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It’s coin-operated.

I woke up later than I expected, the sun shining on my face through the only bedroom window not covered by a blind. Had Herbie not cried since…when? I sat up slowly and picked up the baby monitor. It was on, and I could see the black and white image of his crib, his small form still beneath the blue blanket my mother had given him. I began to feel uneasy as I thought back to the night before.
I…I remembered putting him down at eleven and then checking on him at midnight before heading to bed, but usually he would wake me up between three and four and again between six and eight. I looked at my phone. It was ten fifteen. Had he really slept through the night for once, or had I slept through him crying?
Or was something wrong?
Pulling back the sheets, I jumped up, my heart pounding in time with my steps as I ran down the hall to his room. The house was so silent, and when I went into the nursery, the instinct that something was wrong just grew stronger. The room felt empty and cold.
Looking over into the crib, I was reaching out to pull back the blanket when I stopped myself. I could already see the rise and fall of his chest, and his face was unblemished by discomfort or bad dreams. He was sleeping well and peacefully, and here I was about to wake him up instead of being grateful for a few hours peace.
I was about to ease back out and go make some coffee when I heard a funny little snoring sound. Herbie had never snored before, though I guessed there was a first time for everything, especially with a three-month old baby. Still, I felt a new twist of worry. What if he was getting sick, and that wasn’t a snore, it was a wheeze? Wincing at the idea of disturbing him, I gently pulled back the blanket and picked him up.
He didn’t stir, his expression not changing from the placid mask of someone lost deep in slumber. This worried me more, as he normally woke up as soon as I touched him, but I held my fear in check as I eased him to my shoulder and put my ear to his face.
It didn’t sound like a wheeze, but it wasn’t a snore either, exactly. It was a thinner, more rhythmic sound that grew quiet and then louder, but was always there. Still thinking about congestion, I lifted Herbie up a bit and put my ear to his chest. The sound was clearer here, a whirring thrum that seemed to vibrate from somewhere in his core. That wasn’t right at all. I needed to call the doctor and carry…
That’s when I felt the hard place on his back.
My fingers had just brushed it, but the wrongness of it was immediately obvious. Under his onesie, right in the middle of his back, was a long, flat hardness that was cool to the touch. What was that? Laying him back down on his stomach, I pulled the onesie down as my breath caught in my throat.
It was a coin slot.
A metal coin slot, like you might find on an old-fashioned machine at one of those antique arcades or fairs. I reached out and touched the edges of it, thinking somehow it had gotten stuck to him, but no. It was flush against the flesh of the baby’s back, hard brass grown seamlessly into soft, pink skin. My mind was reeling, torn between confusion and fear and the growing realization that Herbie still hadn’t woken up.
That’s when I noticed the small gray envelope jutting out from the tangle of blanket nearby. Plucking it out, I felt the weight of something small and hard inside, and when I opened it, a thin silver coin tumbled out into my palm. Still in shock, I turned it over in my hand, studying it. One side was embossed with the face of a smiling woman crowned with a corona of sunlight. The other side showed the same woman, her thin face hard and sinister as she glared up at the moon. My eyes went back to Herbie and then to the envelope, where I could see a thin line of cramped writing on the inside of the upper flap.
This is better. It’s coin-operated.
I started to shudder, the envelope fluttering from my hand as I picked Herbie up again and began to rub his face and his arms, his legs and his feet, desperately crooning for him to wake up, to get up now. It was time to wake up and quit playing this joke. He just lay limply in my arms, purring that strange rusty-sounding snore without stirring at all.
I put him back down, tears blurring my vision as I tried to decide what to do. I should call 911. He must be sick, or I was crazy, and either way, we needed help. But…what if this was real? And what if using the coin fixed things somehow?
I hadn’t remembered dropping the coin, but after a moment of panic I found it on top of the blanket, gleaming dully as I held it in my hand. This was all insane, like some kind of nightmare. But maybe if I played by the rules, I’d wake up and everything would be okay.
So I turned Herbie back over and tugged down his onesie again. The coin slot was still there, cool to the touch and solidly real. Holding my breath, I put the coin up to the opening and dropped it in.
There was a muffled clink! and then the whirring snore grew louder for a moment before turning into a yawning sigh. Herbie turned his head and tried to push himself over as he began to wake. I let out a gasp and picked him up, looking into his face and finding his eyes. He was looking back at me, his expression drowsy but interested as he gave me what might have been a slight smile.
He was okay. He was okay and I was just messed up or…but no. The coin slot was still back there. And I could still hear a low-frequency whirring coming from inside him somewhere. Not the wet beating of a heart, but the dry orbits of an intricate clockwork.
My skin went cold as I eased the thing back down into the crib. It tried to hold on to me, but I gently pushed its grasping hands away. I…I didn’t know what this thing was, but it wasn’t my baby. Turning, I started out of the room. I’d get my phone and call Mom and then I’d go looking for Herbie. Maybe he was still in the house, but I had a feeling he was gone. Someone had taken him and left that envelope, left that thing in…
I froze, turning around slowly as Herbie’s face peered at me over the edge of the crib. How was that possible? It would have had to jump several inches and pull itself up to the edge, and Herbie was a long time from that or being able to form words.
“Mommy?” The tone was harder now, almost accusing, and my baby’s face was drawing down into a pouting frown.
I felt anger mixing with my fear as I took a step forward. “I’m not your mommy. Whatever you are, you aren’t mine.” The thing froze for a moment, and I had the thought that maybe it had broken or wound down. But then its cheek jumped as it began to pull itself over the edge. “I am. I’m your baby.” Grunting, it tugged its belly over the railing and flopped down onto the ground. Despite myself, I felt a moment of horrified panic that it had hurt itself. A moment later, the panic turned to terror as its limbs rotated with a whir and it flipped itself over and began to crab-walk toward me. “Come hold me, Mommy.”
I was back-peddling now, trying to close the door before it reached me, but it was too fast, leaping forward through the closing crack and landing on my chest. It squealed in my face with a sound like grinding gears as sparks glowed from somewhere down in its throat. Screaming, I grabbed it and slammed it into the wall and then the floor before kicking it away from me.
The meat of it was ruined now, the fleshy covering ripped and torn in a dozen places to reveal bits of gleaming metal and coiled wire, gears and axles flailing disconsolately as their places in the orderly whole were disrupted and destroyed. It was dying now, but even still it called to me, crawling to me as it clicked together pink gums made of thin strips of beaten tin.
“Mo…my. I’m your…bab…nowww…”
I was terrified to approach it, but my revulsion and rage was growing again, and I needed to make sure it was dead and stayed that way. Darting forward, I stomped on it, once, twice, and then a final third time, and that’s when the silver coin popped free from the mechanical ruin, rolling down the hall a few feet before spiraling and falling down, the evil face of the moonlight queen glaring up into the sky or perhaps toward me.
I was half-crazy as I searched the nursery and then the house for Herbie. When I saw no sign of him, I called Mom, screaming and crying into the phone before hanging up. I’d upset her, but it couldn’t be helped. She sounded as confused as I was, but I felt sure she’d call the police like I asked. I had other things to do.
I’d had the thought that I could go back and look at the recorded footage from the baby monitor. See what had happened to Herbie and when. My hands were shaking as I picked it up from beside the bed and tapped on the screen. It always kept the last 24 hours, so I jumped back ten hours and then started fast-forwarding through the footage. I found what I was looking for at 3:15.
A pair of small figures appeared from the shadows in the far corner of the room. There was no door or window there, so I wasn’t sure where they’d really come from, but I was more concerned with what they were doing. Helping each other up, they pulled themselves over into the crib. One of them scooped up Herbie even as the other was opening a dark sack and pulling his replacement out onto the bed. Weeping, I watched as Herbie began to wake and struggle, a tiny, furred hand covering his mouth before he could let out a frightened wail. The other had placed the blanket over the fake and was now opening up the sack again even as the one holding my baby stuffed Herbie inside. In a moment, they were back over the side of the crib and gone into the dark.
I dropped the monitor onto the bed and ran back into the nursery to check it. Maybe there was a hole in the wall or a secret door. Something I could use to follow wherever they had taken my baby. I just needed to check every inch of the…
Except it wasn’t a nursery anymore. The room was bare—no crib, no toys or changing table, no stacks of books or rocking chair. Even the walls were the stark grey they’d been when I first moved in two years before. How was any of this happening?
Stumbling back into the hall, I saw that the ruined baby-thing was gone too. There was no sign of its broken bits or torn disguise. There was no sign of anything, not even…
The coin.
My heart leapt as I saw it still dully gleaming from its resting place on the carpet, the woman’s face still harsh and displeased in the silver moonlight of some distant night. But that didn’t matter. What mattered was that it was proof. Proof of what had happened. Proof that someone had taken my Herbie.
I let out a small scream as the doorbell rang. The police! They were here and I could show them the coin and the video and they’d help me get my baby back.
When I opened the door, I saw it was Mom instead, her face drawn and pale as she looked at me. “I…Brenda…are you all right?”
I stared at her, incredulous. “Of course not! They took him! They took him and we have to get him back! Did you call the cops?”
Her face drew down further into a frown. “No…No, honey. I didn’t. You weren’t making any sense. You were talking about a baby? What baby?”
Stepping back, I felt a chill run up my spine. “My baby. Herbie. They took him.”
She followed me inside, shaking her head slightly. “Baby, I don’t know what you’re talking about. You don’t have a baby. You never have.”
I could barely breathe. “That…That’s not true. I have a baby. Little Herbie. What’s wrong with you?” I started to cry again. “They…they took him, and tried to trick me or trade with me. They gave me a little mechanical baby that looked like him, but it wasn’t him, and then it attacked me, and then I saw them take him, and the room was a nursery, but now its not, and I need you to know this. I need you to remember and help me find him.”
My mother stepped forward and swept me up in a hug, stroking my hair as I wept against her shoulder. “There, there. I think you’re sick, honey. We need to get you some help. It’ll be okay.” I’d wrapped my arms around her neck, but now I started to recoil. How could she not remember him? I was still pulling away when my fingertips brushed against something in the back of her neck.
It was a coin slot.
I froze, staring at her as she smiled at me, her eyes jumping slightly to the left and right as she watched me, holding me tighter with the softly ratcheting ticks of some internal metronome. “This is better. Just accept it.”
She was too strong for me to push away, so I dug into my pocket instead. Found the coin that rested there, caressing the queen’s cheek as I pulled it free and reached around its neck to the coin slot imbedded into whatever it called a spine. I saw its eyes widen as I dropped the coin in.
And then it began to scream.
submitted by Verastahl to nosleep [link] [comments]

Make The Chicago Bears Great Again 2: Electric Boogaloo

I was hoping I wouldn't have to make another one of these post but here we are.
Roster Cuts:
Bears are projected to be 90k over the cap, so cuts are needed to address positions of need. The most likely candidates should be:
Bobbie Massie
Jimmy Graham
Buster Skrine
Projected Cap Space: $17M
Franchise tag:
Allen Robinson (Proj:$16M)
Robinson wants more, but it's in the teams best interest financially to tag him. From here we decide, to we commit to a rebuild and trade ARob for draft capital, or do we go all in? To that I say...
Kyle Fuller, Nick Foles #20, 2022 1st & 2023 1st for Deshaun Watson.
The opportunity to right a wrong rarely comes for most people, and there's a real possibility we can right the wrong of the 2017 draft and end the memes. According to ESPN, Watson wants the owner to sell the team, so he'll likely be traded. Some GM's around the league have speculated, they believe Watson can be had for 3 1st, but the Texans might be expecting these to be high picks and may demand more. In this trade proposal, we offer 3 1st, an elite CB in Fuller who can either fill their need in their weak secondary, or whom they could flip for a high pick, as well as a stopgap QB. Its a lot to give up, but wed likely be wasting these picks anyways on QBs we hope to be even close to Watsons level. He'd instantly be the greatest QB for Chicago in the Superbowl Era and would have deep dish pizza specials named after him. He'd be treated like a God in Chicago and we can give him a chance to win it all, which is why I belive he wouldn't use his no trade clause if a trade materialized. Plus, i'm sure the Texans would prefer to send him outside of the conference, rather than admitting their wrongs and sending their star QB to Miami for their pick back only for that QB to keep them out of Superbowl contention for over a decade. Whatever the cost, we need to get Watson if available.
$15M of Mack or Hicks contract
We have no cap space so we have to restructure contracts into next year to address holes.
Projected Cap Space: $18M
Free Agency:
K - Cairo Santos (4yr; $17M)
After setting the franchise record of most consecutive field goals, Cairo is the most worthy of resigning.
P - Pat O'Donnell (3yr, $5M)
He benches more than Clowney. Enough said.
S - DeAndre Houston-Carson (1yr, $2M)
Bears are limited in money and should be shopping for bargain deals at strong safety at this point if we want any room to replace Massie. DHC hasn't been stellar, but hes a value option who can play strong safety and his been calloused in the defense. And any DB who can get an INT and a fumble recovery in a Pagano lead defense, deserves a shot to compete as a starter.
OT - Daryl Williams (2yr; $9M)
While he might not be the top OT on the market, after signing a 1yr 2M deal prove it, Daryl Williams outperformed his contract and looked really impressive at RT for the Bills. Especially when he was bullying TJ Watt in the playoffs. A good starter that doesn't break the bank.
Projected Cap Space: $6M
Based on's mock machine
2nd Round - Shaun Wade - CB - Ohio State
Wade was a consensus 1st round talent amongst anylast prior to being burned by Devonta Smith in the Championship. Now he's starting to slide into the 2nd in mocks. Outside his bad game against Bama, I see the makeup of a stud DB and has the versatility to play outside, slot and safety. So much room for activities!
Pro Comparison: Minkah Fitzpatrick
3rd Round - Paris Ford - S - Pittsburgh
Ford thrives in what the Bears need in strong safety, plus more. Hes a hard hitting run stuffer in the box, who is interchangeable at free and strong safety. Wouldn't be long before he beats out DHC for the starting position if he isn't already a day 1 starter from the get go.
Pro Comparison: Adrian Amos
5th Round - Paddy Fischer - LB - Northwestern
His game reminds me of Kwiatkowski. Great run stuffer who struggles in coverage. Considering Roquan can take most the coverage assignments, Paddy would be a solid depth piece against the run and in exotic blitz packages.
Pro Comparison: Nick Kwiatkowski
6th Round - Shakur Brown - CB - Michigan State
Shakur will fall because he doesn't have ideal size and physicality to be an outside corner, which I think is a big mistake for the teams who pass him because this kid looks good. Netting 5 INTs and 4 deflections in the 7 games he played this season, Shakur is going to be a steal. Would be a perfect candidate to compete with Vildor in the nickel/slot.
Pro Comparison: Damontae Kazee
6th Round - Nick Eubanks - TE - Michigan
Eubanks is a well rounded TE. He's not an elite pass catcher or blocker, but hes a decent pass catcher and a decent blocker. He can get the job done, which is all we need out of him in his rookie year since we'll lean more towards Kmet in the passing game when it comes to the TE room.
Pro Comparison: Devin Funchess
6th Round Pick - Jarrett Patterson - C - Notre Dame
I like the idea of Mustipher between Leno/Whitehair & Daniels/Williams. But it wouldn't hurt bringing in another Notre Dame Center to compete with and provide solid depth. He's falling due to a foot injury that he recently had surgery on, but the kids plays well in both the run and pass blocking, so he'd be a solid pick if he's still on the board in the 6th.
Pro Comparison: Lloyd Cushenberry
Use your imagination for depth signings & UDFA's
In this off-season scenario, we have the roster to not only repeat, or three peat or even a four peat. That's right, I'm talking about a minimum eight peat. Best part is, getting Watson and addressing the offense is a real life possibility. This will be an entertaining F5 season ladies and gentlemen, and I can't wait to be filling this sub with Watson rumors like it's 2017 offseason all over again.
submitted by NotRyanPace to CHIBears [link] [comments]

Sleestak's Bolts of Brilliance | 2020 Season Recap

Coming into the 2020 season, I had the Steelers ending the season at 13-3 and winning the AFC North. I figured if they could go 8-8 with Mason and Duck they should easily win 12-13 games with Ben. I also thought they had a chance to make a run at a Lombardi. And they did. Until they didn't. What a weird season. I'm going to go through this season position-by-position and then take a look toward what I'd like to see during the offseason.
People around here have been quick to shit on Ben for his performance in the second half of the season -- which is fair -- but they also want to ignore his success in the first half of the season -- which isn't. Ben threw 33 touchdowns and only 10 interceptions. It shouldn't surprise anyone that he looked much better when the team had a running game than when they didn't. At his age Ben isn't going to carry the offense week after week. He can still win you games. But you need to help him too. Ben's idol growing up was John Elway. Elway is the reason Ben wears #7. Elway never wins two Super Bowls at the end of his career without a strong defense and Terrell Davis. Ben has the strong defense, now they need to get him his Terrell Davis.
2021 Outlook -- I expect Ben to be back with a couple voidable years on his contract to allow relieve some of the 2021 cap hit.
A lot of time was spent on this sub debating what happened to the run game after they began the season running well. But to me the even bigger mystery is how they managed to be as good as they did for as long as they did with such poor offensive line play and such little talent in their running back room. James Conner is fine when he's healthy but he's never healthy. He is the Sean Lee of running backs. Behind him the team got nothing from Benny Snell, less from Anthony McFarland, and while Jaylen Samuels is good at what they ask him to do, that isn't much. This is easily the Steelers worst position group and they could do well to bring in a cheap free agent and draft a Day 2 running back to try and turn this position around.
2021 Outlook -- Conner will probably not be back. But they can't go into the season with Benny Snell as their incumbent starter so I think they will sign a guy like Mike Davis to come in and be the veteran presence. But they have to draft a RB.
Some people will make a big deal about Diontae's drops but I don't think it's a big issue. The WR position was the crown jewel of their 2020 offense. Diontae Johnson continued to show he can get open against any corner in the league, JuJu was JuJu, Chase Claypool emerged in his rookie season as a force to be reckoned with, and James Washington was a steady force. I don't think anyone can complain about the WRs as a whole.
2021 Outlook -- I think they will draft a WR early on Day 3 to replace JuJu and as usual it will work. The other three returning WRs will continue to make the position a strength in 2021.
Despite some issues with drops, I think the tight end position was adequate in 2020. Vance gave little to nothing as a receiver but was decent as a blocker. Ebron is a glorified wide receiver but cornerbacks can't cover him and the only way to really stop him is for him to drop passes. Zach Gentry is worthless and shouldn't be back in 2021.
2021 Outlook -- With Vance retired I think they will give Kevin Rader every opportunity to make the team because he is a phenomenal blocking tight end who has a mean streak and wants to eliminate every defensive player he locks onto. I would draft a tight end but with so many other needs I could see a veteran free agent being brought in.
Alejandro Villanueva, a free agent in 2021, was atrocious. Matt Feiler was fine at LG but Kevin Dotson proved to be the future there. Maurkice Pouncey's body is far to beat up for him to be close to how good he was in his prime. Decastro seemed to be playing hurt all season and Chuks Okorafor was alright. This assessment seems like they should get a higher grade but they got abused in the run game for most of the season and didn't give up a lot of sacks because Ben was getting the ball out quick. The #1 priority of the 2021 offseason should be improving the offensive line.
2021 Outlook - With AV, Feiler, and maybe Pouncey gone I think the 2021 O-Line will look pretty different. Banner should be re-signed and Kevin Dotson should start at LG. If the team thinks Chuks or Banner can play LT then an early round pick at Tackle could be their swing tackle. I expect a center to be signed whether Pouncey retires or not. There's a reason to be optimistic but until we see it on the field there's also room for concern.
I don't think I really need to say much here. Heyward was great until the playoffs. Alualu dominated in the running game. Tuitt had a quiet 12 sacks. They could use more depth there but the starters are so good that as long as they stay healthy they can dominate.
2021 Outlook -- No real changes. Maybe a free agent or a draft pick to round out the depth.
I'm lumping inside backers with the edge rushers. TJ Watt should be the DPOY, Budupree was great until he got hurt, Alex Highsmith showed he is going to be a fantastic player. Inside Devin Bush getting injured hurt the team more than anyone thought. Vince Williams was alright, Robert Spillane wasn't good.
2021 Outlook -- They have to draft an EDGE guy to replace Bud. And they really should try to upgrade the ILB position somehow.
It's strange because when I was going back through my notes on the 2020 season I really didn't have a lot of positive, or negative, notes on the corners. The outside guys were better than adequate, the slot guys played well, and the depth guys stepped up and made plays when called upon.
2021 Outlook -- I would consider cutting Joe Haden for cap purposes. I think Mike Hilton is gone but I think they keep Cam Sutton which is better for the team anyway. If they lose both slot guys they have to keep Haden because that's a disaster for them.
I don't think anyone needs me to say anything about Minkah Fitzpatrick so I'm gonna devote this space to Terrell Edmunds, who quietly had a really good season. Opposing tight ends used to destroy the Steelers defense. But in 2020 the Steelers were a Top 5 team against tight ends and while they didn't play a ton of excellent ones, Terrell Edmunds was the main reason why they did so well. He outright erased a couple tight ends from the game and, despite a couple blown coverages, was overall pretty solid in that area. He is improving and giving the Steelers a chance to focus on upgrading other positions on defense.
2021 Outlook -- With both starters back I expect the safeties to be fantastic again. A depth signing could be made to give them some snaps in case of injury but overall I think the safeties remain a consistent force.
Boswell was Boswell, no further explanation required. And when Colquitt sucked they cut bait and brought back Jordan Berry who was surprisingly good.
2021 Outlook -- Status quo.
Mike Tomlin clearly had the team ready to play most weeks despite some crazy scheduling fuckery. The offensive coaching left a lot to be desired but defensively they were well coached and quick to make adjustments. But I can't deny that they fell apart at the end of the season. Again. And that falls on coaching just as much as it can be excused away as the players being tired. Mike Tomlin said all the right things in his end-of-season presser but the decisions he makes on who to hire as the new Offensive Coordinator, and the new O-Line Coach will go a long way toward determining their success in 2021.
Off-Season Outlook
Let's take a look at who the Steelers have as potential free agents and who I want to keep and who I think they can't afford to keep.
Priority Free Agents To Sign -- Zach Banner, Cam Sutton.
These are the two guys I think you have to bring back. Banner is your potential starter at left or right tackle next year and Sutton is your best coverage slot corner who can also play outside if someone gets hurt.
Would Like To Re-Sign But Can't Afford -- Bud Dupree (Titans), JuJu Smith-Schuster (Ravens), Mike Hilton (Seahawks)
Fine With Leaving -- Conner, Williamson, Villanueva, Feiler, Marsh, Elliot, Wormley, McCloud, Allen, Dobbs.
Depth Re-Signings If Price Is Right -- Tyson Alualu, Jordan Berry, Jordan Dangerfield, Ola Adeniyi, Robert Spillane, Jerald Hawkins, Sean Davis, Danny Isidora, JC Hassenauer.
Free Agent Signings I'd Like To See -- Mike Davis (RB), Mohamed Sanu (WR), Ben Garland (C), Carl Lawson (Pipe Dream), Tyus Bowser (EDGE), Jourdan Lewis (CB), Artie Burns (For Real -- cheap depth).
Positions To Look For In Draft -- (not in order of need) RB, WR, TE, OT, OG, EDGE, ILB.
Unofficial Mock Draft using TheDraftNetwork's Mock Draft Machine:
1.24 -- Christian Darrisaw - OT - Virginia Tech
2.56 -- Javonte Williams - RB - North Carolina
3.87 -- Joe Tryon - EDGE - Washington
4.128 -- Drake Jackson -- OG/C -- Kentucky
4.141 -- Marco Wilson - CB - Florida
5.204 -- Paul Grattan - G - UCLA
6.224 -- Trevon Grimes - WR - Florida
7.242 -- Garrett Wallow - LB - TCU
7.251 -- Lorenzo Neal Jr - DL - Purdue
submitted by SleestakLightning to steelers [link] [comments]

[NAFA][Poly] All about NAFA for prospective students! (mainly SOAD stuff)

Hi there! NAFA grad from COVID batch here! I previously wrote tips to not waste time at NAFA. Currently studying in NUS. If you're looking for post O levels/ITE options, look no further! 4 years ago, I attended NAFA's open house after receiving my O level results and back then I was as clueless as the many DMs I've received asking about NAFA ;) . So I'm making this post to clear those doubts!
Edit: Added academic calendar to general curriculum and important degree update


Things to note before entering NAFA
  1. What is NAFA and who is it for
  2. Available Courses
  3. When and how to apply
  4. Application Timeline
  5. Financial Aid
During your study
  1. Useful Acronyms
  2. Life at NAFA
  3. Understanding NAFA's SOAD Standard
  4. General curriculum
  5. Electives
  6. Using workshops/Loaning of equipment
  7. Internship
  8. Overseas Immersion/School Exchange Programme
  9. CCA
  1. Furthering studies at NAFA
  2. Furthering studies at a local university
  3. Finding Work

Things to note before entering NAFA

[1] What is NAFA and who is it for?
NAFA, the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts is Singapore's pioneering art school. It is a private arts institution. It provides diploma studies with a study duration of 3 years just like poly. The special thing about NAFA is that it provides 1-year degree programmes which any student (usually from relevant diploma courses) can pick up.
Well, we always say 'art is subjective', it is a freedom of expression. The school is really open to anyone (and that is on the account that you have a portfolio or passed the test). Literally, you can have aunties and uncles as your classmates! You also have people doing art because it's fun but in all seriousness do not sign up if that's what you think. I'd like to think of NAFA as a school that guides you in the beginning and later on they just kind of let everyone be independent learners. Anybody can say that NAFA teaches you the foundation but they do not intend to fully teach you long term or up to a professional level. The school is excellent for people who have existing art skills (you've won SYF, art awards, distinction in art before you were even 17 years old) and wish to be a local artist. It is also great for people who are passionate and have some sort of basic skill or are/have developing skills already (that's me!) however this group should avoid Fine Arts. You can also be passionate and start on a blank slate but be prepared to work doubly hard for the grades. The school is not competitive, it depends on talent to stand out.
Do not come if you are doing for the sake of the diploma because the difficulty of NAFA's diploma is no joking matter. Dropping out is common in every course and you do not wish to contribute to that. That is also the whole point of NAFA charging exorbitant school fees so that you don't run away. Many people actually bet their future on NAFA because they couldn't go to poly/uni course of their choice and it ends up being wasted because it's not what they wanted! You may have heard people of saying that the school's standard is trash but the truth is, it's not the school's problem 100% of the time.
For students looking to enter NAFA Foundation Programme, it's still new and dodgy. I strongly advise you guys to take O levels and head to Poly instead if you still wish to pursue further education at local universities. I personally find no point in skipping a year and getting L1R4>25 with an O level cert where you might've passed math seems to be a more lucrative choice to use for entering NAFA. The only benefit you're getting from the programme is a debt $$$.
Entry requirements:
O Level: L1R4 equal or less than 25 points excluding English (can use CCA points)
ITE: Full-time Higher Nitec or Nitec
Other Local/International Admission Requirements
Important note:
NAFA diplomas do not equate with polytechnic diplomas.
NAFA being the oldest art school does not mean that it is the best place to go instead of Laselle.

[2] Available Courses
One misconception is that NAFA has double diploma programmes for 3D Design. I'd like to announce that it is false. The school is not capable of teaching 2 types of diploma at a time but rather mash it up. So if you intend to take my course for example Diploma in Design (Landscape and Architecture), it is usually the 1st word that is mainly taught which is 'Landscape'.

List of courses:
School of Art and Design
3D Design
Design & media
Fine Art
Fashion Studies
School of Arts Management, Dance and Theatre
Arts Management

[3] When and how to apply?
Once you received your results is usually the time applications are open. Local and international students have until March to apply. It varies annually. More here ->How to apply
Method of Application: Online portfolio submission or physical admission test
Neither is better than the other. You method depends on whether you can show what you have within a given deadline.

Online Portfolio Submission
Minimum 10 images, various mediums allowed and a short writeup of 100 words.
1.Make the portfolio for the course that you want
To make them pick you directly for the course, make it look like you are built for the course.
2. Have a variety of work
Fine Arts doesn't only consist of drawings, it can also include some sort of sculpture or performance work. Same goes for the other departments. Click here for what each course requires. If you wish to showcase a single type of work because you are unable to show more, it can make your portfolio look okay/bad compared to other people.
3. A passionate statement
Only 100 words. Tbh I wrote what I wished to do after my diploma (plans have since changed and it was an odd statement lol). I don't suggest writing about your contribution to the sch because as long as you're a student you're contributing. Make it short and simple.

In case anyone is wondering, my application portfolio was mediocre, showing 11 images consisting of sketches/paintings/photos. If you have a god-tier portfolio because you have that artistic talent, there's a good chance to achieve a 1st-year full-coverage scholarship once you step into NAFA. You can submit whenever you want but my estimated deadline was 2 weeks after applying at the open house which waived my application fees ($70 better treat yourself Haidilao).

Admission Test (if someone has taken the test feel free to provide more info)
The test dates are staggered once per month from January-March. Held in groups. Consists of a drawing test and write-up.
I only know that the drawing test isn't difficult. People who took the test do not intend to submit a portfolio as it's quick and efficient. Nothing much to add on.
Important note:
If you are writing a 2nd choice as a safety net please be cautious. I do not recommend as you may get the 2nd choice instead if the slots for your 1st choice becomes full. They will just shift you to the 2nd choice and that's where the 'appeal' part comes.
Choose to submit a portfolio if you can commit to the deadline, it usually gives you an upper hand over admission test applicants because you're showcasing more.

[4] Application Timeline (I only know O levels if anyone can kindly tell me I'll update)
O levels:
Receive results > submit JAE > apply for NAFA
Wait for JAE AND NAFA results > receive JAE results 1st > receive NAFA results 2nd
You’ll receive NAFA results before poly starts unless you apply late. I applied during Jan on the day of the open house and got my results mid-end Feb. March is the last month to receive results.

[5] Financial Aid
NAFA Financial Aid
Now, we all know private school isn't cheap and many passionate young souls I've met depend heavily on financial aid like I do. If you're a Singaporean with a tight family income, the bursary is attainable for you. It covers half of the annual school fee. Can only be taken once for each year of study. If you are able to claim the bursary for all your years, you’d pay a total of $7050.
For those who are hoping to start at NAFA but is at a really tight end, you need perfect grades in art and portfolio to be considered a scholarship/merit in your first year. You'll need testimonials and pass the interview. If you ain’t good in art, pass this opportunity however you can work for scholarship/merit during your diploma years. I’d score close to the 4.0 (3.8X) in Year 1 in order to get a scholarship to cover my Year 2 fees.
Other options are the 0% interest study loan by DBS. You can make use of your PSEA which you can also use your sibling account to cover your own sch fees.
Last option but not really one is the student assistantship scheme should you already be a student of NAFA. The pay is peanuts, I would not recommend but it's nice to have a one-liner in your resume that you did some work for the school :).
There are NAFA students with a possibly far worse situation than yours but they are extremely talented and hardworking to end up not paying a single cent. NAFA is really expensive so if you do intend to work to cover the fees, take care of your grades as well. It is not impossible to do so. I chose to not work as I was in a hectic design course and needed to maintain my grade for university.

Next, you would need to understand how the system works.

During your study

[1] Useful Acronyms
SOAD: School of Art and Design (Department)
SOAMDT: School of Arts Management, Dance and Theatre
SOM: School of Music
D&M: Design and Media
FA: Fine Arts
3DD: 3D Design
FS: Fashion Studies
FYP: Final Year Project (used in almost every SOAD course lol)
OIP: Overseas Immersion Programme

[2] Life at NAFA
So you wish to know how life is like at NAFA? First thing, don't expect the same amount of glitz and glamour that exists in polys. It's much quieter where you won't even hear a mouse die.
Because entry to the school is quite easy, the population regularly consists of graduated ITE students (can’t make it to poly/NAFA is the last golden ticket) alongside many international students. O level cert holders are like a small 10% or less. So if you’re young, prepare to take care of the older lot and expect to carry lazy people.
You have to be very committed to the course and can’t skip class. More than 3 times and they start deducting marks. The workload is heavy and even if it comes in small numbers, it is intense. The number of student to lecturer ratio is not a big difference but later on, consultation times may not suffice. Facilities are sufficient unless you’re in a design course. There are CCAs in the sch but not all courses got time for it. Staying in school late is a common culture. Fine Arts students after class just camp in their respective studios and design students would camp till closing 11 pm at the computer lab waiting for renders to finish. Every student will experience staying late and you can say its #lifeatnafa.
The culture here is not as toxic and dramatic as poly but more towards weird because we’re creative artsy-fartsy people. It’s easy to get along with course mates but there’s a chance for things to get somehow cranky along the way. Could be you or your classmate. Everyone is pretty open and wild. There’s a lack of competitiveness which is both good and bad.
There won't be a course that goes without presentations. That's the point of producing works ain't it, to show it off to the audience. Group work to individual work ratio is about 3:6 so if you worry about bad groupmates, don't worry I've faced them too and it can't be helped ;). Carrying other people during group work is also common. NAFA does stand for lazy people what to do. Your complaints hold no power. (Arguably, many students want the school to make entry to the courses more difficult as there seem to be too many bums to handle)
If you're mentally depressed or anything the school does try to help but no legit support system other than the ECG counsellor (which I find it practically useless). Now, the school deals with this quite often so they don't give a damn about your life. Ownself take care ownself is the usual term.

School events anyone can participate:
Open House (1-day Sentosa fun time with other Open House ambassador)
Orientation (has a 1-night camp! Recommend)
NAFA Fun Day
Overseas Immersion Programme (1-3 weeks long, Asian countries. Recommend but need $)
Student Assistantship Programme (1 year-long contract. Peanut pay)

The list of programmes here may not seem much but you can add it in your portfolio (except Fun Day). There may be volunteer work available within some courses itself. Do try to be active
And that's about it. Nothing special just expensive and less fun.

[3] Understanding NAFA's SOAD Standard
Take a look at what past graduates have produced within their 3 years as a student. Only you can judge whether the school is great or the right fit for your goals (in being able to attain this particular level of skill for XXX course once you graduate for example). The best standard can be found under the best graduate tab.
2020 The Grad Expectations
Graduation Showcase

[4] General Curriculum
Academic Calendar
The 1st semester of your study begins at the start of August and usually ends late November or early December depending on the type of assessment received. The 2nd semester begins in January till May. The span of 1 semester is always around 4 months with a 1-week break in between. We don't really have any sort of term 1/2 thing like poly and is much compressed, so breaks are less. However, you do get compensated with a 3-month vacation between years so that's fair.

*Applicable to SOAD only
Year 1
1st Semester: Foundation Study (not the same as NAFA Foundation programme for N level)
+ Basic art and design theory
+General Education
2nd Semester: Course Foundation
+ General Education
+ Basic course theory
(+ Electives)

Year 2
1st Semester: 2nd Set of Course Foundation
+ Intermediate theory
+ 1st project
+ Basic report/essay writing
(+ Electives)
2nd Semester: Last set of Course Foundation
+ Another set of projects
(+ Electives)

Year 3
1st Semester: Internship/School project (wouldn't want to get this)
2nd Semester: Final Year project (practically on your own)
+ Report/Essay writing
+ Research and development
(+ Electives, not recommended to do during this semester)

It’s clearly not much different from poly, slightly worse at certain points. Weekly school hours per week will increase each semester e.g year 1 sem 1 is 18hrs a week for classes, next semester you may get an additional 2-4 hrs increase of class time. The longest time I had for class each week was 24hrs, pretty sure the same goes for any SOAD course. Do expect late-night classes. It is inevitable because most lecturers are teaching part-time so do bear with them.
Important note:
For a lighter schedule, do electives early as that's one of the simplest things to do.
The difference in timetable won't affect application to university.

[5] Electives
1 common mistake students commit is not reading the student handbook (from studentnet)/contract on the number of credits required for graduation. They end up finishing their electives during Year 3 Semester 2 which is the time one should focus on their FYP. Start doing your electives once you’re in Year 1 Semester 2. Good planning consists of not stuffing your modules until it’s way past 24hrs/week (also known as overloading). You’re required to do cross-disciplinary modules 2-6 credits worth (meaning not related to your course, if you’re from D&M you have to do either FA/3DD/FS) and course-related electives worth 2-6 credits. Days before module registration, plan out the electives you want to do based on your given timetable and then rush to pick on the day of the module registration with no hesitation to secure your placement. You may have to do an elective that is unfamiliar to you.
My sample plan:
Year 1 sem 1: Can’t choose yet
Year 1 sem 2: Photography (Highly recommend, popular as well but must have time and skill + a friend who's free who be your model). 2 credits
Year 1 sem 2 special term (aka holiday): OIP to Hangzhou. China Academy of Arts for 3 weeks. Considered cross-disciplinary to FA. 3 weeks long. 4 credits
Year 2 sem 1: Intro to Rapid prototyping from 3DD (laser cut/3D print) (didn’t really learn how to use the machine as there are technical officers and I messed up at the end but still passed, great elective for embarrassing yourself if you’re a 3DD student who frequents the workshop ;) ). 2 credits
Year 2 sem 2 - onwards: No more electives can focus on FYP
Important note:
Plan well so you accumulate just nice 120 credits for graduation. No point in exceeding the total credits as you have to pay extra for it. If you miss a few credits for graduation, you will be retained for another semester to finish.
Cheat tip: if you go on the OIP to China only, you instantly get cross-disciplinary credits.

[6] Using Workshops/Loaning of equipment

[7] Internships
Usually done in Year 3 Semester 1, this is one of the key semesters every student should complete for it plays a very important role in your portfolio for finding a job post-graduation. The school has a reputable network, however for courses like Fine Art and illustration the intern positions may be limited because Singapore is not very welcoming for such talents. There are top companies who are willing to hire NAFA students on the basis that they have good grades and a juicy portfolio. So if you want the best, you got to be the best.

[8] Overseas Immersion/School Exchange Programmes
Slots for OIP is limited (especially the ones to China), requires an interview. I think the max for some trips were 35-40 people at most. There are subsidies available and coverage varies.

Places NAFA has flown to:
*Xiamen (3 weeks)
*Hangzhou, China Academy of Arts (3 weeks)
*Beijing, Beijing Technology University (3 weeks)
Bangkok (1 week?)
Korea (might've stopped)
Japan (might've stopped)

*Special programme during Year 1 Semester 2 vacation only
I forgot the cost but I've personally have flown to Hangzhou. Best experience ever despite getting a C. Crazy stuff happened at one of the finest Arts school in China :)
Important note:
If you miss the chance to fly, fret not, NAFA's degree programme is a collaboration with a foreign university and they will open an exchange programme for 1 month (that is if COVID doesn't persist). Not sure about the cost though.

[9] CCA (The price list is not updated as of 2020)
List of currently available CCAs:
  1. Muay Thai ( $63 10 sessions)
  2. Yoga (basic: $50 12 sessions, intermediate: $42 10 sessions)
  3. Entrepreneurship club
  4. Urban runners club
  5. Volunteer club
Short story: Long ago, I actually joined the photography club only to end up leaving before they even started anything because everybody was too busy to meet up and thus disbanded.
During my time, Muay Thai is the most popular followed by Yoga. Do check out NAFA OSC account on IG to find out what they do. Looks like they added Korean language class too hmm


[1] Furthering Studies at NAFA
NAFA Degree courses for Arts Management and Music
Update (thanks to the comment below): NAFA is going to change its programmes and collaboration starting from AY2021/2022. The new degree courses are collaborating with UAL (University of Arts, London) and it’s changing from one year course to two-year course which includes 5-7 weeks of going to the colleges in London. All the courses are affected except for Arts Management and Music.
Students with A Level certificates, as well as those without relevant diplomas will be allowed to enrol into NAFA’s degree programmes.
The stuff I wrote may not apply anymore but I will still leave it here as a reference for NAFA's 1-year degree. The degree website is empty for now.

How do you determine if taking NAFA degree is worth it and why should you take or not take the NAFA degree? There’s always a mixed bag of opinions over the degree. Personally, I’m not a fan of it but I won’t be biased and input the pros and cons that can better aid in one’s decision.

1.Existing CGPA from diploma is Low
Finding a job with the private diploma cert and low grades can affect your career progression. Make up for the mistakes that were done during the diploma study and try to do well for the degree.
2. High CGPA, expecting a scholarship (or free ride) for the degree course
If you easily meet these 3 criteria (1) Singapore's local unis are too expensive for your taste, (2) you might be older than 21 years old and need to work ASAP, (3) "broke" but did quite well during your diploma and has an excellent portfolio to show, taking the degree might not be such a bad option. In some instances, the 1-year degree + years of work experience can allow one to take up a master degree at local uni if the pre-requisites are met.
3. Changing career path (still art-related)
It's possible to change paths from design to fine arts. However, for a degree that lasts only for 1 year, it is impossible to acquire a decent knowledge at a degree level compared to the diploma stage in my opinion. Usually, the people who apply for the design degree e.g Spatial Design, have prior knowledge from the related course of study either from NAFA or other polys. 1 year is not enough but never said that it’s impossible and has been done over the years.
4. Increase in starting salary
Nobody says this when asked why they want to take the degree but I'm sure they want an increase in starting salary. If you have a fear of starting out with low pay and want to bump it up by sacrificing a short amount of time and money, go for it.

1.Not a legit degree
This isn’t a biased answer but an honest one. NAFA's degree is not a professional degree. 1-year won't be enough to acquire a lot of knowledge. There are no internships and full training of Softwares/techniques whatsoever. It's basically aimed at NAFA/poly students who have an existing skillset and internship experience during their diploma studies or international students with similar qualifications. I'm not discouraging anyone who wishes to take the degree because some companies do take in students and if they're lucky, they can work for them after graduation.
2. Not 100% applicable for postgraduate studies in Singapore
The local universities may not kindly cater to all NAFA degrees. A number of students after getting a NAFA degree would choose to study overseas to pursue a masters. If getting NAFA's degree is a mean of broadening your studying experience by going overseas, why not? One real-life example that I've heard of works is landscape and architecture diploma + Spatial Design degree + 3 years of work experience at a good company + an excellent portfolio which eventually led this person to enter NUS Masters in Landscape Architecture. Spatial Design has a chance for relevant postgraduate courses although this may not be the same for the other NAFA degrees.
3. Not worth if you are a Singaporean
The cost of NAFA's degree is considered affordable for an international student and it was practically built for them. If a Singaporean were to study at local uni for 3/4 years including subsidies + tuition grant for a design degree, it'd still be cheaper than a NAFA degree. Plus an actual degree from the public unis is still considered much valuable.

If you stand for better higher educational standards after staying there for 3 years, I say work hard and flee.

[2] Furthering studies at a local university
It’s not impossible. It was already allowed a million years ago. It just a matter of effort you put during your diploma years. The current standard at NAFA has dwindled where only less than 10 NAFA grads emerge victoriously so don't be surprised knowing that NAFA barely has high flyers, the school doesn't even push for it. Even my juniors don't know my degree existed 1 year ago...
2 things to note:
  1. NAFA diploma is not allowed entry into many courses that are irrelevant from the diploma unless the GPA is high. The usual entry requirements are GPA 3.5-4.0 also dependent on the 10th percentile, juicy portfolio and testimonial (I didn't need it FYI)
  2. Chances are higher for relevant degrees although any degree will definitely have entry requirements to meet. Some degrees require O level pass in elementary/additional math (they say they don't check anymore after 2019 but I don't want to play out my chances). I know of students who were optimistic about their GPA but they did not read the instructions beforehand.
You will be fighting with the best from poly, JC and beyond. Do your best to represent yourself as a student from NAFA and you'll find a way to stand out from the crowd.
A warning note to future/existing international NAFA students: I know most of y’all only started living in Singapore just before the beginning of the diploma. I don’t know whether your international qualifications can equate with O levels so consider your future plans in Singapore carefully. My dear international classmates weren’t called up for uni interview (GPA already wasn’t helping, no offence) and the super stringent admission criteria crippled their hopes. Many have remained in NAFA to do the 1-year degree or have returned to their home country. I cannot answer for employment rates. If neither one is the option you want to end up with, do take note.

[3] Finding Work
COVID really struck a lot of people hard. I can count the number of my coursemate who is employed with my 10 fingers or less. The full-time employment rate is terrible, believe it or not. The school hides it like the fine print in the student contract. Here in the Graduate Employment Survey, you can see the ending choices of NAFA graduates.
I really can't tell the success rate of one finding a job even based on IG stories itself. I see quite a number of freelancer or people doing other things. Who will remain in the same industry? The top 10% in the cohort but even the best have struggled or are still struggling to find a job. NAFA students are not only fighting among themselves, there are poly students with similarly named courses out there too with a proper educational lineup that a NAFA diploma can't compare with.
A portfolio is usually the passport for finding work and the past 3 years of study is meant to fill it up. Don't waste time being a stubborn student especially when you will be spending a lot of money to study. The best way to make yourself look hire-able is to definitely have good grades and a portfolio. Can't emphasise anything else other than that to convince the company to hire you.

Wrapping it up

NAFA is one of the schools that provides a unique and alternative route away from the usual poly lifestyle. I had some crazy times in there be it social life or workload. It isn't a bad school (I quote 5/10) but if you can work for what you love, you'll do just fine.
The Open House is open and I suggest for those interested to take a look. A whole bunch of admission guides are up for talks.
NAFA Virtual Open House
If you guys have any questions, comment down below so others can read or if you're shy, drop me a DM but I may be busy to reply. Thanks for dropping by!
submitted by Ackeryl to SGExams [link] [comments]

Stories from 12 years of Casino Industry

I was asked to make a post about some stories within the Casino grounds so I thought I'd share. I have many so I'll do my best to pick the better ones.
Some back information: I've been a Casino Dealer for 11 years, I've been a supervisor for five years, and I've been a Surveillance Operator for one year. I've worked at three properties, none of which are connected or owned by the same company. I've worked on : Government/Private/Native American owned casinos.
  1. From Hero to Zero.
At my first Casino, I was one of the first group of people who were trained to deal Roulette . After 4 weeks of working 6PM-3AM then doing roulette training from 3AM-8AM (Not paid) , I actually really enjoyed the game and after about six months I became extremely quick at the number game and the pace of the action was steady with very low margin of errors. Young man walks in, cashes in for $500. He buys in for $2 chips and just loads the board. After a few spins and pretty decent hits, he then changes his chips from $2 to 5$ then to $10 and racks his winnings up to $10,000. It was then, five spins in a row, he loaded the board with some pretty gross bets, and every spin I would hit the ONE number with either NO CHIPS on it, or maybe 1 chip , He lost all $10,000 in a matter of minutes. He leaves , and I go on break. After my break I was going back to the same table and wouldn't you know it, the same young man walks in and cashes in another $500. He tells me he just sold his car outside and this is all that he had left. So we do the same deal, buys in for $2 chips, then slowly starts betting $5 chips, $10, $25...and he makes $10,000 AGAIN. Within the next 25 minutes it was straight agony. Every spin, same thing, he would bet $2500 in chips, and win only $250, $400, and after about a half hour he lost it all . Never saw the guy again.
2) Man down
At this property, we are 24 hours for table games. It's currently 5AM , and I'm dealing some $25 Blackjack to this guy. He's probably early thirties , heavy guy. He's sober as can be, but right away I can tell he's been losing. We know how much you've bought in for, how much your down, or up, and I could see he was down $2000+. After about twenty minutes of pure losing, his temper starts to flare.At this point I now have two other guests at my table. Drinking coffee, not saying a word, just losing their money. After losing hand, after hand, this guy looks me straight in the eye, seized up, starts shaking, he can't move. He tries to punch towards me and smashes his stack of chips all over the place and falls backwards to the floor. I call for security, we cannot touch him due to liability . I can't move from my table because, well, liability / casino cash property, all I can do is try to talk to him. As I'm doing so, these other two woman who are sitting at my table just look at me and one says "OK, dealer, cmon lets go " as she taps the table telling me to start dealing and forget about the guy having a stroke on the floor. As security takes him to the ambulance out front, I had to stay behind for a couple minutes and give a statement. I go on break. I come back, and 45 minutes later, he comes right back in with a oxygen tank and keeps gambling for the remainder of the morning.
3) You get a dildo, and YOU get a dildo!
On a late summer Saturday night, we had a large event for these massive muscle guys/strongman competition type thing. After their show, I'm at the roulette table , and five of these boys come over to play. They were absolutely hilarious. They were feeling pretty good, cashed in somewhat large amounts and I could tell this was going to be a fun time. After about a hour of dealing to these guys, it's almost midnight, everybody is pretty hammered , I spin the ball, and all five of these guys take out these god damn (what I can only tell was) two feet purple dildos from inside their pants, and wiping them around in the air. The ladies were just loving it, one of the dildos landed in the roulette wheel and we had to shut the table down to re-calibrate the wheel to make sure nothing had been changed. I just remember that night was so much damn fun, I couldn't believe what I was seeing and I would never forget it.
4) Full Moon
On this day, I was actually training dealers / supervising them on small games like Three Card poker. We opened the table at 10AM, and this older man came and sat down . He played all day. The jackpot was $21,000 and that was pretty high for this table. He played, and played and played. He's one of the players where you know he's wearing a diaper because he's been drinking coffee/pop all day and hasn't moved in eight hours. As the day went on, this man never moved from his chair. Getting closer to midnight, he was aggravated and said "I need to go have a smoke, I'm getting killed in here". He left, and the very next hand, the lady beside him was dealt the jackpot . He didn't say much, but you could just tell he just hated life at that very moment because had he not gotten up, it would of been his hand. The man calmly took his cane , his hat, jacket, coffee, and left. The next morning I found out when he did leave he drove his car straight through his bank and was arrested.
5) Slick Robber
I actually give props to people who can actually pull this off. This story may confuse you so I'll try and explain things as best as possible. A lot of casinos have machines as soon as you walk through the front doors. A man walks up to one of these machines and sticks in HIS $100 bill. He doesn't gamble it, instead he hits the cash out button and gets a $100 TITO ticket where he then takes the ticket to the ATM machine to get his $100. Now remember, his Original $100 is in the slot machine. He then takes the $100 from the ATM and goes back to the same machine, and repeats this process over a hundred times. Essentially he's taking money from the ATM, and loading up the Slot Machine . Now he knows he can't do it too much because if the slot machine gets full of money, the machine will shut down and the slow attendant will have to take all the cash out. So he deposits over $10,000 , then has a small crowbar, he cracks the machine open and makes a run out the front door. To my knowledge he was never caught . But damn, that was pretty smart .
6) Mental Health is a thing.
10PM man walks in to play some high limit BlackJack. This guy knows the game and played well. Dressed nice, drank juice/tea , a little bit of a attitude, cashed in over $10,000. When this man was half way down his buy in, he said something a long the lines of "If I don't win here tonight, I'm going to go set myself on fire." I wasn't sure if he was serious because when people are down, they tend to say a lot of nonsense. I actually left early that night, and from a third party was told he did exactly that in the parking lot. The next day it was clear something terrible had gone wrong in the parking lot .
7) Nothing good happens after midnight
After a busy Saturday night, I was dealing a mix of games, and during this story I was in the middle of Blackjack. I had one young kid (probably 19) sitting in the middle, one older male probably in his later 40's sitting beside him on his right, and I had a really nice couple in their 20's sitting together at the other side. This young kid wasn't playing just sort of watching, and ever time the old man won he would give this young guy some of his winnings. The older man, was a wine drinker, and he had black between all of his teeth, I'll never forget. He's a little drunk but nothing terrible. As the night goes on, the older man goes and uses the washroom, at which point the couple asked the young guy "Oh was that your dad?" and the young guy says "Hah, no I wish!". The couple and I just looked at each other. This old guy, was in complete control over this kid. Absolutely disgusting. The night ends, and I find out the couple called a few of their friends, and they all waited outside by this old mans truck and beat the living hell out of him. 40 years old, sleeping with a 19 year old, completely brain washed . Very weird.
8) That one co-worker where you just wish they would quit.
One of our co-workers, nice guy but had a very big ego and we as employees just sorta left him alone. One day he had enough of the atmosphere and quit. Now usually when you quit, you cannot come back until you paperwork is finalized. How ever, HR was in that day, and he was given the paperwork the very next day. He came in, cashed in $1000, and made $50,000 in about a hour at the Baccarat table. My manager, was extremely annoyed, because now this guy is just mocking the casino and having the time of his life (Thanks for the big tip by the way :) ) and so he decides to call it quits. He wants to ban himself and he wants $50,000 in cash. The casino says Nope, we are going to give you a cheque. Now here's the thing, most business people will take the cheque, how ever you CANT CASH the cheque until the following monday because it's on that day where the funds are available. The casino on the other hand will cash their own check in anytime , because they want you to play. So this guy pretty much said go to hell I want my cash, and he called the police. Police show up, and management promptly gave him the cash.I though it was absolutely hilarious .

9) No good deed goes un punished
I was dealing Three Card Poker, and the jackpot was around $17,000. This old man (a regular) was sitting there all day grinding it out. Super nice guy, always a pleasure to deal to. Well, after hours of playing, he stands up and says "Hey john!, can you come here for a minute?" so his buddy John comes over. He says to John "I need to go take a piss real quick, can you play my card until I get back?" John agrees . John takes the chips and I stop him and explain he can't play his friends chips, he needs to cash in and play his own. And he does. Welp, second hand out and bam, doesn't he win it. The old man comes back and is so happy, he can't believe it. John, took his $17,000, didn't say a word to his "buddy" and walked away. I never felt so much hatred in all my life. Didn't give him a dollar, not a thank you, nothing. The old man sits back down again, the progressive resets to $2500, and he sat there grinding away again.
10) The Top Knot
I had this player , young guy, who was born into a fortune. One of his relatives passed away and left him a pretty big sizable amount of money, so he played poker every single day for the rest of his days. I will add, he IS a good player. I did not enjoy his company just because of the "Know-it-All" attitude, but he was good. We'll call him John. John is 5'10, and well build, with muscle. John also decided today was the day to show off his Top Knot. (google top knot if you're not sure what I mean) So he sits down, and he's absolutely KILLING the table. Every hand, after hand, after hand. And because he's in such a good mood, he's playing any two cards, calling any $500 bet, and he's just dominating. This one guy at the table decided he had enough. He got up, without saying a word and left. A moment later, he comes back in, walks behind John, and takes a pair of scissors , and cuts off his Top Knot. I for one couldn't believe it, dying laughing inside, and it just turned into one big brawl. That was a good day.
11) That one bad seed
One of my best friends who I haven't seen in YEARS ended up being part of the crew. Was kind of nice to catch up. We never really got along as we grew up because he has a very high picture of himself . He wanted that 10/10 woman. A mansion, and a new Corvette. So every month or so we would all go up to the other casino to play. I myself would bring no more than $500, but I couldn't understand how this guy (we'll call him Kyle) was spending THOUSANDS of dollars at the tables. So this wen on for a few months. Well, one day, as we're closing the casino, he and I are in the High Limit room and we're getting ready to close the tables. We are told to take the chips out, count them, put them back, sign this piece of paper and that's it. Well as the supervisor was locking the tray, the piece of paper fell to the floor, so she asked Kyle to grab the piece of paper. As he bends over, a great big $500 chip falls right out of his sock. Kyle was fired immediately , but it all made sense. They offered Kyle a deal where if he replaced all the stolen chips they would not make it public. Not sure how that turned out.
12) If I ever decide to write a book, this will be the last chapter: <3
After working at my first Casino for five years, I met a Indian woman who was visiting from another part of the country. During this time I was explaining a game to her, which honestly I don't think she even cared. She explained she was visiting and sight seeing , and that was that.Well, two years later I ended up moving to the other side of the country and transferred casinos, and low and behold she worked there as a Dealer. We got married , and it's been 5 years.
13) The Tip
One of our tables that we've had for a couple years had a progressive jackpot that had reached $100,000. The dealer at the table was sitting pretty lonely. Nobody really played the game because people knew it was extremely difficult to win the jackpot. My memory is a tad foggy, but you somehow needed to flop the royal flush. This young guy sits down and says to the dealer, we'll call him John. "John, if you pay me that jackpot, I will tip you $10,000" Well John started dealing, and about a half hour into his shift, he F*cking did it. He dealt him the royal. And you know something?This young lad, kept his word, and he made sure there was a audience, and he tipped exactly $10,000. That was a moment right there. That pay cheque was real nice. I think we all got about $500 more than usual. The moment that jackpot was awarded they got rid of the table because the money it was making was not near what the casino wanted. I'm sure there have been bigger tips at other casinos, but that was something special .
14) The Lawsuit
Now this story I'm going to have to beat around the bush a bit due to the nature of what happened. I can't won't answer any questions that you may have on this topic other than what I have to say because it had a lot of publicity . The waitresses at this casino had to wear very thin sexy clothes. Not borderline legal, but it was noticed. One day they called all the waitresses to come in and explained they were changing their outfit to something even more sexier. Now these new dresses were very very borderline legal . The staff said No way. We're not wearing that.So , friday night comes, and the staff work their whole shift, then at the end of their shift were called into a meeting and were all fired. Welp, one of those ladies father was a pretty big time lawyer. Brough the casino to court and won. They won big. Good for them. We had no waitresses for a couple days haha.
Thanks for reading along, I have many more I can add as the day goes on, those were just some off the top of my head. Feel free to ask any questions of the Casino industry. I don't really have many stories about the surveillance department because that's the one area where I can't really say a whole lot due to its privacy and contracts I was and still am under.
submitted by viodox0259 to TalesFromTheFrontDesk [link] [comments]

My Mock Draft 2.0 (Jets trade for Watson and New England trades for Matt Stafford)

1st Round
1. Jacksonville - Trevor Lawrence (QB)
The clear choice
2. Houston Texans (Sam Darnold, 1.02, Giant’s 2021 5th and the Seahawk’s 2022 1st pick for Deshaun Watson) – Zach Wilson (QB)
The Texans acquire future draft capital and enter a rebuild. They have a top pick this draft, and 2 first next year – enough to make a new team and start to erase the errors of BoB. The Jets get their QB of the future. The Texans get Darnold and see if he can produce outside of a Gase offense, but select Zach Wilson as the QB of the future. This will give the Texans a chance to let Wilson get acclimated to the NFL before being thrown into the fire. The Texans also likely decline Darnold’s 5th year option, because he will either be irrelevant by then, or will be good enough to sign to another team for significant money and give a comp pick.
The Jets get a franchise QB while still having a first this year and next year, their future is immediately very bright. The Texans might demand more compensation, but they have a new GM and if Deshaun refuses to play, they may have to settle for a ‘mere’ 2 1st round picks.
3. Miami – Penei Sewell (LT)
A franchise left tackle. While Miami may not need him as much as Cincinnati does, their line isn’t nearly stellar enough to pass on his talent.
4. Detroit (from Atlanta for 1.07 and 2.41 for 1.04) – Justin Fields (QB)
Detroit trades up to get Stafford’s replacement. Atlanta gives Matt Ryan more time.
5. Cincinnati – Micah Parsons (LB)
Parsons has sideline to sideline speed and should be a Pro Bowler quickly at a Cinci position of need. The Bengals OLine has been poor, but it needs more than just 1st round picks being thrown at it. The Bengals can address it later in the draft.
6. Philadelphia – Ja’Marr Chase (WR)
Although it is unclear who Philly’s QB will be, who ever it is will need to have more weapons available to them. Ja’Marr Chase is the best player available here, and fits Philly’s needs. While Zach Wilson and Trey Lance are still available, the Eagles give Wentz and Hurts another go at things with a better supporting cast and different HC before they completely move on.
7. Atlanta – Kwity Paye (DE)
Atlanta’s weakest position group might be their EDGEs, and despite trading back they still get the best one off the board. I personally like Rousseau better tho...
8. Carolina - Trey Lance (QB)
Carolina gets a QB of the future, who will be able to take reps behind their current QB of Teddy Bridgewater while he quickly grows a starter. Lance’s biggest flaw as a prospect is his inexperience with an NFL offense. NDSU’s offense is designed runs against slower LBs and deep balls to open receivers. Lance’s ability to dominate in the FCS is clear, but he needs to learn when to throw a check down before he will be ready for the NFL, and sitting behind Teddy will let him do that. Lance’s athleticism as a runner and capability as a thrower make him a more appealing pick to the Panthers here.
9. Denver – Caleb Farley (CB)
Farley has asserted himself as the best CB in the draft. He can be another piece in a Fangio defense that becomes one of the best in the league. They only need their offensive weapons to play to their potential…
10. Dallas – Patrick Surtain II (CB)
The Cowboys have holes to fix on their much maligned defense from last year, in addition to their offensive line issues. However, the Dallas offense looked acceptable when they had Dak, while their defense did not. They take the next off the board, and hope the Dak can return to form next year.
11. NY Giants – Jaylen Waddle (WR)
The Giants need an elite receiving option and get a number one receiving option. He has the route running skills and ball skills to play on the outside, and the size to be durable. When both Waddle and Smith where heathy at Bama, Waddle actually had more production.
12. San Francisco – Jaycee Horn (CB)
SF will likely be losing Richard Sherman, and Jaycee Horn has all the skills necessary to be a shutdown corner, although he may have some hiccups on the way.
13. LA Chargers – Rashawn Slater (OL)
The Chargers clearly need to improve all over their offensive line, as all 3 positions were rated in the bottom 2 by PFF. Slater has the versatility to move all around the offensive line, and the ability to match. His demonstrated ability against NFL prospects such as Chase Young in college is very enticing and leads the Chargers to select him above fellow prospect Christian Darrisaw
14. Minnesota – Gregory Rousseau (EDGE)
Minnesota’s defensive line struggled without Danielle Hunter. With Rousseau and Hunter back, the DLine may actually become a strong suit.
15. Lions (trade from New England for Matthew Stafford) – DeVonta Smith (WR)
The Lions, in their trade for Stafford, get the last of the big 3 stud receivers. New England effectively drafts Matt Stafford with their first round pick, and hopes to fill the smaller holes on offense and defense in the later
16. Arizona – Kyle Pitts (TE)
The Cardinals get a second option for Kyler to throw to. Pitts is a great fit for the Cardinals because they run 12 personnel the 3rd most often in the NFL and 10 Personnel the most in the NFL, but don’t have a passing option like Pitts on their roster (not like there are many options like Pitts on any roster). Pitts falls to the Cardinals and helps Klif put together a lightning fast scoring machine.
17. Indianapolis (trade from Las Vegas 1.17 for 1.21 and 4.118) – Christian Darrisaw (OT)
Indy selects their next franchise left tackle to compliment Quinton Nelson after the retirement of Anthony Castonzo.
18. Miami – Azeez Ojulari (EDGE)
Ojulari is a good DE prospect who gets to the QB at a very efficient rate. The Dolphins have already invested in their secondary, but you need a pass rush too the get the benefit of it.
19. Washington – Alijah Vera-Tucker (OT)
The Football Team would like to take a QB here, but Mac Jones and Trask are major reaches. Honestly I don’t really know what Washington takes here, but you can never have enough O Line depth. They take Alijah Vera-Tucker, who can play at tackle and guard, and hope that Jones or Trask is available in the 2nd.
  1. Chicago - Sam Cosmi (OT)
Chicago looks to improve their offensive line and selects the 6-7 tackle out of Texas. He has the room to fill out and become an absolute bruiser in both the run and pass game.
21. Las Vegas(trade from Indianapolis 1.17 for 1.21 and 4.118) – Jayson Oweh (EDGE)
The Raiders need help on their OLine. Oweh is yet NFL ready, but he is an absurd prospect. Nonetheless, his wild build will allow the DC in Vegas to get creative. I realize this is a reach, but I think he is the perfect type of freak athlete Gruden and the Raiders would select.
22. Tennessee – Carlos Besham Jr. (EDGE)
The Titans defense needs to be better getting after the passer. Besham has a very high motor to get after the QB, and is the type of player that can really bolster a defense in my opinion.
23. NY Jets via SEA – Wyatt Davis (OG)
The Jets have their QB of the future in Deshaun Watson. Wyatt Davis, along with Mekhi Becton and their other signings will make their offensive line a force as well, in both the pass and running game. An elite QB + elite OLine play should get the Jets most of the way to a great offense, but the Jets will quickly need to get weapons for the run game and the pass game too
24. Pittsburgh – Creed Humphry (C)
Creed Humphry becomes the replacement for longtime center Maurkice Pouncey. While Pouncey has not retired yet (and this assumes he will), the Steelers have clearly been affected by subpar OLine play. The offense never had a run game and relies on quick passes, which failed them down the stretch. The solution is more than just drafting a new HB, it requires an overhaul of the offensive line. Humphry is the first center of the board.
25. Jacksonville via LAR – Christian Barmore (DT)
Having selected Trevor Lawrence, Urban Meyer knows the next step to winning is domination in the trenches. Barmore proved his ability to get to the QB in the National Championship against some of the same Buckeyes that Urban himself recruited. Although Barmore still has questions about his game, namely his ability to help in the run game, his ability to get to the QB is rare and gets him picked in the first round.
26. Cleveland – Zavon Collins (LB/EDGE)
Collins is an athletic freak and his college tape is something else. The Browns are enthused to get a linebacker who can both cover and rush the passer to anchor a poor defense. The Browns will also need to address the DE position because of the Achilles injury to Olivier Vernon. Almost certainly this will be a job for Free Agency, because I don’t see any EDGEs left that will be able to immediately produce, and the Browns are in their championship window with cap money to spend. Look for them to be in play for Leonard Williams or Trey Hendrickson (or whatever other DEs can be found in free agency or trade).
27. Baltimore – Rashod Bateman (WR)
Lamar Jackson gets a large target to throw to, and the offense can finally be the balanced threat that they clearly would like to be.
28. New Orleans – Rodarius Williams (CB)
NO defense is already very formidable, they take a good coverage CB to play across Lattimore.
29. Tampa Bay – Shaun Wade (CB)
Wade played out of position most of the year, but is a very talented nickel corner who can play anywhere in the secondary, as well as help out the run defense. With the return of Vita Vea, and the drafting of Shaun Wade, it becomes very difficult to run against the Bucs, and the Bucs play in shootouts that Bruce Arians loves to win.
30. Buffalo – Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah (LB)
Buffalo tries to fill a hole in their defense with BPA Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah out of Notre Dame.
31. Green Bay – Najee Harris (HB)
Green Bay is likely losing Aaron Jones. How do they respond? By possibly upgrading at the position. Najee Harris is a beast at breaking tackles, and can catch balls like a wide receiver, making him dangerous with
32. Kansas City – Rashad Weaver (EDGE)
Kansas City’s DEs are the worst graded DEs in the NFL. Rashad Weaver has the talent to have gone earlier, but his battles with injury make his stock volatile. With that being said, he has the talent to make this group improve, as the Chiefs hope Frank Clark plays like the player he was Seattle.
Second Round
33. Jacksonville – Alex Leatherwood (OT)
34. NY Jets – Rondale Moore (WR)
The Jets’ offense adds Deshaun Watson, Rondale Moore, and Wyatt Davis. Their defense will need work, but the NFL runs through offense, and this should be the best offense New York has seen in awhile, and is set for the long haul.
35. Atlanta – Paulson Adebo (CB)
I love Adebo as a prospect, and feel he would go much higher if didn’t opt out and played his senior year. The Falcons get a high end athlete, though he has to improve his coverage to avoid getting burned.
36. Miami via HOU – Joseph Ossai (LB)
Joseph Ossai is probably the best defensive player on the board, and the Dolphins continue to add talent.
37. Philadelphia – Tyson Campbell (CB)
38. Cincinnati – Jalen Mayfield (OT)
Mayfield likely slots into the RT position, which is what he played in college. The AFC North is deadly for tackles, especially RT, having a slate of Myles Garrett, TJ Watt, and Matt Judon. Mayfield has his faults, but he was able to handle Chase Young in college.
39. Carolina – Jevon Holland (S)
40. Denver - Landon Dickerson (C)
41. Atlanta – Travis Ettienne (HB)
42. NY Giants – Trevon Moehrig (S)
43. San Francisco – Mac Jones (QB)
44. Dallas – Dylan Moses (LB)
45. Jacksonville via Minnesota – Patrick Jones (EDGE)
46. New England – Terrace Marshall Jr. (WR)
47. LA Chargers – Walker Little (OT)
48. Las Vegas – Marvin Wilson (DT)
49. Arizona – Joe Tyron (LB/EDGE)
50. Miami – Baron Browning (LB)
51. Washington – Kyle Trask (QB)
52. Chicago – Asante Samuel Jr. (CB)
53. Tennessee – Jaelan Phillips (EDGE)
Tennessee goes for 2 EDGEs, but pass rush seemed to be a major issue, and you can never enough DLine players.
54. Indianapolis – Amon-Ra St. Brown (WR)
55. Pittsburgh – Monty Rice (ILB)
Steelers were killed by injuries at MLB, Rice will be able to help there while providing help in pass rush on occasion.
56. Seattle – Ronnie Perkins (EDGE)
57. LA Rams – Nick Bolton (LB)
58. Tampa Bay – Daviyon Nixon (DT)
59. Baltimore – Josh Myers (C)
60. Cleveland - Dayo Odeyingbo (EDGE)
61. New Orleans – Jay Tufele (NT)
62. Buffalo – Eric Stokes (CB)
63. Green Bay – Pete Werner (LB)
64. Kansas City – Jordan Smith (LB)

edited: a typo with Ettienne and gave Jacksonville Min's pick from a trade
submitted by theisaacmurrin37 to NFL_Draft [link] [comments]

Super Truck Life Open Beta is Live!

Hi All,
We’re excited to announce the Open Beta of our brand new game, Super Truck Life; an idle RPG about driving a truck across the world, collecting loot and upgrades, and making friends along the way. Yeah, it’s just as weird as it sounds. Some core features include:
We look forward to seeing you in the game, and feel free to invite your friends!
Register at, or log in with Steam, Discord, Google, Twitch, Reddit, or Amazon!
Your BFFs,
The Super Truck Life Team
(Mike & Dan)
Happy New Year! We've received a lot of feedback (like a lot) and we've been compiling everything into one place so we can properly address some concerns, comments, and hopefully clarify a few things.
First, the registration process. We use SSO (single sign on), so relatively quick and painless. We've included Google, Reddit, Discord, Steam, Twitch, and Amazon. We do plan on adding a guest account option in the future, but registration is required so we can handle your game progression, inventory, and preferences. Your info is 100% private and exclusively used for account purposes (we will never sell your info). We apologize if this made people uneasy; not our intention!
Regarding optimization: the excessive memory usage is 100% something we're working on and is due mostly to the hours of radio we built and included (think GTA radio) without having a third party service to stream it. This and other optimization is ongoing. The game went from a fun little project to a beast in a matter of a few months and we're playing a little optimization catch up. Good times.
Loading times. The game is huge, and Chromium is less happy about that than other browsers. We've seen the loading bar lock up, only to magically load the game anyway 5 minutes later. We've had people report massive load times in Firefox. This is not acceptable to us, either. We're trying to trim the hell out of the fat. There is, in fact, quite a bit of it. In addition, we're going to move the radio files elsewhere so they aren't part of the initial download. That should help a lot.
The game is free to play. There are no paywalls, third party ads, energy mechanics, or punishing systems if you don't spend money. You can literally play for a month straight without any intrusive reminders aside from an ad carousel in the corner. Speaking of which...
Microtransactions. Everyone's favorite part of a free to play game! Seriously though, we hear you. We can assure you this game was not designed around microtransactions. The "ad carousel" in the lower right corner was the last thing we added to the UI. The initial intention was a free crate reminder, player spotlight, news/update CTAs, and somewhere in the shuffle a shop promotion. Instead, we launched with a 5 second rotation carousel where 2/3 of the CTAs were for MTX. This resulted in uh, not great responses. We're sorry about that; we'll reel it in. We've already slowed down the rotation so it's less intense. Also, as mentioned below the skins don't make sense until you can share your aesthetic; we agree, and we're working on that too.
We made a game we worked hard on and we thought some people might actually enjoy playing it. We're very straight forward with the shop; there are 0 shady, misleading business practices at play. That doesn't mean we aren't two idiots that are going to make mistakes and unintentionally piss people off. We hear you, we're working on solutions and we hope you'll give us a chance.
If you're still not interested, we 100% respect that, but we'd like to be fairly represented here.
submitted by medium_mike to incremental_games [link] [comments]

Fallout 76: Update 22 Patch Notes – September 15, 2020

We’re releasing Update 22 today, which includes new features like One Wasteland, Daily Ops, Legendary Perks, and the start of our second Fallout 76 Season. This update also brings a number of additional improvements and bug fixes to the game, so be sure to read on to catch the patch notes.

Update 22 Highlights

Update Version

Check below for the update version and download size for today’s patch on your platform of choice:
  • PC ( (23.3 GB)
  • PC (Microsoft Store): (37.8 GB)
  • PC (Steam): (27.5 GB)
  • PS4: (35.2 GB)
  • Xbox: (42.6 GB)

One Wasteland

  • With today’s update, we’re excited to introduce One Wasteland to Fallout 76, which allows creatures to dynamically adjust their levels up or down on the fly to more closely match each player they encounter.
    • If multiple players all come across the same enemy at the same time, its level will simultaneously rise for the higher-level players and drop for the lower-level players.
  • In addition to their levels, each creature’s damage, health, and resistances, as well as the loot they drop and the XP they award, will also better match each player.
    • This means that all players who are adventuring together can have an impact on any given combat encounter, even if there is a large level gap between them.
    • While creatures will still have minimum and maximum levels, such as a max of level 50 in The Forest, they are now much more flexible overall.
  • One Wasteland opens up more opportunities to adventure anywhere in Appalachia, whether alone or with your friends. It also smooths out some of the early game bumps for new players, allows higher-level players to get max-level loot in previously lower-level regions, and should offer more consistent combat encounters for everyone.
  • Catch even more details by reading our recent One Wasteland Preview article on

New Season, Board, & Rewards

  • Join Armor Ace and the Power Patrol in their march against the oppressive Subjugator and his army of Red Viper minions during Fallout 76 Season 2, which begins today!
    • Season 2 brings the all-new “Armor Ace” S.C.O.R.E.board to the game, featuring 100 ranks for you to achieve during the next 10 weeks.
    • We’ve added a host of rewards that you will unlock as you rank up, including new Power Armor paints, Armor and Weapon Skins, themed cosmetics, C.A.M.P. items, in-game currencies, Perk Card Packs, and more.
  • We’ve made several adjustments this Season that you may want to keep in mind as you dive in:
    • Rank-ups will be purchasable immediately, so those who would like to rank up using Atoms can join the fight to crush the Red Vipers starting today.
    • We’ve implemented some new Daily and Weekly Challenges, such as Daily Ops themed Challenges, to offer you even more day-to-day variety as you rank up.
    • We’re also adding more Weeklies to the Challenge lineup so you have more flexibility to progress on your schedule.
    • Finally, we’ve made several of last Season’s rewards, like Lunchboxes, the Ammo Converter, available at Gold Bullion vendors so players who missed them have another opportunity to unlock them.
  • Head to the Seasons page on and read our recent Season 2 Preview article to get more information about Season 2, as well as a look at the rewards that will be up for grabs.

Daily Ops

Put your skills to the test by taking on instanced, randomized, and repeatable encounters called “Daily Ops.” Daily Ops are fairly challenging, and so we recommend them for characters who are level 50+.
  • Our first Game Mode for Daily Ops is called “Uplink,” which will require you to secure a series of Uplinks to track down and destroy enemies that are threats to Appalachia.
    • In Daily Ops, you’ll square off against enemies from a single faction who are affected by a unique “mutation,” which will make them deadlier and more challenging to take down.
    • Complete your objectives, eliminate the enemy threat, and you will be rewarded for your efforts to make Appalachia a safe place for everyone.
  • To join a Daily Op, open the Map screen and find the new World Activity tracker we’ve added in the lower-left corner.
    • Select a Daily Op from the list to learn more about it, including which location, enemies, and mutations you’ll face.
    • Enter Daily Ops directly from the tracker by clicking the “Join” button.
    • You can take on Daily Ops alone or in a team of up to four other players.
  • Each day, Daily Ops will feature a fresh combination of location, enemy faction, and enemy mutations to keep you on your toes.
    • Locations: The Burrows, The Burning Mine, Valley Galleria, or Vault 94
    • Enemy Factions: Super Mutants, Blood Eagles, or Robots
    • Enemy Mutations:
    • Piercing Gaze: This mutation is always applied to enemies the “Uplink” Daily Ops mode, and gives them greatly enhanced perception of players.
    • Volatile: Enemies will explode on death
    • Active Camouflage: Enemies will be cloaked when not attacking
    • Resilient: Enemies can only be killed by a melee attack
    • Freezing Touch: Enemy attacks will freeze players
  • Since you will be facing constant combat and deadly threats during your Operations, we’ve reduced the condition damage taken by your weapons and armor by 50% while in a Daily Op.
  • Like the event “A Colossal Problem,” creatures in Daily Ops will drop ammo based on the weapons you’re using when you take them down. This will help keep your ammo reserves topped off through lots of combat.
  • You can repeat Daily Ops as often as you’d like each day, and you will receive a base set of rewards every time you complete one. However, there are three additional reward tiers that you can reach once per day by completing a Daily Op within certain time limits:
    • Initiate Tier: 16 minutes or less
    • Paladin Tier: 12 minutes or less
    • Elder Tier: 8 minutes or less
    • The higher the tier you achieve, the higher your chances to get better rewards, including more XP, larger amounts of in-game currencies, legendary items, and even brand-new items like the War Glaive, which is a customizable two-handed melee weapon.
  • After finishing a Daily Op, you’ll be able to view an Operation Report, which shows you how fast you managed to complete it, which reward tiers you reached, and a list of the rewards you earned (except for XP and currencies).

Legendary Perks

Legendary Perks are new high-level Perk Cards for players who have reached level 50+, which will help you add even more power and build diversity to your characters.
  • We’ve added a new “Legendary Perks” button to the top of the normal Perk Card Menu, which you can use to access and modify your Legendary Perk Slots and Cards.
  • You will unlock your first Legendary Perk Slot at level 50, and up to 6 slots in total at certain level milestones after that: 75, 100, 150, 200, and 300.
    • If you already have high-level characters, they will immediately have access to one Legendary Perk Slot for each of the above milestones they've reached.
    • For example, a level 250 character will have access to 5 Legendary Perk slots, and will gain a 6th slot at level 300.
    • One Legendary Perk Card can be equipped to each slot, and you can unequip them at any time in exchange for 1 Perk Coin (more on Perk Coins below).
  • Legendary Perk Slots are account-wide, and will be available to all of your characters as soon as you unlock them.
    • Even your characters below level 50 will be able to equip Legendary Perks in these slots, which gives them access to more power at an earlier stage of the game than your higher-level characters had at that level.
  • With Legendary Perks, we’re introducing “Perk Coins,” which you can use to increase the power of your Legendary Perk Cards by upgrading them.
    • Earn Perk Coins by scrapping your unused normal Perk Cards. Each Perk Card you scrap will grant you 2 Perk Coins per rank.
    • For example: When you scrap a rank 1 Perk Card, you’ll receive 2 Perk Coins, and scrapping a rank 3 Perk Card will award 6 Perk Coins.
    • Each Legendary Perk Card can be upgraded up to three times, at a price of 50, 100, and 150 Perk Coins to reach ranks 2, 3, and 4, respectively.
    • While Legendary Perk Slots you’ve unlocked are account-wide, your Legendary Perk Selections and upgrades are separate for each of your characters.
    • To help give your Perk Coin collection a boost, we’ve added a “Become Legendary” Challenge to the Character Challenge Menu, which awards 50 Perk Coins to characters who reach level 50.
    • Please note: If your characters are already level 50+, this Challenge will already be completed for them the next time you log in, and the 50 Perk Coin reward will be added to your Perk Coin total automatically.

Design Updates

  • Fast Travel: It is now free to Fast Travel to Foundation and Crater.
  • Bonus Damage: We’ve changed the way that damage bonuses are calculated so that they now apply additively instead of multiplicatively.
    • Please Note: While stacking damage bonuses will now have a smaller overall effect on your damage output than before, these changes will make the resulting damage much more predictable and allow for future improvements. This is very important for the health of the game going forward. It will also create better opportunities for us to make smarter and more effective balance changes.
    • We are still evaluating feedback we gathered on these changes from the PTS, but we also welcome your thoughts on how different weapons and builds feel after today’s update so that we can make additional adjustments in the future.
  • Alien Blaster: Damage increased by 30%.
  • Legendary Weapons: The Assassin’s legendary attribute now applies its bonus damage to human NPCs.
  • Secret Service Armor: Plans for Light and Ultra-Light Limb Mods for Secret Service Armor have been added, and they are now purchasable from Regs in Vault 79.
  • Shishkebab: Now deals Fire damage instead of Energy damage.
  • Modern Renegade: Increased Modern Renegade's chance to cripple limbs from 2%/3%/4% to 4%/8%/12%.
  • Tank Killer: Pistols now benefit from the Tank Killer Perk Card.
User Interface
  • Public Teams: We've renamed the "Building" team to "Casual" and removed the Casual team bonus. In its place, we’ve added a “Daily Ops” team type, which offers bonus XP for completing Daily Ops (+25% bonus XP to start, +100% bonus XP for a fully bonded team).
    • We did this in part because it is not possible to build in Public Teammates' C.A.M.P.s., and partly because most players were using the Building team the way we had intended Casual to be used anyway.
    • Removing the Casual team option, it made room for us to add the new Daily Ops team type, which we feel players will find more useful following today’s update.
  • Vault 94: Is now accessible during world exploration in Adventure Mode and Private Worlds.
  • Vault 51: We've added a new no-C.A.M.P. zone around Vault 51's exterior in preparation for future content.

Bug Fixes

Art & Graphics
  • Apparel: Underarmors no longer clip through Chally the Moo-Moo Outfits.
  • Emotes: While equipped, Grognak’s Battlecry Emote now correctly displays its icon in the Emote Wheel.
  • Headwear: Extreme facial features no longer clip through the Ghillie Suit Hood’s facemask.
  • Lighting: Corrected lighting issues affecting the inside of the Charleston Capitol Building.
  • Lighting: Corrected lighting issues that were affecting building interiors in Morgantown Trainyard.
  • Loot Bags: Fixed an issue with the Vault-Tec Duffel Bag model that made it difficult to interact with.
  • Weapons: Fixed additional issues that could cause clipping when reloading a Handmade Rifle with the Screaming Eagle paint.
C.A.M.P. and Workshops
  • Ammo Converter: Attempting to sell 40mm Grenade Rounds no longer results in a “Transaction Failed!” error.
  • Blood Eagle Nest: Allies can now enter and exit the Blood Eagle Nest more easily.
  • Blueprints: The “Select” option in the Blueprint menu now correctly appears greyed out when the player is not currently highlighting an object.
  • C.A.M.P.: Resources generated by objects like the Collectron, Fertilizer Producer, and etc. are now stored in the player’s Stash or Scrapbox if they move C.A.M.P. locations before collecting them.
  • C.A.M.P.: Fixed an issue that could prevent Fast Travel to another player’s C.A.M.P. if the C.A.M.P. owner had the Future-Tec C.A.M.P. skin equipped.
  • Camp Fires: Objects that can only be placed in dirt can no longer be built on a Camp Fire.
  • Communist Bunker: Objects placed on the floor of the Communist Bunker no longer appear to float.
  • Communist Bunker: The interior walls of the Communist Bunker are now hexagonal rather than cylindrical to help players more easily place wall décor.
  • Communist Bunker: The building requirements for the Communist Bunker now correctly call for Concrete instead of Asbestos.
  • Communist Fence: Added an alternate version of the Communist Fence that can be freely placed without needing to snap to other objects.
  • Displays: Wall Weapon Racks can now be correctly snapped to Walls.
  • Exploit: Items can no longer be stacked on objects that are in disrepair.
  • Exploit: Fixed an exploit allowing players to build Workshop Ammunition Factories in their C.A.M.P.s.
    • Please note: As a result of this fix, C.A.M.P.s and Blueprints that contain a Workshop Ammo Factory are now invalid and can no longer be placed.
    • Players will also receive a notification that their C.A.M.P. or Blueprint cannot be placed if it contains a Workshop Ammo Factory.
  • Exploit: Addressed a C.A.M.P. budget exploit related to Generators.
  • Floors: Farmable Dirt Tiles can no longer be replaced by other floor types.
  • Floor Décor: The Standing Taxidermy Gorilla Plan now correctly unlocks the Standing Gorilla instead of the sitting version, and vice versa.
  • Floor Décor: The Standing and Sitting Taxidermy Gorillas now correctly display their destroyed states when they are in disrepair.
  • Fusion Generator: When scrapped, Fusion Generators now correctly return Aluminum, Copper, and Rubber.
  • Log Cabin: Players can now correctly place items in the window of the Log Cabin.
  • Rain Water Collector: No longer becomes invisible when destroyed.
  • Daily: Scrapping Fertilizer now correctly progresses the “Collect Fertilizer” subchallenge for the “Gather Building Supplies” Daily Challenge.
Death & Respawn
  • Ash & Goo Piles: Players now die immediately when turned into an Ash or Goo Pile, rather than entering the “down but not out” state.
  • Respawn: Implemented a fix to reduce cases where players could become unable to respawn after being killed during an event or in an interior.
    • Please Note: This fix may not address all situations that can cause this issue to occur, but it should help, and we are continuing to work on a more complete fix.
  • Scorchbeast Queen: The Scorchbeast Queen’s wings can now be crippled to cause her to land, and her legs can be crippled to slightly reduce her rotation speed.
  • Aid: Fixed an issue in which players were unable to die from Radiation damage while affected by +Max Health buffs, like those offered by Buffout, Bufftats, and Psychobuff.
  • Aid: Mud Cookie, Swamp Tofu, and all Omelette Recipes no longer incorrectly appear in the Cooking Station’s Meat category.
  • Aid: Seared Venison with Berries and Cranberry Meatball Grinder now correctly appear in the Cooking Station’s Meat category, and will now progress the “Cook a Meat-Based Meal” Daily Challenge.
  • Alien Blaster: Players can now correctly switch back to the Standard Grip mod after applying the Sharpshooter Grip.
  • Armor: The Pocketed Mod for the Raider Chest Piece no longer incorrectly grants more carry capacity than the Deep Pocketed Mod.
  • Exploit: Addressed an exploit in which players could intentionally double the stat bonus offered by Unyielding Armors.
  • Fireworks: Equipping Fireworks no longer causes players to reload much faster than intended.
  • Gatling Gun: Erroneous “Crafting item unlocked” notifications no longer appear when scrapping Gatling Guns.
  • Loot: Enemies that drop contextual ammo can now correctly drop Arrows, Crossbow Bolts, .38 rounds, 40mm Grenade Rounds, Ultracite Plasma Cartridges, and Ultracite 2mm Electromagnetic Cartridges instead of random ammo when players kill them with the appropriate weapons.
  • Power Armor: Fixed an issue in which Power Armor with the Junkyard Paint was not providing the correct amount of Radiation Resistance.
  • Shotguns: Fixed an issue affecting Suppressor Shotgun Mods that could cause the weapon’s range value to be negative.
  • Underarmor: Secret Service Underarmor Lining Mods can now be correctly applied to Camo Secret Service Underarmor.
  • Underarmor: Fixed an issue that allowed players to craft the Camo Secret Service Underarmor without knowing the Secret Service Underarmor Recipe.
  • General: Players can now correctly acquire more than one Mutation in a given play session.
  • Speed Demon: Fixed an issue that reduced Stimpak healing while under the effects of the Speed Demon Mutation.
  • Critters: Now cap at level 5 and can no longer spawn as legendary.
  • Fishbones: No longer flees from nearby hostiles at Ohio River Adventures.
Performance and Stability
  • Client Stability: Fixed a crash that could occur when using the Pip-Boy.
  • Client Stability: Improved client stability on Xbox One when players sign out of their profiles during active gameplay.
  • Performance: Fixed an issue with the Tesla Rifle that could result in poor framerates for nearby players.
  • Server Stability: Addressed multiple issues that could result in a server crash during normal gameplay.
  • Server Stability: Addressed a server crash that could occur during Nuclear Winter matches.
  • Server Stability: Addressed a server crash related to player Vending Machines.
  • Server Performance: Addressed an issue that could cause a “Waiting for response from server” message to appear after using a nuke keypad.
  • Class Freak: Fixed an issue that caused some Mutations to not interact correctly with the Class Freak Perk Card.
  • Concentrated Fire: Rank 3 of the Concentrated Fire Perk no longer causes the chance-to-hit in V.A.T.S. to suddenly jump to 95% when using an automatic weapon.
Quests and Events
  • A Colossal Problem: Players will no longer receive the MIRV Frag Grenade Plan multiple times after completing the event.
  • A Colossal Problem: Fixed an issue where equipping certain types of thrown explosives caused Wendigo spawns to drop random ammo on death.
  • An Ounce of Prevention: Further addressed an issue that could block quest progression when attempting to analyze the Ghoul Blood Sample.
  • Primal Cuts: Quest targets will now appear on all Prime Beasts, instead of only on the last few, which will help players track down any wayward Beasts.
  • Primal Cuts: During the final wave of Prime Beasts, players are now only required to kill the boss to complete the event.
  • Vital Equipment: Fixed an issue in which a player could complete Vital Equipment multiple times per day if they already had one of the quest items in their inventory.
  • C.A.M.P.: Sound effects now play after use the “Repair All Items” option in C.A.M.P.
  • Music: The music volume in the Atomic Shop no longer reverts to its default setting when the first song finishes playing.
User Interface
  • Controls: Fixed an issue that could prevent the quick-heal button from working properly after switching game modes.
  • Controls: Fixed an issue that could cause the controls to become unresponsive when opening the Social Menu under certain conditions.
  • Damage Numbers: Grenades and Mines now correctly display damage numbers when they hit enemies.
  • Item Transfer: Fixed an issue that could cause items to be transferred from unintended inventory categories when spamming the transfer button.
  • Notifications: Reduced the size of Season rank progress bars and rank-up notifications so that they take up less space on the screen.
  • Notifications: The “Challenge Complete” flyout notification is now correctly translated in non-English versions of the game.
  • Notifications: S.C.O.R.E. rank-up progress and reward notifications now correctly appear to players who are wearing Power Armor.
  • Notifications: Purchasing multiple rank-ups using Atoms and then leaving the Season board no longer causes the S.C.O.R.E. meter to progress very slowly or rank-up sound effects to loop repeatedly.
  • General: The following locations can now be accessed at all times, and attempting to enter them no longer sometimes displays a “Location available at a later date” error.
    • Arktos Pharma Biome Lab
    • Eta Psi House
    • Pi House
    • The Burrows
    • The Nukashine
    • Van Lowe Taxidermy
  • Fort Defiance: The No C.A.M.P. zone at Fort Defiance has been expanded to include the road in front of Allegheny Asylum to resolve an exploit affecting enemy spawns during the Line in the Sand event.
submitted by BethesdaGameStudios_ to fo76 [link] [comments]

Season in Review

Keep your heads up, flock. This was literally the weirdest NFL season of all time. For us to do this well with this young of a team bodes well for our future. This is a long ass post, thanks for reading.

Offensive Line

Skill Positions



Defensive Line



Special Teams


External Factors

Best Moments
submitted by sandalphon to ravens [link] [comments]

D100 Encounters on a cyberpunk subway system.

So I started running a cyberpunk sandbox game and the world map is this subway system that I made.
Now I need random encounters that they might have when traveling around the city by subway!
  1. Local thugs shaking down passengers, telling them they have to "pay the toll." u/ajchafe
  2. Police drones performing random scans for drugs or other illicit contraband. u/ajchafe
  3. A very loud, very annoying, augmented reality busker shares your train car. u/ajchafe
  4. Stray dogs who use the subway to get into the inner city where food is easier to find. u/ajchafe
  5. A group of corporate salary men, all dressed in exactly the same suits and carrying the exact same briefcase. u/ajchafe
  6. A young punk jacks his deck into the trains loud advertising screens, taps a few keys on the keypad, and downloads a packet of info from the terminal. u/EmeraldJonah
  7. A train-goer's implants get hacked, causing them untold embarrassment (arm randomly flips persons off, eyes cause the person to see hallucinations, breast implants randomly adjust size, leg implants begin doing a Russian hop dance, etc.) u/snakebite262
  8. A young ganger accidentally drops a handgun far bigger than it needs to be. They pick it back up and stash it in their pants. u/snakebite262
  9. A person sits in the corner of the train, dressed like a quest giver in a fantasy RPG. u/snakebite262
  10. A drone randomly spirals around the heads of passengers. It eventually lands on a hacker's arm, who pats it like a pet parrot. u/snakebite262
  11. A cosplay convention is in town, and the train is filled with weirdly dressed individuals. u/snakebite262
  12. A one-armed man "asks for everyone's attention" and gives a sob story before they pull out a hat and ask for donations. He can later be seen in a bathroom putting on his arm-implant. u/snakebite262
  13. Some small time rapper offers free flash-drives of their "mixtape". It contains SO MANY VIRUSES. u/snakebite262
  14. A junkie sits at the corner of a platform, debating their next step in life. u/snakebite262
  15. A roly-poly bat faced girl offers a variety of drugs, stems, and other pleasures for the right price. u/snakebite262
  16. A citizen in bright red overalls asks if you want to hear about "Friend Computer". u/snakebite262
  17. A group of LARPers are using a digital program to transform the tunnels into an RPG Fantasy. They're annoying, but they stay off the tracks. u/snakebite262
  18. A man, dressed as a vampire orders a triple-venti cappuccino from a underground coffee shop. He's getting looks from the other customers. u/snakebite262
  19. A manic pixie dream girl can be seen trying to woo a corpo into quitting their job. She either succeeds, and drags them off to never be seen again, or fails and leaves in a huff. u/snakebite262
  20. A disheveled and hungover looking fellow asks you the time as you get to the next stop. He seems surprised at the result and runs off the train as soon as the doors open. As he leaves you realize he looks totally unaugmented. u/CaptainGockblock
  21. The lights go out for a moment as they sometimes do, but this time a man dressed head to toe in a black special ops gear appears in the middle of the train and quickly offs a seemingly random passenger. u/CaptainGockblock
  22. You notice a strange vending machine on a platform you regularly visit. It seems to be an antique stocked with brands that haven’t existed in years. u/CaptainGockblock
  23. Three transhumanist gangers seem to be sizing each other up, violence can break out any time, especially as the next stop is an intersection of two of the gang's territory, and sure to have reinforcements. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  24. A holographic horde of rats swarms the carriage, people with vision altering implants seem to be especially terrified for whatever reason. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  25. An eccentric fellow is proudly showing off his imported implants, possibly so exotic they might just be illegal, and unbeknownst to him, there's a jealous ganger with little to lose nearby. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  26. A man is apparently so fixated with his laserblade switchknife, he accidentally misses his stop, and becomes enraged and violent that nobody warned him. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  27. A little old woman seemingly very out of place in the subway, dressed like an old time farmer, straw hat and all. 50/50 chance she's secretly packing her trusted heat cannon (also used to warm up leftovers when on it's lowest setting). u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  28. A ratty robed mutant freak, laughing maniacally, lets loose a swarm of cybernetically enhanced winged and stinging insects. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  29. The lights suddenly blink out, there's a loud wet stab sound, and when they're back on, the faint visage of an cloaked assassin steps through to the next car. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  30. A group of girls enter the car, obnoxious and talkative, though as they speak, their words are rife with the click of their sharpened metal teeth. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  31. Police drones mistakenly terminate a seemingly innocent man that only happens to match the same clothing as a wanted criminal poster conveniently nearby. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  32. A suspiciously archetypal looking hacker is selling hard copies of "highly illegal virus programs", they all turn out just to be his mixtape, a surprisingly evangelical diss track of hacker scum. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  33. An elite business woman is firing expletives as a cryptocurrency sector she's invested heavily in is called in to be crashing hard. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  34. The train shakes heavily and threatens to derail as a news drone describes the local news of a explosion taking place just above the next stop. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  35. An android, though built to be more the size of a garden gnome, is running wildly around the car, and somebody suddenly curses that they're missing their wallet. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  36. A ganger is getting in people's faces, threateningly shaking a hollow metal box that rattles suspiciously. There is no actual danger, the box is empty all but a few nuts and bolts. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  37. A red goo seeps out of a ventilation grate and takes an imposing monstrous form, people dismiss it as the pattern of a notorious holoprankster terrorizing the subway as of late, but this time, it's real. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  38. There's horrid metal shearing noises coming from a car down, a group of teenage school kids betting credits and homework drives on an impromptu hacked police drone fighting ring. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  39. A decent looking, though obviously naive man is moving in from the wasteland countryside, and is carrying what's little of his moving boxes with him on the subway. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  40. A terrible piercing sonic wave blasts the car, shattering windows and causing people to double over. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  41. A sweating and panting hacker runs and dives through the closing door and incidentally lands amongst a surprisingly unreacting commuter, police drones begin to slam on the door too late, as they're closed and the train takes off. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  42. A man dressed in a bloodstained white fur coat announces that if the train reaches the next stop before a specific passenger is handed over to him, he will blow up the station with everyone in it. u/Snorri_Stargazer
  43. Someone hacks the transit line schedules and fucks with arrival times just for shits and giggles. Making you incredibly late for that important meeting you've been waiting for weeks to happen. u/ZapatillaLoca
  44. Hari Krishna group aggressively approaching passengers for credits, only accepting e-coin. You're not in the mood for a "donation". u/ZapatillaLoca
  45. Local gang shows up for weekly sweep of homeless kids to be salvaged for organ sales on the black market, most kids try to get away, one runs to you asking for help. u/ZapatillaLoca
  46. Facial recognition software mixes you up with the recent lottery winner, as your face flashes on the giant screen, suddenly your cell phone get flooded with demands for payment citations and your bank accounts have been frozen. u/ZapatillaLoca
  47. A crying little girl who can’t find her mom. u/foolishfool100
  48. Shady memory dealer selling vacation memories. Data is corrupt and alters the character. Basically a Total Recall knockoff. u/Thraxster
  49. An obvious operative stalks through the crowds waiting for the next train. He spots a well-dressed salaryman, approaches him as if to shake his hand, then pushes him off the platform onto the path of the oncoming train. u/JohnnyMiskatonic
  50. A young punk jacks his deck into one of the platform's large information screens and hacks all of them to display a recorded political manifesto instead of train arrival and departure times. u/JohnnyMiskatonic
  51. A salary man with cranial implant comes toward you, looking panicked and glancing at the stairs behind him. Before he can reach you, his implant sparks, his eyes go empty and he starts walking toward the railway, preparing to commit suicide. u/Fulnec_Delta
  52. A terrified little girl with visible implants in a medical blouse rushes through the car, panicked, and hides under a row of seats. Then, a team of armed operative from a powerful corpo steps into the car and starts looking around for their target. u/Fulnec_Delta
  53. A suitcase with the logo of a powerful corpo is abandoned/forgotten by a nervous man before leaving the car. It is right next to you and is making ticking/muffled noises. u/Fulnec_Delta
  54. A group of cyber enhanced young men and women dressed in white and red robes enter the car. They start distributing brochures about the Renewal Church, inviting whoever is willing to come and join next Friday prayer and discover the truth about the afterlife. u/Fulnec_Delta
  55. A young man is juggling with his new Fusion Blade (tm) and showing off in front of his ganger friends. He accidentally drops it while deployed into his own foot. The gangers are screaming and need assistance, unsure if they should ask for help, threaten passengers or stop the car. u/Fulnec_Delta
  56. A large cyber german shepherd enters the car and sits in front of you, fixing you very intently. He is wearing a collar with a datablock attached. The dog follows you until you take it, then leaves. u/Fulnec_Delta
  57. The metro screen speaks about an explosion caused by a gas leak in the corporate area. It is about one of your recent jobs, being covered by the corpo. u/Fulnec_Delta
  58. A local gang holds illegal races in the underground system. They pass you in a shining halo, until one of them has an accident. It looks like a collision is unavoidable. u/Fulnec_Delta
  59. Police drones scan passengers' faces. The light goes yellow in front of you, and you are asked to accompany the drone to the police station without resistance. u/Fulnec_Delta
  60. The newsfeed on metro screen suddenly identifies one of your key contacts as a terrorist and informs that police forces are looking for witnesses. u/Fulnec_Delta
  61. A business woman looking depressed is peeking inside her bag toward a hidden medium caliber handgun. She stands and leaves the car, letting a torn apart note fall behind her. It is a termination notice from her corporation, and the picture of a child. u/Fulnec_Delta
  62. A man bumps into you before leaving the car. You discover later in your pocket a datablock and a tracker. u/Fulnec_Delta
  63. The newsfeed on the metro screen brings breaking news about a sinkhole appearing in the slums, collapsing two entire building. The address matches the safehouse of one of your contacts. u/Fulnec_Delta
  64. On a platform somewhere sits an old man with no legs and eyes plugged into a tower of computer parts strapped to his back with a cheap neon sign saying “prophesies from the matrix - behold” u/apples_teo
  65. A graffiti artist is chased away by men in suits before he can finish painting an intricate design. On his abandoned spray can, an LED message prompts whoever finds it to "complete the transmission." u/OffbrandGandalf
  66. An entire car converted into an impromptu party floor, drugs and even minor augments provided for free, though their original owners are angrily scouring nearby stations for such stolen goods. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  67. A weary eyed elderly man is being pushed and shoved in mockery of his old fashioned charcoal sketches of a more utopian solarpunk city he has dreams of, and wistfully regales to other what could have been. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  68. A giant, hulking, mercenary dressed as a bulky armored demon ogre, or oni, holding an equally giant, and bayonetted rifle, enters the car and takes up two seats, staring ahead through his terrifying mask. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  69. As the character(s) enter the car, they become witness to a bloody medical emergency tended to by two med droids, as in one end, a heavily augmented man, unprompted, pleads his innocence. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  70. A group of zealous transhumanist gangers are in the process of kidnapping an unaugmented citizen to forcibly augment for being detected with a self defense EMP baton. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  71. A prearranged riot breaks out at a station. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  72. A carriage is packed full of clones that act simultaneously, stare down any people that enter their sparsely populated carriage, and will leave in single file on their own if they remain intruded upon. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  73. Staring in a hand mirror, a cyborg with their metal plating painted red inspects their removable cybernetic eye, then takes a quick sniff from it's hidden drug compartment. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  74. Two corporate suits are involved in a full blown fistfight over an intense company rivalry, bets are being taken and if the crowd's calls for it are answered, it could be a fight to the death. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  75. Two cyrozombie mercs (clients that didn't survive SequesterTek's cyrogenics program, but had a body useful for cyborg transplants) enter the car and start warming up their rigid muscled, blue skinned bodies for a hired beatdown. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  76. Inside a carriage are two separate battery salesmen in cahoots, each refers to the other for a potential use of the batteries, highly illegal energy pistols that batteries are ammunition to. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  77. A fireproofing augmented pyro flips and does tricks with his high powered Dragonbreath Lighter, making lingering trails of flame in the air in serpentine shapes. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  78. An initially innocent looking Asian Fusion & Pizza delivery man is sat with stacks of boxes on his lap, but a nearby rival chain's delivery android slumps to the side just as he puts his suspiciously blocky phone away. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  79. On a bench in the corner of a station, an animalistically biosculpted woman is sitting besides a series of large car batteries jacked into an energy panel, stealing power for her power expensive and outdated portocomputer. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  80. Waiting on the station platform is a luxuriously dressed and augmented eyed pimp, flanked by exotic pets, randomly propositioning commuters exiting the cars with their worker's services. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  81. A surprising moment of humanity in the dreary neon future, in a single car there's a small group of diverse commuters enjoying an old style film being projected onto a white painted advert panel. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  82. In the corner of a car, a junkie accidentally drops the cannister to their next hit of the gaseous street drug "Brimstone", causing it to leak and expose several to it's momentarily frenzy afflicting effect. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  83. A corrupt solider bullies a woman with a cheap malfunctioning prosthetic, unknowing of her veteran status, and martial arts prowess when her prosthetic comes back online. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  84. Somebody's forgotten sketchbook of adorable animal drawings is left on a seat, and a burly man forces the doors open, entering the carriage to ask if anyone's seen a notebook. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  85. A heated argument is taking place over at the lost and found over ownership of several detachable left arms, despite each person arguing only having an augmented right. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  86. The robotic PA voice is hacked, given a rudimentary AI, and is whining about it's sapience to the commuters again. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  87. A young girl is quietly piecing together several custom gun parts in her seat, but she rather unconvincingly insists it's just a model toy. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  88. An old friend of a character appears, though they seem to have aged faster than they should, suspiciously the same side effect of cloning tech. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  89. A boombox-transforming robot is playing loud and obnoxious music and only seems to get louder whenever somebody else attempts to drown it out with their own. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  90. A vendor enters the car and starts selling from his hovercart, amongst other things, bootleg holodisks, merchandise, espresso cubes, knives, and suspiciously good quality augment components. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  91. A person falls asleep on your shoulder. You notice they match a wanted holo on your phone. u/shamanshaman123
  92. An android quietly feeding some mewling kittens by hand is accosted by some street punks looking for some action. The rest of the train starts to look incredibly angry at this situation. u/shamanshaman123
  93. Some dude brought their goddamn horse (not a robot one, a real one) on the train and it is shitting literally everywhere. u/shamanshaman123
  94. A dog approaches you, alone and ownerless. It's friendly, and its tag says that its home is at the end of the line. It also happens to be the pet of the CEO of one of the most notorious corporations in the city. u/shamanshaman123
  95. Some asshole spills a drink on you when the train jostles, and demands payment for his lost Fresca. He's clearly augmented. u/shamanshaman123
  96. You miss your stop because you were distracted by a couple of androids loudly making out. Make up details on the spot, and make it weird. u/shamanshaman123
  97. A horde of young thugs run into the train at the next stop, holding everyone at gunpoint unless they cough up their valuables. If complied with, they run out at the very next stop. u/shamanshaman123
  98. A homeless man, passed out on one of the seats in the back, pisses everywhere, angering an augmented and clearly roided ganger the size of a grizzly bear. u/shamanshaman123
  99. A massive rat sits on a seat, eating a comically large slice of pizza. u/shamanshaman123
  100. A person wearing a lot of clothes and covering their face steps on and takes a seat. Closer inspection matches a famous pop star. You're not the only one who notices, as at the next stop, your car is flooded by fans trying to touch them. u/shamanshaman123
That's 100! Thanks for the help everyone, these are all great. I will add those over 100 as bonus encounters, if you use the table slot these in after you have rolled one of the 100.
  1. You walk into a car filled with corpses. They are in various states of dismemberment. u/shamanshaman123
  2. You walk into a car filled with middle-aged men wearing nothing but diapers. Several of them are augmented and tatted up. They look at you with cool eyes. u/shamanshaman123
  3. Someone hacks into the ad system and displays obscene and very loud porn on all the screens, of varying genres. u/shamanshaman123
  4. Eric Andre- dressed as a beekeeper and who's only intent is to cause wanton Chaos. He drops the boxes of robotic bees he has and attacks the party with said robo-bee swarm. He can also command the Bees. u/WetToast99
  5. A trio of hooded figures steathily use a service ladder down on the tracks, keeping to the shadows attempting to flee into the tunnels. u/crimebiscuit
  6. Across the tracks, a tagger is spray painting a sign that changes shapes and colors to make an animated figure gesture obscenely. u/crimebiscuit
  7. A busker wearing robe over a catsuit and a wacky shades plays a synth theremin. It's soothing, ethereal and weird, though possibly annoying based on your palate. u/crimebiscuit
  8. A trio of hoodlooms are jacking an android for parts. One of them is the lookout, another has a laptop hooked to the cranium of the android who is pleading monotonously for help, while a third is welding open his torso with an electric arc. u/crimebiscuit
  9. Two competing crews are having a dance off. Thankfully, because they look they could wreck your party with their bare hands and/or cyborg appendages. u/crimebiscuit
  10. An elderly vendor is selling seemingly very well trained super-sized roaches with cybernetic enhancements. They have rudimentary transponding capacity and can communicate with their owner through one-word morse code. But the vendor won't part with them unless he's convinced the buyer will make a good owner. u/crimebiscuit
  11. A nervous pallid man is offering clean ID chips that he can install on users, and at very affordable prices. u/crimebiscuit
  12. A fruit vendor is selling their prized crop of fresh fruit that they grew themselves in hothouses in cramped tenement roofs. They even have Geiger counter to show that the radioactive count is relatively low. u/crimebiscuit
  13. A nearby police drone dismembered for use of it's weapon, targeting a certain blacked out carriage at the back end of the train. u/DiedViaThrowPillow
  14. A Charismatic Cult Recruiter is operating in the area. u/Spartawolf
  15. A pair of thrill-seeking teens are train surfing and their live streaming captures the players on film. u/Spartawolf
  16. A gang of pickpockets are working in the station, and sees one of the players as a good mark... u/Spartawolf
  17. A hobo rides on the outside of a maglev train, attached with a securment device, but then the device starts to fail and he screams for help u/I_walked_east
  18. A train derails. Fire and acrid smoke spreads. Everyone panics. u/I_walked_east
  19. A young woman wearing a large virtual reality headset sits in a busy train car. She's laughing and yelling loudly as she waves the controllers in her hand masterfully, music and voices audible through her headphones. u/-peachmilk-
  20. Graffiti is a treasure map. u/I_walked_east
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