kind of guy Plato actually was.”
See? This is my allegation Supreme Claw. The human ADMITS what I am saying is true…
“What we do you got right, WHY we do it you got wrong. I heard you speaking about how Rho says we must appreciate the time our souls connect with our bodies correct?”
The prosecution’s whiskers twitch a little, and carefully it says Yes
“Well, the most basic, the most universal, the most raw and successful brand of comedy, the one my clients version was but a verbal variation of, the one that transcends the many human languages, is humour based upon just that. The realisation that there is a split between the soul, the essence of a human, and these dull, mundane frail bodies we exist in. What a psychologist once called the ‘dualism of subtle mind and inert matter’. “
“We call that humour, slapstick.”
He grins to himself.
“The core of all slapstick is the ‘the blow and the fall’. It can be as simple as a human slipping on the skin of recently eaten fruit. Or elaborate and detailed, but at its core is something very important. We understand, totally, the immortality of the soul, what the Goddess Rho holds to essence of being, but we also recognise the limitations of the body. Your species finds solance in holding to the immutable structure of the universe to reconcile this correct? We reconcile it by finding humor when we are reminded that these frail bodies cannot match the perfection of what lies within.”
“All of this is just by way of explaining this…”
An image appears on screen. It is a small human infant, wearing a sundress, maybe aged about 2 or 3 years old. Walking towards them is an image of Rabbi Cohen. He smiles at the child, and walks towards her and then, suddenly, slips and lands on his backside, a look of mock shock on his face. And at that, the court room is filled with the sound of the small child laughing, laughing hard; uncontrollable laughter, a sound that makes every human in the room smile. The image ends.
“Your honours, THAT is the most beloved sound on my home planet. The sound of an innocent child laughing. It transcends cultures and languages, transcends time. It delights us like NO other sound. We can spend hours just trying to get children to make it.”
“Consider then what you just saw? An innocent- capable of no higher functions of thought; an infant. It’s reactions are primal. But what DID you see? An infant is able to identify itself as a being, and me as a separate being. It saw the classic imposition upon my being by this mundane body. I tripped and slipped on my tuchus. A sudden juxtaposition of incongruity. One second I am stood, the next I am not. Mixed with the RIGHT kind of cruelty. Misfortune happening to another. But notice my reaction- my mock smile? My grand daughter realises that it is not hurting me and responds with a spontainious reaction of laughter.”
“THIS is at its base, the core of ALL human comedy and humour; it is based on empathy, and innocence. Not for her convoluted explanations involving cruelty and mockery. Just instinct. As we grow we develop more sophisticated methods to find humour but at its core? That is it. Is that not a demonstration of how our humour is as identical as your veneration of the soul within the body? The acceptance of the duality of body and spirit?”
Rabbi Cohen smiles, gently and turns to the Judges.
“Your honours, I urge you to dismiss this case. And I urge you to do so because let me tell you what will happen to the defendant. He will be released. He will return home. And when he does? He will become the subject of many, many jokes. He bore no ill will in his heart towards your race- but he was a schmuck.”
What is a schmuck?
“It’s a certain type of human. For the Yucani? A schmuck will forever be my client.”
In his chair the stand up comedian opens his mouth and then closes it. Defeated.
“He will return home and we will make stories about what he did. We will laugh at his foolishness, his ignorance, his pride….”
And we so gonna have fun with you little fat gerbil, he thinks but does not say as he eyes the prosecutor.
“And our ambassador will sit down with the Crown Prince and they will add a provision to the Treaty of Trade and friendship that says, based on the psychological underpinnings of our two species, and given we recognise that we share in common a belief of the duality of our existence and indeed of the existence of the soul, that human humour is a natural byproduct of our evolution like musk scenting is part of yours. Neither of our species share these traits, so lets not inflict it upon the other huh?”
“That would seem to me to be a most equitable and fair solution.”
The judges consulte one another, the Yucani remove their translation devices, but Johnathan can see their chirpings are appreciative. He may not have convinced them humans are FUNNY… but he may have convinced them to let this slide. He sits down at his table, gathers up his case note and begins to place them inside his briefcase.
Besides him, the comedian gazes over and sees there, amidst the papers in the briefcase, a hard backed book… ‘On the origins of humor: why Neaderthals can’t take a joke’ by Dr Johnathan Cohen, and a sudden realisation crosses his mind and he whispers, “You wrote that?”
“When not studying the Torah, I dabble in evolutionary psychology. It pays the bills.”
“Thank you.”
“Hey kid, what we gonna do? Let aliens say we bad for liking to laugh? What’s next? We are sinful because we breath?”
As the court recesses, and the judges leave to make their judgement, Rabbi Cohen stands and turns to make his way over to the Ambassadour when he is stopped suddenly. There, before him, stands the representative of the Frosh. It’s towering form, its huge encounter suit, obscuring the being from within. It’s cold black visage, plain glass of some kind, looms balefully over him.
In all the hustle of the Yucani leaving, no one notices this member of the most elusive and obscure of all the alien species, make his way to stand before the human. Johnathan clears his throat and goes, “Hello?”
The alien just stands.
“Can I help you?”
The black screen suddenly flashes brief, fractal images upon it, who flare in and out of existing as quick as a human blink. At the same time a warbling high pitch noise emits from deep in the chest area.
The Rabbi blinks and says, “What?”
The images and the noise is repeated again. Realisation dawning, Rabbi Cohen places down his briefcase and picks up the translator device he was using back on the table.
“Say that again please?”
The images flash and the noise is made and two seconds later words form in the humans ear… a simple message…
Pull my finger.
There is a silence. Around them the Yucani chitter and trill but Johnathan Cohen begins to smile…
submitted by thefeckamIdoing to HFY [link] [comments]

That Time when a Corporate Slave Reincarnated into Hololive and Gained 1 Million Subscribers (Houshou Marine’s Journey)

That time when a corporate slave reincarnated into Hololive and gained 1 Million subscribers (Houshou Marine’s Journey)
Note: *this is translated and modified from まーがり’s wonderfully detailed article on Note ( I do not take credits for anything here. I also left out a lot of the graphs, if you like those, go visit the original. Also, I used quite a lot of MTL. If there’s anything you would like to add, please comment and I will consider it! Senchou is the best, the cutest in the world! This will be a collection of clips with short descriptions from the original author with some additional information added in by me. I tried my best to find the English clips for each of these, but older clips are very hard to find...mostly due to the shut down of a certain translation group that shall not be named.

Characteristics of Houshou Marine
Hololive Vtubers are required to have some background lore and RP, and Marine’s generation is called “Hololive Fantasy’ and is created with the concept of “characters from a fantasy world” in mind. It is said that the 3rd gen members are older on average compared to 1st and 2nd gen, especially with Flare, Marine, and Noel who are known as the Oneesan-gumi. (Big Sisters Gang)
Marine is short with large hips and bust, a so-called shortstack. Self-proclaimed 17 years old(?), but from various stories and unintentional leaks, is probably around 27-29. Compared to other members who are cute and young, she fits more of a sexy role.
Compared to the rest of the 1 million club (this was made before Haato reached 1 million) she is noticeably not a cute type, but rather a HORNY type, the first of the type in fact to reach 1 million.
She is probably a former streamer, given her ability to entertain and engage live audiences. Her amazing talking skills will keep you glued to the screen no matter if she’s doing a chatting stream or just playing games. According to her, she learned to be interesting all the time from her time growing up in the Houshou household, which ignores all boring talk.
She also knows a lot about NND (Nico Nico Douga) culture and all the memes from there. She is also a serious Touhou fan since high school to the point that she can correctly name all characters just by their face (no hair) alone. Self-confessed former (?) Fujoshi.
Marine’s Survival Strategy
When a Vtuber debuts, they have to struggle in a place of fierce competition for survival. The same applies for corporate vtubers. Way back in August of 2019, the general view of Hololive was that it’s a company carried by Sora, Fubuki, and Aqua who were working very hard, but still a small company reliant on Nijisanji. (in 2018 and 2019, NijiHolo collaborations were very frequent)
How did Houshou Marine debut into such a market so dominated by Nijisanji and other companies and survived? Let’s take a look at her story.
But first, let’s talk about her background before debuting. The information here is gathered from her chatting streams and SC reading sections.
The two family members she talks about the most are her dad and older sister. Their characteristics are roughly this.
Dad: No delicacy (rough kind of person), has a lot of willpower, sends a LINE message to her every day, lacks internet literacy.
Older Sister: Even more shy than Aqua, emotionally sensitive, once cried due to a Freshness Burger dropping on the floor, has no friends so she named Marine as her friend when she was asked to answer who’s her BFF in KumaTomo (DS game)
( ←--The clip) Very popular among ichimis. (Marine’s fans)
Both know that she is vtubing, but don't seem to be watching her too much. (TL note: The only time I remember her talking about her family watching a stream was her older sister watching the 78 years old stream) Apparently couldn’t watch the Toyosu live at the beginning of 2020 due to an OS update. --- Bad with technology sister and dad ---- That time mom played games on Hangame for hours on end ( --- when very little, too poor to eat roll cakes and really hungry so ate a streets fighter manual instead, tastes like paper.
(TL note: In a recent stream, she has commented that her old house had serious bug issues, and by serious I mean serious, she was not well-off)
Allegedly graduated from high school at the age of 2 and Harvard at the age of 3.
(real) Attended a Christian all-girls high school and said that she had a crush on a girl, but was rejected after trying to hold hands with her with the words “sorry, but I don’t swing that way” ------ Kaitou Xi’s translation of the events
Her love for Touhou apparently was influenced a great deal by her, and they parted on good terms as friends.
It is widely known that she was working for a so-called “black company” in customer service. ( ) ←------ that time she was given rotten oranges for winter bonus ←----- the final straw that led to her quitting her old job, CEO forcing employees to dedicate everything they have to the company
It’s a truly appalling story, but without this, we will probably never see her vtubing, so thank you old boss (?)
Not everyone was terrible however, one example was her female section chief who taught her the ropes in the workplace.
This concludes her story pre-debut, after this will all be about her activities while working as a vtuber affiliated with Hololive with her debut on August 11th, 2019.
Early Activities (August - December 2019)
As mentioned above, Hololive of August 2019 was not a truly independent Vtuber company yet with many collaborations aiming outside instead of inside the company. Her debut stream clocked in around 7506 viewers, numbers astronomically low when you see the kind of numbers 5th Gen got for their debut streams. That was how popular Hololive was, known but still second-rate.
-Active in external collaborations
( --voicing Mitsuhiko Pikachu) ←-------she made the illustrations for this
Her channel was monetized in late August, a very fast pace at the time. She conveyed thoughts such as “I will finally be able to eat meat…!” and “Pokemon merch…” in response to the news. However, tragedy will soon come to befall her monetization 6 months later...

The Time of Growth (January-March 2020)
The debut of the 3rd gen played a large part in popularizing Hololive as a whole. It can be said that they are the start of the Unstoppable Hololive we see today. (Hololive 3rd Gen was and still is the most popular HololiveJP generation as a whole) She gained 100k subs in 4 months, and the momentum just doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon. She became the most subscribed 3rd gen member in the latter half of March. It can be said that this period was the time when ichimis realized their love for Marine and started supporting her seriously like you would a real idol.
Marine of that era was still not at the top, still below the Four Heavenly Kings, (Kizuna Ai, Mirai Akari, Kaguya Luna, Siro) the popular Nijisanji vtubers, and the more popular Hololive members at the time. The ARK pandemic that was unleashed by Coco contributed a great deal to her growth, with Marine being so addicted to the game that Coco named her as one of the members of the original “ARK addicts'' in an episode of Asacoco.
This period sees a remarkable increase in solo streams to collab ratio.
As a side note, she is quite active in the usage of her 3D model, doing a total of 13 projects with it.
The Second Vtuber Boom (April-June 2020)
With a state of emergency being declared and lockdown in progress, demand for streaming vtubers reaches heights never thought of before. Numbers rose dramatically during this period in terms of subscribers. Is it perhaps the second coming of the 2017 Vtuber boom?
She was overtaken by Pekora in subscribers around the time Pekora was doing MGS marathon.
Have to say, she was popping off big time during the era.

First Year Anniversary and Birthday (July-September 2020)
She was working very hard in July to the point she cried while eating the cake during her birthday stream at the end of the long, hellish grind...everyone...please give her headpats.
#ババ共の寝起き (grannies wake up) was on first place trending on Japanese twitter.
( ←---blub’s translated clip of Fubuki’s commentary stream about the event)
( ←----Marine’s comic strip about the event, translated by RedHen35 on Danbooru with typeset by Velarys)
( ←---translated clip from Vlife of when Marine later told her story to Kiara on the first episode of Holotalk)
( ←-----Mizuryu’s art of the event (YES, that Mizuryu, the guy’s a serious ichimi)
(I think it’s pretty obvious I really like this event)
( ←-- the stream)
End of 2020 and the start of 2021(October-January 2020)
Her sub count exploded over this period with over 100k per month and more. Remarkably, she started uploading short videos which might have attracted the Kaigai Niki crowd. One interesting observation is that from this period on, the behaviors of ichimis start changing from a group that is closer to that of Pekora’s to one that is closer to Rushia or even Coco, we are now fully in love with her. In one of her member-only streams, she talked about getting a KU100 mic for ASMR and the chat was filled to the brim with 100 dollar donations. In the last stream of the year, ridiculous amounts of money were sent to her in an attempt to get her to marry us. I have to admit, I do miss when chat used to spam “cringe” in response to her acting cute, but this is not bad at all. DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4
On the 18th of January, she finally achieved 1 million subscribers! Congratulations to our Captain!

11 August 2019 Youtube debut
2 January 2020 News Year costume debut
24 January 2020 hololive 1st fes. non-stop story (Toyosu Live)
15 February 2020 3D model debut
30 July 2020 Birthday / "Ahoy! We are the Houshou Pirates!” release
5 August 2020 Channel reaches 500,000 subscribers
11 August 2020 1 year of activity
18 October 2020 Goth loli costume debut
21 December 2020 hololive 2nd fes. Beyond the Stage (1st Stage)
18 January 2021 Reaches 1 million subscribers
Addendum A (Favorite Fanmade Creations)
Addendum B (Describing established pairings) (super personal views)
Promising new pairings
submitted by HistoryEnthusar to Hololive [link] [comments]

The full documentation of Kinnikuman's controversial issue and what happens to Holy Samba Night (Quetzmas and Christmas 2018 in JP server).



The official confirmation of Kinnikuman’s controversy and how it is relating to the Holy Samba Night’s controversial rumor is still not to be proven at this point. Credit where the credit is due, special thanks to Taiwanese fans for they have decided to investigate the rumor and confirmation. P.S: English is not my first language, I've really tried my best here, so please bear with me. I'll edit if there is any mistake in this post.
Well, it's time to clear up the misunderstanding with the Holy Samba Night (Also known as Quetzmas and Christmas 2018 for the JP audience) because, over the past months, FGO TW fans posted how much evidence they have found during their investigation into the topic. The rumor is getting escalated more and more, ever since the event did not receive a reprint version on the JP server to this very day.
First things first, the rumored statement of “Kinnikuman author will sue anyone who uses their work as a parody reference” is misleading information, that is nothing to do with the actual issue. In fact, there are many popular series, real-life gymnasts, and pro-wrestlers making a shout-out to the series without violating the copyright law and fair use, especially the iconic finisher move “Kinniku Buster” (Muscle Buster in literal translation) gets referenced a lot (Start from left to right: First column: Shimoneta, and Daily Lives of High School Boys. Second column: Tekken Tag Tournament 2, and Kill la Kill. Third column: Gintama, and Soul Calibur 6).
Not to mention Yudetamago the creator of Kinnikuman, they don’t mind people using their work for a source inspiration, and the series itself was originally a self-aware parody and a spoof of Ultraman before shifted into a pro-wrestling theme. Because the manga is so popular and its success, it became a major pop-culture phenomenon in Japan and created a franchise that spawned dozens of spin-offs, parodies, cultural references, toys, merchandise, and many more. The chances are at least people will notice a shout-out or an influence in their favourite series, and FGO is one of them.
Now that rumored statement is completely discredited once and for all. With that being said, the true confirmation of Kinnikuman’s controversy will be covered in this post.

What are relevant facts about Kinnikuman and its recent issue?

The original creator of Kinnikuman, Yudetamago is the duo mangaka consisting of Takashi Shimada the story writer, and Yoshinori Nakai the artist. The former has Twitter homepage.
With the exception of one-shots and spin-offs, Kinnikuman (1979) was supposedly reached its conclusion in March 1987 and the final 36th volume was published on 15 April 1988. After 24 years, the manga finally gets a revival continuation that has returned on 28 Nov 2011.
The continuation of the 1979 version is published in Shueisha’s Shu Play News and it still ongoing. As of 4 January 2021, 73 volumes were released, including all old 36 volumes were published in the reprint edition with censoring specific copyright cameos.
Since when the issue happened and how it seems to be more considerably controversial?
The controversy has occurred on 1 Sep 2020, when Shimada feels disappointing to see people posting screenshot spoiler of the recent chapters in public outside the official web-page lately. He pleading to the fanbase for do not to post it publicly due of the newest chapters have contained heavy spoilers and the nature of the plot-driven.
On 10 Sep 2020, Shueisha made a public announcement by requesting for fans who are using images to be posted on social media that might be leading to potential business damage. The next day, Livedoor NEWS reported that Yudetamago has finally taken a first legal action for spoilers on the internet. Thus, Shueisha announced their new copyright policy that threatening people posting unauthorized contents.
On 14 Sep 2020, J-Cast has posted the interview with Furukawa Kensuke the e-commerce businessman, and Kobayashi Kota the cosplayer, gymnast, lawyer, and also who is a big fan of the franchise (Most JP fans recognize him for being one of the most popular Fate’s Ozymandias cosplayers). They are asking what are their opinion on Kinnikuman’s controversial topic, what are merits and demerits of posting screenshot spoilers, and the definition of true spoiler.
Jay Allen from UNSEEN JAPAN was the only publisher who had covered the full-story article in English, it got posted on 13 Sep 2020 but didn’t get enough attention among English-speaking audience. Here’s the tweet link to those who want to spread the awareness. Also, the specific paragraph from the same article:
On the NTV morning program Sukkiri!, legal expert Kokuchi Yoshio said the company could argue that releasing spoilers amounts to obstruction of business and seek damages from overzealous fans.
(SPOILER ALERT FOR KINNIKUMAN FANS BECAUSE OF SCREENSHOT SPOILERS). Once again, thanks to Taiwanese fans for posting another confirmation that is related to the paragraph. The article is written in Chinese but it has the same context as UNSEEN JAPAN’s article, it’s worth mentioning that there are images showing the fact Sukkiri has covered the news.

Why Kinnikuman’s issue happens to be connecting to Christmas 2018 (JP), The Holy Samba Night?

The controversial rumor of Kinnikuman against Holy Samba Night doesn’t end here, despite the rumored statement as mentioned in the Disclaimer section is confirmed to be false.
Here’s the brief information about Holy Samba Night: The event being a pro-wrestling theme mixes with a Christmas theme, which is at first, a refreshing concept. Quetz Samba and Bradamante are main allies, the latter gets focused more than the former due to the title name for the event’s subtitle is named after the latter: Snowing Ruins and the Maiden Knight (In NA server, The Snowy Ruins and the Girl Knight). The most notable thing, it is an obvious parody event with several cultural references, and most of all, the story is heavily based on Kinnikuman (In NA server, another reference like Scott Reiner’s Math Promo was added there but it did not exist in the original text on JP server).


There are many sources that contain many heavy spoilers from the manga itself. Even though some of these spoilers are very old, many newcomers insist they don't want to get spoiled, so you have to use spoiler tagging text. Please understand and respect their decision.
MCrona had posted the information of how many Kinnikuman references are found in the event, and luckily for another post didn't get a copyright strike, Quetz Samba’s moveset copies some Kinnikuman characters of their signature moves. According to people who read the manga, there are more unseen references of signature moves she copies including her Noble Phantasm and Jaguar Taiga’s cut-in.
It is true that Shueisha has posted their new copyright policy, there are Twitter posts still survived out there (1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6). Why their post hasn't taken down by Shueisha is unknown, they believe there's no way Shueisha able to track every single post and every singe time, which is one of the main demerits of their copyright policy. Although they're already mentioned that some of them have gotten a warning from Shueisha, so they've decided that it's important to pay respect for Yudetamago's wish and readers including newcomer can enjoy their experience.
In the next section is the "Your Mileage May Vary" debate and discussion. I have added the table of a timeline showing the progress with important subjects that they are still debating.

YMMV debate and discussion: The rumor of why Holy Samba Night did not get a reprint.

The table of the timeline for Holy Samba Night's controversial rumor on JP server.
Date Description Subjects
4 Feb 2017 From FGO Talk Event, according to GF13 the reporter, Ishikura Masashiro the FGO studio director who was jokingly suggested Kinnikuman” and “Giant Robo” for the future collaboration (Credits to IILsven for finding the tweet). The evidence they want Kinnikuman Collaboration has been found.
11 Dec 2018 The first announcement of The Holy Samba Night event until implemented on the next day. The official information page did not reveal who is the scenario writer of the event.
13 Nov 2019 DW has skipped Holy Samba for the first time, then announced Nightingale’s Christmas Carol right off the bat. Holy Samba hasn’t received a reprint version without DW’s official statement, reasoning, or hint.
10 Sep 2020 Shueisha posted a public announcement about Kinnikuman’s spoiler screenshot. Shueisha did not mention FGO or Holy Samba but JP fans were completely aware of FGO fans posting the manga’s screenshots on Twitter too. The rumor has already escalated when Holy Samba didn’t receive a reprint again.
21 Oct 2020 Nightingale’s Christmas Carol has gotten a reprint version but Holy Samba still hasn’t got one yet. CareerSMN has found the snippet from Twitter about the event is parodying Kinnikuman too much. This is where the rumor has started on the NA side. It doesn’t help that not many people know Kinnikuman’s issue has been officially confirmed on the JP side long ago.
15 Dec 2020 DW has announced another new Christmas event, The Santa Claus Road Once again, there was no sign of Holy Samba coming back without their official statement.
25 Dec 2020 Hiroe Rei the character designer of Quetzalcoatl, posted the new illustration while commented: “who can't come back this year due to various adult reasons”. Until he had to delete the original tweet then re-uploaded the latest one with a different context. The deleted tweet becoming major evidence, it’s already spreading the news on different sites. They’re get concerned when this happened for an unknown reason.
There are some NA and JP players already know about Kinnikuman’s issue and already posted their opinion prior to this post. Since there are too many of them, at least three users have summarized the current situation:
■ Trubo from Beast’s Lairs posted their first and second comment, speculating TM/Aniplex/DW didn’t want to deal with the lawsuit and why the event did not receive a rerun.
ComunCoutinho guesses DW don’t want FGO players to get sued by Shueisha for tweeting and retweeting the spoilers.
TienZhan from Discord covering the post of FGO TW players from all different sites (G-Zone TYPE-MOON, Weibo, NGA, and etc) about their perspective and opinion on the topic. (Note: I have asked him if there is a policy rule of posting a single-panel image. He says the policy didn’t mention it, then theorizes as long as don’t reveal too much spoilery moment, but it’s best to take a pinch of salt at this point).
Why Holy Samba Night gets criticized among FGO fans?
The major difference between Holy Samba Night, multiple shout-outs in FGO itself, and other popular series like Gintama, Lucky Star, and name any series you know, is what are limitations of “Fair Use” and their ability to use copyrighted material without needing to get the permission of the original creator. I recommend reading this article for more details.
If we want to compare Holy Samba Night to another FGO’s parody writing, Dead Heat Summer Race is one of the examples of they’re not abusing Fair Use too much. Dead Heat is basically the version of Steel Ball Run (SBR) from JoJo’s Bizzare Adventure series. If you read the Dead Heat’s story then compare it to SBR, the former has no bearing relation to the latter one’s source material but the obvious reference like Ishtar gives them golden bones. There are summer servants who have different popular references of their animation, like Nobu chants Kamehameha from Dragon Ball while fires Ryu’s Hadouken shapes of his hands from Street Fighter into the unique fireball.
(SPOILER FOR NA PLAYERS) The same goes for Saber Wars chronology, it’s a spoof of Star Wars but the story is completely original-writing that you wouldn’t find any strong similarities between the two of them. There are obvious iconic references such as lightsabers, a robot that looks like R2-D2 and Mothy Python’s Black Knight, Munemori being Darth Vader but wearing traditional Japanese armor, and the list goes on, yet these do not break the limitation of Fair Use. (It’s funny to think that Kinnikuman and Saber Wars share their common for being a spoof then shifts to a serious tone and shapes its own identity).
As anyone who criticizes Holy Samba Night's story, the real problem is the scenario writer was copying too much. They did not realize which one is okay to copy, and which one is not too okay to copy, especially since some of the contents from the manga are qualifying to be a spoiler. Fans who play FGO and also read Kinnikuman might go unnoticed if they have found out the reference turns out to be a big spoiler all along, so they have the right to criticize about it.

Post-mortem (Reactions and speculations).

As anyone guesses, at first, people assuming Holy Samba Night's presentation and story are parodying Kinnikuman too much is why the event did not get a reprint. While that theory is not to be proven right or wrong yet, some saying that blows a hole in the argument when different servers have gotten the event without any issue. Although, some of them have pointed out that there are "safety" practices to bypass copyright infringement like JoJo's Bizarre Adventure for the best example. Other than that, there’s this particular anime because of the infamous first episode, that is what would happen if they have posted it publicly without original creator’s permission.
That's not the case after Kinnikuman's issue has been found, and DW still being radio-silence about it. Now people are confusing what is a real problem, and speculating at least they should implement Quetz Samba without the event into the Main Interlude.
(Note: Apparently, TW and JP fans making a good point. If DW implements it into Main Interlude without getting a reprint version first, the higher chances are everyone will get a wrong or negative impression by their management decision. The reason why they’re saying that it is a very common issue for Japanese business culture, they have zero tolerance for unethical business practices most of the time).
The only possible fact about Kinnikuman’s issue is just unauthorized spoiler content of the image or full text, that’s it. Still, that really doesn't help for the event is being heavily criticized by Kinnikuman fans. Hence they have noticed a lot of heavy spoilers get copied from the manga, despite how old those spoilers are. Even though there are small changes, it just lacking originality loses all impact. There’s a limit to how much a writer can copy the copyright material.
After I have discussed with people from Discord, I think the theory of DW has to reschedule their new plan due to the typhoon sounds more plausible than Kinnikuman’s issue (DustyBlind speculating the same theory too). The thing is, it seems that theory gets overshadowed by the evidence of Hiroe Rei’s deleted tweet, leading to… Here we are, and the rest is history.
We still haven’t seen any clue if the event will get a reprint on the NA and different servers. From what I understand, the server of NA and JP are running by DW, while different servers are controlling by different ones Good riddance to Netmarble, so I’m entirely not sure if different servers have a chance to get the reprint version without following JP schedule timeline. I can’t speak for everyone who has low expectations, but here's hoping the JP server will get it first than any different servers. Hopefully, DW needs to explain what’s going on with the event eventually, since people asking too many questions to them but yet we never got an official answer, only time will tell.
submitted by Shinichameleon to grandorder [link] [comments]

Drop Away: Recap of 90DF S08E08

Welcome to another recrap of 90 Day Fiancé, where we learn all the things money can buy, like denial, a resort vacation for one, unpaid slave labor, and nonrefundable mid-plague airfare.
COVID-19 has finally decided to stop inconveniencing Stephanie, so she’s back to enjoying her first high school relationship and pondering which hula hoop to pack. It might take an extra suitcase, since Steph’s been shopping for Ryan since before they met.
“I have too much money, and instead of giving to charities, I buy affection,” she explains. “Affection has been around WAY longer than Bitcoin, you know. This is a little watch for the big watches to wear. It cost $3500. And this is a tiny pair of pants for gnomes that’s been stitched by other gnomes that live inside of watches. They cost Blair dollars, and if you can’t figure out what that is, you can’t afford gnome pants.”
Stephanie’s also bringing her mother’s ring for the fabled proposal she’s orchestrated in advance, and based upon their last telephone doom spiral, she knows this is exactly as smart as cramming said treasure into a checked suitcase.
“Time out: Who the fuck is taking care of me, now that the food lady is gone?” The cat has questions. “I’m fucking old. There are medications in tiny bottles. What am I, the Uncle Joon of this narrative? Am I going to get my paw struck in a drain for six fucking hours while the woman in my life dates the wrong person? This is bullshit.”
Stephanie also suffers from an acute case of Zied Envy Disorder, and she’s so inflamed that she’s forced to wear a face mask with a photo of her posing with her favorite child. This doubles as a way to skip relationship and go right into Proud Grandparent mode.
“I’m listening to that YEET Skert song on The TikTok so Ryan and I have something to talk about,” Stephanie explains, googling “zoomers be like” for additional points of reference.
Stephanie lands, and Ryan is waiting for her with balloons and 90DF’s favorite spinning camera person. “I was young enough to still count years in halves when I met Stephanie,” Ryan happily declares, before planting scores of clucking chicken kisses on Thursday’s fiancé.
Newly reunited, Stephanie and Ryan drive a golf cart around Steph’s money and eventually stop at a great place to remind people how successful you are. Then Steph cracks open her suitcase to dramatically display everything Ryan will be selling six days after her departure.
“I would rather have the money than all these gifts,” Ryan reminds us of the foundation of their relationshit. “I think that maybe I might ‘lose’ some of these things soon, if you know what I mean.”
“Everyone says they don’t want underwear for Christmas, but mama knows how to panty up her man!” Steph is triumphant in her sea of boxers.
Then Steph trots out glow in the dark condoms for the four times a night they supposedly bang it out. “This is very smart, because when you get older, it’s harder to find a dick in the dark,” Ryan explains.
Now that the gifting and prophylactics are out of the way, the only thing left to do is go through his phone. This is really an IQ test, to see if he’s stupid enough to save messages from other ladies, when he knows his only source of income will be landing soon. Since Ryan has a whole different phone for all his extracurriculars, he offers to turn off the password protection, so she can reread all her texts that he didn’t respond to whenever she wants. Stephanie sees this as a major development.
“Before, Ryan was really reluctant to let me look at his phone,” she says. “Not sure why any of this is a priority when I suddenly have dick in my life again after a ten month penis drought, and all these condoms on hand to skirt diseases he might have accumulated. I’m not convinced he’s changed, but I’m going to just keep buying stuff until I’m sure.”
Later on they’re prepping for a dinner date, Ryan decked out in his best buff from Surviver he’s been ordered to wrap around his head for Steph’s ethnic experience. He says he likes Stephanie’s dress, and for some reason is helping her get into it instead of out of it. Once seated they agree to order margaritas and lobster, and that’s the extent of their conversation. Ryan tells Stephanie that he knows he needs to earn her trust back, and no matter what he’s going to get to the states. Stephanie says that this is the dude she fell in love with, and we get it. So she busts out the ring that he’s supposed to propose with.
“Did someone say ring?” Calm down, Natalie.
If you’re doubting Steph’s ability to cling on till the end of the season, fret not, because it’s time to reintroduce her second plot point, which is being a cousin fucker, which has consistently rated ‘ew’ in surveys every year since 1954.
“If I don’t do this, reporting on purchases will be my only contribution,”Steph explains. “The producers say hula hooping in magic glasses before injecting myself with youth serum is only funny once, maybe twice if Darcey wasn’t a regular fixture.”
Meanwhile, Mike and Natalie are glowing from the hate-sex they had the night before, and now they’re ready to talk about working on things, without actually working on them. So basically Natalie’s record skips endlessly while Mike’s eyebrow answers.
“Either I am married or I am right. I prefer to be married. And wrong,” Natalie clarifies things. “This insecurity will last full 90 days. Then will be replaced with baby breakdown, of course.”
Mike’s mom is coming, which means free therapy, but Natalie is uneasy, and doesn’t really want to welcome anyone while they’re fighting. But since they’re never not fighting, a peaceful visit would be harder to plan than a COVID flight to Belize.
Mom aka Trish arrrives from Oklahoma, and Mike says he only sees her once a year, when tornado season makes booking airfare unnecessary. Natalie immediately declares she likes mom’s style, because this line worked on Uncle Beau, and Rebecca taught her that in the south the best way to insult someone is with a compliment. Mom and Mike start trading inside jokes, and Natalie is immediately defensive.
“I don’t know what this laughter is, but yes, they are laughing at me,” Natalie says. “All these things reference ring. I do not have ring. It is precious to me. It calls to me, my precious. Have I mention this?”
Mike starts breaking down how to play dead in event of bear attack, so you can get used to the feeling, and while Mike is joking, that’s not going to stop Natalie from demonstrating what happens when you don’t drink caffeine, alcohol, or consume a steady supply of sugar.
“This is not true. I have 40 grams of sugar each year,” Natalie is ready. “Also, I don’t have ring.”
“See?” Mike says, cracking open his sixth beer, which he pours over bacon ice cream. “I’m perfectly calm. She’s having some kind of B12 crash or whatever. I’m leaving my eyebrow behind so she can keep going while I eat the fuck-shit out of this.”
Eager to plant mom in the middle, Natalie tells Trish she thinks Mike is enacting revenge by withholding her ring. 20 minutes later mom agrees and has nearly worked through the duct tape binding her to the chair.
“I’m not obsessive. I am totally able to let go,” Natalie explains, reaching for a drawer to upgrade the duct tape to something Gorilla.
Later on they go out to dinner, which Natalie kicks off by reminding us that silence isn’t awkward to her, because unless you’re talking about her ring she has nothing to say. “I also micromanage Mike’s eating habits,” she suddenly remembers. “I wish you would not eat butter. Air coated bread is much more healthier. Here, you can wave over butter for essence.”
“But butter’s very good for you,” mom keto’s.
“What?” The butter replies.
“Real butter is good for your mind,” mom sciences. “Because of the cow’s memories stored in the udders.”
“That is one interesting,” Natalie agrees. “Have I mention I do not have ring back?”
“I’m starting to sense you want the ring back,” Mom psychics.
Having had more than enough of this shit, mom tells Natalie that orchestrating a test where you return a ring to see if he’ll give it back again is weird, and doesn’t seem to have worked out the way she planned.
“It’s like we’re both hurt about the ring,” Mike Keanus. Natalie looks like she’s going to burst when Mike’s mom suggests setting a tentative date, then they can work towards it and focus on the relationship itself, and not whether the K-1 was a worthy investment.
“I feel like I found a magic button to Mike’s heart. Trish,” Natalie is ready. “You very smart woman. I will buy you car.”
“A card?”
“No. A car.”
“Yep, this is doomed,” mom speaks truth to the producer. “Seriously, how the fuck do these two not ever arrive at any possible solutions? They just repeat the problem over and over. What do they mean when they say ‘keep working on it,’ since they’re not actually working on anything? We’re going to need a COVID-like supply of TP for this shit show.”
The next day Mike is wearing pajama pants in the kitchen, and finally someone understands there’s no point in getting dressed if you’re not leaving. Instead, Mike rocks a pancake flip, and Natalie is understandably amazed, so Mike doesn’t mention that he bathed the pan in butter and poured a full pound bag of sugar into the mix for funzies.
Having agreed to set a date, they bust out a calendar to isolate a number that meets the demands of superstition. “I like number 3,” Natalie says, as they agree to April 3rd. “Because 4+3+2020=11, and 1+1 = 2, plus one ring = 3, and you know what three is? Prime.”
“Holy fucking shit. That’s three words, too.” Mike is into it.
They tell Trish they picked a date, and she’s mellow in her congratulations, because it’s hard to celebrate with two people when you had to stitch the seams of their relationship the night before. Plus, April 3rd is like 37 days before Mother’s Day, which is fucked up. Natalie is fine with a non-church wedding, which is good because Mike isn’t Libby.
“The military just declassified stuff about aliens, so I’m about to be right about a lot of things,” Mike eyebrows. “Also, I’m not doing anything with funny hats unless it happens on Mars.”
Natalie calls her mom to tell her the date, and mom’s happy, because she’s ready to trap Mike in a closet until Beau rides to the rescue if that’s what it takes for these two to marry. After she hangs up the phone Natalie starts crying because she misses her mom. Mike holds her as she cries, and Trish cries and empathizes with her situation, and says it must be very hard to give everything up to live such a different life.
“Thank you for Michael. He’s a really good man.” Natalie feels much more secure, and all of us at home hope they get their shit together since there is a genuine sweetness buried underneath the rubble of their relationship.
Yara is standing next to a wall of Beanie babies, which can only mean she’s purchasing a pregnancy test. She says that when she had her miscarriage, the doctor told her a successful pregnancy would be unlikely. She disappears, and the producers are so in suspense about the outcome that they hover outside the bathroom door, recording her hand washing.
“We could just make this show 90 minutes instead of two hours,” the producers say. “But fuck that. C.R.E.A.M, bitches.”
Yara calls her friend Lena, and holds a pregnancy test up to the phone camera, until Lena tells her to pull it back some since all she sees is a plastic blur. Yep: pregnant, or as they say it in Mexico, pregnant-o.
“That’s right,” Andrew agrees.
“Maybe the test is wrong,” Lena says. “In America they make half of all pregnancy tests positive in advance to confuse the abortion fairy.”
Yara tells Lena that Jovi is going to be back in a few days, and she’ll talk to him about it in person. That few days arrives in the next 30 minutes of show, with Yara taking her nauseated stomach to the airport to pick up Jovi. She mentions that Jovi didn’t believe she was pregnant the last time she had a miscarriage, since he’s a graduate of the Yeah, But Are You Sure It’s Mine? School of Massholes. Eventually he was convinced that biology is still a book he didn’t read, and then he drank enough to eat the book’s pages and forgot all about it.
Yara can’t find him at the airport, and when she calls he claims he’s doing a Darcey in the bathroom and will be out any minute. Turns out he was actually changing into an alcoholic, and greets her with what’s likely his third 9AM drink in hand. This accelerates Yara towards peak ball buster mode, or as she and Jovi call it, foreplay.
“Cut it out, mom,” Jovi whines, covering his drink with his hand. “It’s just soda. Ha, ha, this passes for adulthood to me!”
“Drop away,” Yara writes a soft rock ballad as she tells him to ditch the drink.“Drop away.” A light breeze blows through the airport, her hair drifting over her eyes, as the lighting darkens, a glass breaks, and Slash readies for his guitar solo.
“I’m growing more powerful,” the fetus declares, sucking his mother’s life force through his stomach straw. “Hmmm yummy. I think I’m going to make her crave donuts slathered in lard.”
“Donuts slathered in lard, you say?” Mike adds another item to his This Week’s Menu magnetic white board.
90DF: The World’s Toughest Prisons is ready to take us back to Julia, who has been held without bail for just 20 days. That’s right, kids: all these parent meetings, forced dinners, and impatience with failure to perform 5AM farm labor has happened in 20 days.
“See? This is why I drink at 9AM,” Jovi has answers.
“You know we don’t have cocktails until we’ve warmed the kitchen crickets in our mouths,” dad is appalled. “This is not a joke. This is my house. There are rules.”
“Don’t even live with you, dude,” Jovi loses track of his plastic balancing straw. “This is the last time I take pre-flight peyote.”
After another morning of farm work, Julia calls her dad. He asks why she hasn’t called, and Julia says she’s only allowed access to her phone when she has enough stars on the chore chart, and even then she has to know the secret password, which can only be found inside her bedroom’s mystery paint buckets.
“As the head of your future family...” Julia’s dad begins.
“Did someone say head?” Brandon unzips his pants and times out Pokémon Go.
“...he needs to resolve this.”
“Oh. Never mind,” Pokémon Go is a go.
Julia knows Brandon isn’t even the head of his own body, let alone their family, so she’s going to have to draw a line, and that line is that she’s not enduring marathon disappointed lectures and sneaking into his bedroom ever again.
“I hate. I hate this place,” Julia says, finding the most important words in the English language. “It’s dirty. I look like pig. I hate you now, Brandon.” Brandon wants to like, have a work day and talk about this later. Julia wants to hash it out between hobo spider sprays.
“I don’t see what’s wrong with taking care of a few cute animals,” Brandon manages to be dismissive and patronizing, while forgetting that Julia has already met the family’s body disposal pigs.
Later he comes home and Julia is prepared to read him, completely. “It’s not as hard as you’re making it out to be,” Brandon resumes readily dismisses her feelings. “Let me say cute animals again, and act like there’s not apparently too many of them for a family to manage without imported help.”
Brandon is a bit overwhelmed by Julia’s insistence that they move out, but he’s secretly over the nonstop farm demands too, and says he’ll tell his parents they’re leaving, because he doesn’t want to lose Julia.
Speaking of prison, newly freed Amira is finally headed back to France, while Andrew’s worst resort day ever sallies forth. Through all of this he still doesn’t seem to have noticed she’s recovering from a truly traumatic experience, and maybe he should take his ass to France to comfort her. Or, you know, call her.
Amira’s father has been worried sick, and when Amira finally lands, COVID be damned, dude is hugging his daughter.
“SIX FEET!” A stranger yells, walking by with their nose exposed.
Amira feels guilty because her father suffered because of her, which is the most sincerely sweet family moment on this show since Kyle and Noon’s season. She tells dad that they took her passport, phone, and watch, and basically locked her up for three days. Then they told her she was being rejected for no an envelope that included her passport. This detail is how you know this story is 100% true.
“We figured she could find it on the way to the airport,” Mexico explains. “Hey, at least the people we put in cages are adults.”
“Was it three days?” Andrew is confused. “Huh. Time flies, I guess!”
Amira is beginning to piece together the depth of Andrew’s selfishness, and she says that she wishes Andrew would have looked for her while she was detained.
“I did!” Andrew insists, flipping through the room service menu. “I even called America and was all, dude you’ve got to help us. But you know Trump’s a busy man, and he can’t hear us over the wall, let alone speak Mexico.”
No one feels more keenly aware of Andrew’s shortcomings than Amira’s father, who figured out his daughter was in trouble long before Andrew did. Then he lost sleep, looked, and remembered to express concern when she was finally free.
“I think he’s not the right man for you,” dad is okay with playing Captain Obvious if the situation demands it. “However, this television exposure should at least guarantee than Tom from London hits on you, aggressively.”
This leads Amira to further fret that she’s also going to have to repair Andrew’s relationship with her father, which is unlikely, since he used their debut emergency phone call to compliment dad’s shirt choice.
Andrew says that now that he knows Amira’s safe, he can do a little self care and stop suffering over a cheeseburger in the lounge. When Amira calls, he’s the portrait of concern. “It’s very urgent that we get married,” he says, removing the umbrella and bouquet of pineapple from his drink. “But since I’m here, I’m going to do a little four-wheeling and maybe launch myself off a water slide. I’m totally going to demand to get on a plane without a face mask on the way home, after I talk you into meeting me in a Turkish prison.”
Amira is hurt that he’s vacationing without her, and carrying on like nothing even happened, and feels like there’s already no room for her to open up about what happened to her. So she hangs up on him, and for some reason the rest of us are still forced to hear his voice, when we’d be okay with the screen just going black, and maybe the sound of him falling over travel guides.
NEXT TIME: Jovi still doesn’t understand how sex works, Mike doesn’t understand how a K-1 works, Andrew doesn’t understand how other people work, Tarik and Hazel still call polyamory “being bisexual,” Brandon’s parents attempt to bully him into remaining a toddler, and Stephanie admits to Ryan that she’s a cousin fucker.
Thank you, Patreon Supporters!
submitted by fractalfay to 90DayFiance [link] [comments]

Drop Away: Recap of 90DF S08E08

Welcome to another recrap of 90 Day Fiancé, where we learn all the things money can buy, like denial, a resort vacation for one, unpaid slave labor, and nonrefundable mid-plague airfare.
COVID-19 has finally decided to stop inconveniencing Stephanie, so she’s back to enjoying her first high school relationship and pondering which hula hoop to pack. It might take an extra suitcase, since Steph’s been shopping for Ryan since before they met.
“I have too much money, and instead of giving to charities, I buy affection,” she explains. “Affection has been around WAY longer than Bitcoin, you know. This is a little watch for the big watches to wear. It cost $3500. And this is a tiny pair of pants for gnomes that’s been stitched by other gnomes that live inside of watches. They cost Blair dollars, and if you can’t figure out what that is, you can’t afford gnome pants.”
Stephanie’s also bringing her mother’s ring for the fabled proposal she’s orchestrated in advance, and based upon their last telephone doom spiral, she knows this is exactly as smart as cramming said treasure into a checked suitcase.
“Time out: Who the fuck is taking care of me, now that the food lady is gone?” The cat has questions. “I’m fucking old. There are medications in tiny bottles. What am I, the Uncle Joon of this narrative? Am I going to get my paw struck in a drain for six fucking hours while the woman in my life dates the wrong person? This is bullshit.”
Stephanie also suffers from an acute case of Zied Envy Disorder, and she’s so inflamed that she’s forced to wear a face mask with a photo of her posing with her favorite child. This doubles as a way to skip relationship and go right into Proud Grandparent mode.
“I’m listening to that YEET Skert song on The TikTok so Ryan and I have something to talk about,” Stephanie explains, googling “zoomers be like” for additional points of reference.
Stephanie lands, and Ryan is waiting for her with balloons and 90DF’s favorite spinning camera person. “I was young enough to still count years in halves when I met Stephanie,” Ryan happily declares, before planting scores of clucking chicken kisses on Thursday’s fiancé.
Newly reunited, Stephanie and Ryan drive a golf cart around Steph’s money and eventually stop at a great place to remind people how successful you are. Then Steph cracks open her suitcase to dramatically display everything Ryan will be selling six days after her departure.
“I would rather have the money than all these gifts,” Ryan reminds us of the foundation of their relationshit. “I think that maybe I might ‘lose’ some of these things soon, if you know what I mean.”
“Everyone says they don’t want underwear for Christmas, but mama knows how to panty up her man!” Steph is triumphant in her sea of boxers.
Then Steph trots out glow in the dark condoms for the four times a night they supposedly bang it out. “This is very smart, because when you get older, it’s harder to find a dick in the dark,” Ryan explains.
Now that the gifting and prophylactics are out of the way, the only thing left to do is go through his phone. This is really an IQ test, to see if he’s stupid enough to save messages from other ladies, when he knows his only source of income will be landing soon. Since Ryan has a whole different phone for all his extracurriculars, he offers to turn off the password protection, so she can reread all her texts that he didn’t respond to whenever she wants. Stephanie sees this as a major development.
“Before, Ryan was really reluctant to let me look at his phone,” she says. “Not sure why any of this is a priority when I suddenly have dick in my life again after a ten month penis drought, and all these condoms on hand to skirt diseases he might have accumulated. I’m not convinced he’s changed, but I’m going to just keep buying stuff until I’m sure.”
Later on they’re prepping for a dinner date, Ryan decked out in his best buff from Surviver he’s been ordered to wrap around his head for Steph’s ethnic experience. He says he likes Stephanie’s dress, and for some reason is helping her get into it instead of out of it. Once seated they agree to order margaritas and lobster, and that’s the extent of their conversation. Ryan tells Stephanie that he knows he needs to earn her trust back, and no matter what he’s going to get to the states. Stephanie says that this is the dude she fell in love with, and we get it. So she busts out the ring that he’s supposed to propose with.
“Did someone say ring?” Calm down, Natalie.
If you’re doubting Steph’s ability to cling on till the end of the season, fret not, because it’s time to reintroduce her second plot point, which is being a cousin fucker, which has consistently rated ‘ew’ in surveys every year since 1954.
“If I don’t do this, reporting on purchases will be my only contribution,”Steph explains. “The producers say hula hooping in magic glasses before injecting myself with youth serum is only funny once, maybe twice if Darcey wasn’t a regular fixture.”
Meanwhile, Mike and Natalie are glowing from the hate-sex they had the night before, and now they’re ready to talk about working on things, without actually working on them. So basically Natalie’s record skips endlessly while Mike’s eyebrow answers.
“Either I am married or I am right. I prefer to be married. And wrong,” Natalie clarifies things. “This insecurity will last full 90 days. Then will be replaced with baby breakdown, of course.”
Mike’s mom is coming, which means free therapy, but Natalie is uneasy, and doesn’t really want to welcome anyone while they’re fighting. But since they’re never not fighting, a peaceful visit would be harder to plan than a COVID flight to Belize.
Mom aka Trish arrrives from Oklahoma, and Mike says he only sees her once a year, when tornado season makes booking airfare unnecessary. Natalie immediately declares she likes mom’s style, because this line worked on Uncle Beau, and Rebecca taught her that in the south the best way to insult someone is with a compliment. Mom and Mike start trading inside jokes, and Natalie is immediately defensive.
“I don’t know what this laughter is, but yes, they are laughing at me,” Natalie says. “All these things reference ring. I do not have ring. It is precious to me. It calls to me, my precious. Have I mention this?”
Mike starts breaking down how to play dead in event of bear attack, so you can get used to the feeling, and while Mike is joking, that’s not going to stop Natalie from demonstrating what happens when you don’t drink caffeine, alcohol, or consume a steady supply of sugar.
“This is not true. I have 40 grams of sugar each year,” Natalie is ready. “Also, I don’t have ring.”
“See?” Mike says, cracking open his sixth beer, which he pours over bacon ice cream. “I’m perfectly calm. She’s having some kind of B12 crash or whatever. I’m leaving my eyebrow behind so she can keep going while I eat the fuck-shit out of this.”
Eager to plant mom in the middle, Natalie tells Trish she thinks Mike is enacting revenge by withholding her ring. 20 minutes later mom agrees and has nearly worked through the duct tape binding her to the chair.
“I’m not obsessive. I am totally able to let go,” Natalie explains, reaching for a drawer to upgrade the duct tape to something Gorilla.
Later on they go out to dinner, which Natalie kicks off by reminding us that silence isn’t awkward to her, because unless you’re talking about her ring she has nothing to say. “I also micromanage Mike’s eating habits,” she suddenly remembers. “I wish you would not eat butter. Air coated bread is much more healthier. Here, you can wave over butter for essence.”
“But butter’s very good for you,” mom keto’s.
“What?” The butter replies.
“Real butter is good for your mind,” mom sciences. “Because of the cow’s memories stored in the udders.”
“That is one interesting,” Natalie agrees. “Have I mention I do not have ring back?”
“I’m starting to sense you want the ring back,” Mom psychics.
Having had more than enough of this shit, mom tells Natalie that orchestrating a test where you return a ring to see if he’ll give it back again is weird, and doesn’t seem to have worked out the way she planned.
“It’s like we’re both hurt about the ring,” Mike Keanus. Natalie looks like she’s going to burst when Mike’s mom suggests setting a tentative date, then they can work towards it and focus on the relationship itself, and not whether the K-1 was a worthy investment.
“I feel like I found a magic button to Mike’s heart. Trish,” Natalie is ready. “You very smart woman. I will buy you car.”
“A card?”
“No. A car.”
“Yep, this is doomed,” mom speaks truth to the producer. “Seriously, how the fuck do these two not ever arrive at any possible solutions? They just repeat the problem over and over. What do they mean when they say ‘keep working on it,’ since they’re not actually working on anything? We’re going to need a COVID-like supply of TP for this shit show.”
The next day Mike is wearing pajama pants in the kitchen, and finally someone understands there’s no point in getting dressed if you’re not leaving. Instead, Mike rocks a pancake flip, and Natalie is understandably amazed, so Mike doesn’t mention that he bathed the pan in butter and poured a full pound bag of sugar into the mix for funzies.
Having agreed to set a date, they bust out a calendar to isolate a number that meets the demands of superstition. “I like number 3,” Natalie says, as they agree to April 3rd. “Because 4+3+2020=11, and 1+1 = 2, plus one ring = 3, and you know what three is? Prime.”
“Holy fucking shit. That’s three words, too.” Mike is into it.
They tell Trish they picked a date, and she’s mellow in her congratulations, because it’s hard to celebrate with two people when you had to stitch the seams of their relationship the night before. Plus, April 3rd is like 37 days before Mother’s Day, which is fucked up. Natalie is fine with a non-church wedding, which is good because Mike isn’t Libby.
“The military just declassified stuff about aliens, so I’m about to be right about a lot of things,” Mike eyebrows. “Also, I’m not doing anything with funny hats unless it happens on Mars.”
Natalie calls her mom to tell her the date, and mom’s happy, because she’s ready to trap Mike in a closet until Beau rides to the rescue if that’s what it takes for these two to marry. After she hangs up the phone Natalie starts crying because she misses her mom. Mike holds her as she cries, and Trish cries and empathizes with her situation, and says it must be very hard to give everything up to live such a different life.
“Thank you for Michael. He’s a really good man.” Natalie feels much more secure, and all of us at home hope they get their shit together since there is a genuine sweetness buried underneath the rubble of their relationship.
Yara is standing next to a wall of Beanie babies, which can only mean she’s purchasing a pregnancy test. She says that when she had her miscarriage, the doctor told her a successful pregnancy would be unlikely. She disappears, and the producers are so in suspense about the outcome that they hover outside the bathroom door, recording her hand washing.
“We could just make this show 90 minutes instead of two hours,” the producers say. “But fuck that. C.R.E.A.M, bitches.”
Yara calls her friend Lena, and holds a pregnancy test up to the phone camera, until Lena tells her to pull it back some since all she sees is a plastic blur. Yep: pregnant, or as they say it in Mexico, pregnant-o.
“That’s right,” Andrew agrees.
“Maybe the test is wrong,” Lena says. “In America they make half of all pregnancy tests positive in advance to confuse the abortion fairy.”
Yara tells Lena that Jovi is going to be back in a few days, and she’ll talk to him about it in person. That few days arrives in the next 30 minutes of show, with Yara taking her nauseated stomach to the airport to pick up Jovi. She mentions that Jovi didn’t believe she was pregnant the last time she had a miscarriage, since he’s a graduate of the Yeah, But Are You Sure It’s Mine? School of Massholes. Eventually he was convinced that biology is still a book he didn’t read, and then he drank enough to eat the book’s pages and forgot all about it.
Yara can’t find him at the airport, and when she calls he claims he’s doing a Darcey in the bathroom and will be out any minute. Turns out he was actually changing into an alcoholic, and greets her with what’s likely his third 9AM drink in hand. This accelerates Yara towards peak ball buster mode, or as she and Jovi call it, foreplay.
“Cut it out, mom,” Jovi whines, covering his drink with his hand. “It’s just soda. Ha, ha, this passes for adulthood to me!”
“Drop away,” Yara writes a soft rock ballad as she tells him to ditch the drink.“Drop away.” A light breeze blows through the airport, her hair drifting over her eyes, as the lighting darkens, a glass breaks, and Slash readies for his guitar solo.
“I’m growing more powerful,” the fetus declares, sucking his mother’s life force through his stomach straw. “Hmmm yummy. I think I’m going to make her crave donuts slathered in lard.”
“Donuts slathered in lard, you say?” Mike adds another item to his This Week’s Menu magnetic white board.
90DF: The World’s Toughest Prisons is ready to take us back to Julia, who has been held without bail for just 20 days. That’s right, kids: all these parent meetings, forced dinners, and impatience with failure to perform 5AM farm labor has happened in 20 days.
“See? This is why I drink at 9AM,” Jovi has answers.
“You know we don’t have cocktails until we’ve warmed the kitchen crickets in our mouths,” dad is appalled. “This is not a joke. This is my house. There are rules.”
“Don’t even live with you, dude,” Jovi loses track of his plastic balancing straw. “This is the last time I take pre-flight peyote.”
After another morning of farm work, Julia calls her dad. He asks why she hasn’t called, and Julia says she’s only allowed access to her phone when she has enough stars on the chore chart, and even then she has to know the secret password, which can only be found inside her bedroom’s mystery paint buckets.
“As the head of your future family...” Julia’s dad begins.
“Did someone say head?” Brandon unzips his pants and times out Pokémon Go.
“...he needs to resolve this.”
“Oh. Never mind,” Pokémon Go is a go.
Julia knows Brandon isn’t even the head of his own body, let alone their family, so she’s going to have to draw a line, and that line is that she’s not enduring marathon disappointed lectures and sneaking into his bedroom ever again.
“I hate. I hate this place,” Julia says, finding the most important words in the English language. “It’s dirty. I look like pig. I hate you now, Brandon.” Brandon wants to like, have a work day and talk about this later. Julia wants to hash it out between hobo spider sprays.
“I don’t see what’s wrong with taking care of a few cute animals,” Brandon manages to be dismissive and patronizing, while forgetting that Julia has already met the family’s body disposal pigs.
Later he comes home and Julia is prepared to read him, completely. “It’s not as hard as you’re making it out to be,” Brandon resumes readily dismisses her feelings. “Let me say cute animals again, and act like there’s not apparently too many of them for a family to manage without imported help.”
Brandon is a bit overwhelmed by Julia’s insistence that they move out, but he’s secretly over the nonstop farm demands too, and says he’ll tell his parents they’re leaving, because he doesn’t want to lose Julia.
Speaking of prison, newly freed Amira is finally headed back to France, while Andrew’s worst resort day ever sallies forth. Through all of this he still doesn’t seem to have noticed she’s recovering from a truly traumatic experience, and maybe he should take his ass to France to comfort her. Or, you know, call her.
Amira’s father has been worried sick, and when Amira finally lands, COVID be damned, dude is hugging his daughter.
“SIX FEET!” A stranger yells, walking by with their nose exposed.
Amira feels guilty because her father suffered because of her, which is the most sincerely sweet family moment on this show since Kyle and Noon’s season. She tells dad that they took her passport, phone, and watch, and basically locked her up for three days. Then they told her she was being rejected for no an envelope that included her passport. This detail is how you know this story is 100% true.
“We figured she could find it on the way to the airport,” Mexico explains. “Hey, at least the people we put in cages are adults.”
“Was it three days?” Andrew is confused. “Huh. Time flies, I guess!”
Amira is beginning to piece together the depth of Andrew’s selfishness, and she says that she wishes Andrew would have looked for her while she was detained.
“I did!” Andrew insists, flipping through the room service menu. “I even called America and was all, dude you’ve got to help us. But you know Trump’s a busy man, and he can’t hear us over the wall, let alone speak Mexico.”
No one feels more keenly aware of Andrew’s shortcomings than Amira’s father, who figured out his daughter was in trouble long before Andrew did. Then he lost sleep, looked, and remembered to express concern when she was finally free.
“I think he’s not the right man for you,” dad is okay with playing Captain Obvious if the situation demands it. “However, this television exposure should at least guarantee than Tom from London hits on you, aggressively.”
This leads Amira to further fret that she’s also going to have to repair Andrew’s relationship with her father, which is unlikely, since he used their debut emergency phone call to compliment dad’s shirt choice.
Andrew says that now that he knows Amira’s safe, he can do a little self care and stop suffering over a cheeseburger in the lounge. When Amira calls, he’s the portrait of concern. “It’s very urgent that we get married,” he says, removing the umbrella and bouquet of pineapple from his drink. “But since I’m here, I’m going to do a little four-wheeling and maybe launch myself off a water slide. I’m totally going to demand to get on a plane without a face mask on the way home, after I talk you into meeting me in a Turkish prison.”
Amira is hurt that he’s vacationing without her, and carrying on like nothing even happened, and feels like there’s already no room for her to open up about what happened to her. So she hangs up on him, and for some reason the rest of us are still forced to hear his voice, when we’d be okay with the screen just going black, and maybe the sound of him falling over travel guides.
NEXT TIME: Jovi still doesn’t understand how sex works, Mike doesn’t understand how a K-1 works, Andrew doesn’t understand how other people work, Tarik and Hazel still call polyamory “being bisexual,” Brandon’s parents attempt to bully him into remaining a toddler, and Stephanie admits to Ryan that she’s a cousin fucker.
Thank you, Patreon Supporters!
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The Basic Hololive JP dictionary for newcomers!

INTRODUCTION (can be skipped)
So a over a week ago i started thinking about how many Japanese expressions i was learning from wasting months spending so much time here watching streams despite not having learnt formally a bit of Japanese. I ended up gathering all the terms, inside jokes i read and heard a lot in the streams to make idk some starter pack meme or test to post lol. But then i thought that maybe it would be more useful to make it a more in deep dictionary. We have many new people coming from the EN side or translated clips and some of them are understandably thrown off or scared on watching something which is 99% in a language you don't know. This isn't the first time someone has tried to do this, there was a very complete post 3 months ago ( but from that time till now we have 3x more subscribers and this was more focused on written posts. Mine is different.
The focus of this one is mostly two things: That you learn enough things to get a tiny tiny grasp on what's going on streams if there isn't enough translation and than you can get and join in in most inside jokes even if you aren't into the weaboo culture stuff.
Trying to study this is a pointless endeavour. Just look it over with CTRL+F (too lazy to order it alphabetically now) when you hear some term you want an explanation on or some inside term that you don't get fully. The first word is how the word is in romanji (latin alphabet) and then how is written in Japanese (normally hiragana) in case you want to use it. The dictionary divided into 3 sections for ease of use. This isn't a complete rundown of all the Hololive lingo because it would be waay too long and or a Japanese language course because it goes over my knowledge and as a language is way too nuanced and contextual to teach in one post. But i'm open for submissions and corrections from japanese speakers, i only did the work to research every term from others!
If you need a more complex translation althrough it's far from perfect, it's always recommended that you use DeepL (
Basic Japanese expressions:
Japanese Internet and popular culture expressions:
Hololive-related expressions and inside jokes:
---- For example: Houshou Marine is the Senchou (船長) or "Ship Captain", Shirogane Noel is the Danchou (団長) or ----"[Military] Party Leader", Kiryu Coco is the Kaichou (会長) or "Chairman of a Company/association [in this instance ----it's implied the association is a criminal one]", Takanashi Kiara is the Tenchou (店長) or "Store Manager" [of her ----made-up business KFP], some others claim to be the Sachou (社長) or "CEO/President of a company"...
submitted by deoxix to Hololive [link] [comments]

funny jokes in english for adults video

The Fly that Forgot It's Name  Funny Short Story For Kids ... 10 Funny Jokes in English  Learn English with Memes 1 ... 15 most funny riddles for kids and adults!! - YouTube Funny Cartoon For Adults Super Sick jokes with death ... Best Of Just For Laughs Gags 2019 & NEW Pranks Funny ... Naked Funny Clips - Just Laugh For You - YouTube 15 Funniest Adult Jokes In iCarly You Might Have Missed ... Funny Adult Jokes IN KIDS SHOWS - YouTube FUNNY ADULT JOKES IN KIDS CARTOONS - YouTube Top 20 Adult Jokes In Kids Shows 2 - YouTube

New funny categories: Perspective jokes and Cat jokes Some annoying cold caller was trying to sell me a luxury coffin. I could only say, “Dude, that is the last thing I’ll need.” We have very funny jokes. Our Top 100 of the best and funniest jokes will make you laugh for a long time. See how far you can go with a straight face, we dare you ;-). Good corny jokes are hard to find, given that these cheesy jokes are pretty much designed to be, well, stupid. But, with the right delivery, a corny joke can make kids and adults crack up. A bad joke is just that: a bad joke. But sometimes a joke is so jaw-droppingly ridiculous that it transcends its own awfulness and reaches a higher plane of funny.You don't want to laugh—every self-respecting part of your brain is rejecting the guffawing impulse—but you can't help yourself. They say a joke becomes a dad joke when it becomes apparent. We would say it's when it's all groan. Sorry. The post 70 Dad Jokes That Are Actually Pretty Funny appeared first on Reader's Digest. Not all jokes are meant for kids, that is why we have specifically listed these jokes for adults. Just make sure the kids are not around while you go through them. But of course the jokes are very funny, so you might not be able to control your laughter. These nuggets of gold were diligently sourced for and not just randomly picked. joke bank -Sex Jokes . Submit A joke. Sarah goes to school, and the teacher says, "Today we are going to learn multi-syllable words, class. At school, Little Johnny's classmate tells him that most adults are hiding at least one dark secret, so it's very easy to blackmail them by saying, "I know the whole truth." Little Johnny decides to go joke bank -Sex Jokes . Submit A joke. What's better than roses in your piano? Tulips in your organ! lockxley. 231 315. Jack at the grocery store ask the lady to show him wear the cookies are. the lady takes him to the bathroom and takes off her shirt and bra, and show her boobs. funny. 230 609. Pick up line: "Are you a beaver because damn Jokes for adults, to laugh with friends Without a doubt, some jokes for adults always bring a smile to their lips in terms of a good mood. Even the most serious people do not stand in front of an adult joke, so we have selected a few that will make you laugh. Joke 3. A hyperbole is an exaggerated claim. No, really, realllllllllllyyyyy exaggerated. I mean, like, the most exaggerated thing in the history of ever!!

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The Fly that Forgot It's Name Funny Short Story For Kids ...

Funny Adult Jokes IN KIDS SHOWS! Just some dirty jokes in kids cartoons like sponge bob and other stuff on nickelodeon that you didn't get as a kid! Leave a ... Funny adult jokes in shows not made for adults make so much more sense when you're older!If we reach 20,000 likes I will make more videos on funny adult joke... Funny JokesFunny Jokesadult cartoon jokesfunny cartoons for grown ups funny cartoons for grown ups in hindicartoons for adultsadult cartoon18 cartoon comedya... Best Of Just For Laughs Gags 2019 & NEW Pranks Funny Amazing Just For Laughs----Just for Laughs: Gags is a Canadian silent comedy/hidden camera reality telev... 15 MOST FUNNY RIDDLES!😂😂 NO ONE CAN ANSWER ALL OF THEM! WATCH PART 2 HERE: Here are 15 silly riddles that you wil... The best jokes from the hit TV show iCarly.Subscribe: Naked Funny Clips - Just Laugh For YouNaked Funny Clips - Just Laugh For YouNaked Funny Clips - Just Laugh For YouNaked Funny Clips - Just Laugh For You Best Short Stories in English. The Fly Who Forgot her Name (Eega) Funny Animated Cartoon Story For Babies, Toddlers, Kids and Children's.SUBSCRIBE! - http://... Great Jokes in English Learn English with Funny Memes 1Grandes Piadas em Ingles Aprenda inglês com memes memes em inglêsGéniale blagues en anglais Apprenez... I do not own this footage

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